Outset es una plataforma de investigación moderada por IA que permite a investigadores y constructores realizar entrevistas de usuario en tiempo real de voz a voz. Utiliza la última tecnología LLM para simular una experiencia de entrevista real.
Para usar Outset, necesitas subir una guía de discusión y personalizar a tu entrevistador de IA. Luego, puedes compartir el enlace de la entrevista con los participantes y observar cómo el entrevistador de IA se involucra en un diálogo enriquecedor y recopila información profunda.
Más contacto, visite la página de contacto(https://outset.ai/contact)
Outset Nombre de la empresa: Parnassus Labs, Inc. .
Más información sobre Outset, visite la página acerca de nosotros(https://outset.ai/) .
Outset Enlace de inicio de sesión: https://outset.ai/login
Enlace de Linkedin de Outset: https://www.linkedin.com/company/89983910/
Enlace de Twitter de Outset: https://twitter.com/OutsetAI
Escucha en redes sociales
The Complete AI Toolkit for Business in 2024
In this video, I've curated a game-changing list of AI tools that'll transform the way you launch and run your business in 2024. From AI employees on Slack to mind-blowing lead generation tools and sales call assistants, each tool mentioned has been personally tested for real-life effectiveness. 🤝 Need a custom AI solution for your business? Get in touch: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSc7byJj7cPw2VHuxfk0emptt9xSgJ1Lz1MevdyPdFwj7AL6tw/viewform?usp=sf_link 🤝 Support the channel: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/bosar/membership ▶️ AI Tools to Start a Business (Branding) - https://youtu.be/E7lwp20_lk0 ▶️ Integrate Custom GPTs into Your Website, WhatsApp, Messenger & Telegram (No Code) - https://youtu.be/CmFuiiuLpk4 ▶️ How to Generate Leads with ChatGPT - https://youtu.be/-9T-1ceE6PE ▶️ Build a Customer Support Chatbot - https://youtu.be/SNwqkdhv1HQ Artisan onboarding webinar - https://youtu.be/rsfb-Licl2I 0:00 - Intro Branding 0:48 - Tools for branding Lead generation 1:22 - AI employee (SDR) 2:47 - LinkedIn automation 5:34 - Google maps scraping 7:12 - AI leadgen chatbot 7:43 - Custom AI solutions Sales 8:35 - Email outreach 9:59 - AI cold calling 11:10 - AI notetaker Customer support 12:16 - Customer support chatbots 13:38 - AI customer surveys 🛠️👨💻Tools mentioned in the video: https://artisan.co/ https://www.linkedhelper.com/ https://outscraper.com/ https://snov.io/ https://www.terrakotta.ai/ https://fireflies.ai/ https://outset.ai/ Disclaimer: Not all the tools in this video use AI tech, but I've thrown in some non-AI gems because they still bring value to the table. Enjoy the mix! 🛠️✨ #aitools
AI & UX research: Outset.ai demo
Join Andrea in a demo and conversation with Outset's CEO & co-founder Aaron Cannon as they explore the intersection of AI & UX research. 0:00 Intro 0:53 Description of Outset.ai 1:18 Role of AI in Outset 2:38 Place in the research process 3:36 Respondent AI video interview experience 6:48 Screeners and informed consent 7:38 Programming the AI interview 15:18 What is Outset's superpower? 16:51 Reporting 26:27 Recruiting options 29:03 Iterating on a study with AI & synthetic users 32:32 When is Outset not the right fit? 34:20 AI models 36:42 Handling large amounts of data 38:46 Data ownership and training AI 39:41 How do I get access to Outset? 40:14 What's the Open Research Initiative? 43:31 What's next for Outset? 45:54 How to get in touch or see Outset.ai in action Sign up for Outset.ai here: https://outset.ldmk.io/in/Yob0NYE8q0uXGKEYToPA Outset.ai conducts and synthesizes video, audio, and text conversations with hundreds of participants at once. Test new concepts, identify new opportunities, and build a deeper understanding of the people you serve at a speed and scale that was never before possible. With Outset.ai, you: 1) add your discussion guide and customize your AI interviewer 2) recruit with Outset's panel, integrate with your own panel partners, or share with your own users and 3) watch the AI interviewer dig deep with participants and pull out what matters most.
Outset Interview Demo
A brief overview of the Outset.ai interviewing system.
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