WPTurbo es un conjunto de potentes herramientas para desarrolladores de WordPress diseñadas para mejorar tu flujo de trabajo, aumentar la productividad y simplificar el proceso de creación de sitios web de alta calidad.
Para utilizar WPTurbo, comienza por crear una cuenta gratuita. Una vez que hayas iniciado sesión, podrás explorar las diversas herramientas y funciones disponibles. Utiliza los Generadores de IA para generar rápidamente y de manera eficiente fragmentos de código de WordPress. Guarda y administra tus fragmentos en la Biblioteca de Fragmentos para un acceso y organización sencillos. Utiliza la función Proyectos para crear y actualizar proyectos completos de WordPress con estructuras de archivos personalizables. Si prefieres comenzar desde una plantilla, elige una Plantilla base que se adapte a tus necesidades. WPTurbo tiene como objetivo agilizar tu proceso de desarrollo de WordPress, permitiéndote crear sitios web más rápidamente.
Más contacto, visite la página de contacto(https://wpturbo.dev/contact/)
WPTurbo Nombre de la empresa: WPMarmite .
Más información sobre WPTurbo, visite la página acerca de nosotros(https://wpturbo.dev/about/) .
WPTurbo Enlace de inicio de sesión: https://wpturbo.dev/login/
WPTurbo Enlace de registro: https://wpturbo.dev/register/
Enlace de precios de WPTurbo: https://wpturbo.dev/pro/
Enlace de Twitter de WPTurbo: https://x.com/intent/user?screen_name=wp_turbo
Por Tanish Chowdhary el Mayo 14 2024
Mejora tu eficiencia con 13 herramientas vitales para desarrolladores.
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Goodbye WordPress Plugins - AI & Code Generators
Is it possible to remove multiple WordPress plugins by using an online code generator like WPTurbo? Let's delve into the world of online code generators and see just how effective WPTurbo or AI, in general, is at replacing standard WordPress plugins like Advanced Custom Fields. Sponsored by SEOPress: https://jo.my/seopress Learn more about WPTurbo: https://wpturbo.dev/ Code Snippets: https://wordpress.org/plugins/code-snippets/ CodeWP Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GqTGpUHe9Bs Take your WordPress website and skills to the next level! ► The Essential Web Designer's Documents Pack Looking to take your web design business to the next level? The Essential Web Designers Documents collection has got you covered! With handcrafted, professionally designed documents that have generated tens of thousands in revenue, you'll have everything you need to impress clients, streamline your workflow, and boost your bottom line. ► Buy the Essential Web Designer's Documents Pack Now: https://links.wptuts.co.uk/ewdd ► THE TOOLS I LOVE ◄ If you like what we do and would like to support us, please consider using these affiliate links when purchasing any of the plugins covered in our tutorials. Thank you for your support. ► EXCLUSIVE WPTUTS DISCOUNTS ◄ ✅ WPVivid Backup Pro: https://jo.my/vividpro (use WPTUTS20 for 20% off) ✅ Project Huddle: https://jo.my/etafyp (WPTUTS for 20% off - Exclusive) ► MY PREFERRED HOSTING PROVIDERS ◄ ✅ Hostinger: https://jo.my/92dmbb ✅ CloudWays: https://jo.my/1feeng8 ✅ SiteGround: https://jo.my/sgwptuts ► WORDPRESS VISUAL PAGE BUILDERS ◄ ✅ ELEMENTOR PRO: https://jo.my/1s0t2s2 ✅ Bricks Builder: https://jo.my/bricks ✅ Brizy Pro: https://bit.ly/2Ji97r8 ✅ GenerateBlocks: https://jo.my/xotgcy ✅ DIVI 3 Page Builder: http://bit.ly/2HiiDcE ► WORDPRESS THEMES ◄ ✅ GeneratePress Premium: http://bit.ly/2Ydn1SE ✅ Blocksy: https://jo.my/y67ten ✅ DIVI Theme: http://bit.ly/2G8JMiA ✅ Astra Pro: http://bit.ly/2zruoKn ► WORDPRESS TOOLS ◄ ✅ InstaWP: https://jo.my/0jdh2j ✅ SMART SLIDER 3: http://bit.ly/2G0G1vB ✅ CSSHERO: http://bit.ly/2qbrRl6 ► WORDPRESS PLUGINS ◄ ✅ SEOPress Pro: https://jo.my/seopress ► SUBSCRIBE ◄ http://bit.ly/2rX7rhu ► LETS CONNECT: ◄ 👉 Twitter: https://twitter.com/WPTutz 👉 Facebook Group: https://wptuts.co.uk/facebook SUPPORT: Our website offers additional information and perks. Please check it out! http://wptuts.co.uk
WordPress Speed Optimization & Fewer Plugins
WordPress plugins, eh? With over 50,000 plugins available for WordPress, it's easy to get carried away and start installing a plugin for every little thing. WordPress speed optimization may sound complicated, but with the tips in this video, you'll be able to optimise your website, reduce the number of plugins you use and ultimately make your WordPress life far easier.... To learn more about WordPress Speed Optimization, click the play button! Blocksy: https://jo.my/y67ten Admin & Site Enhancements: https://www.wpase.com/ WPTurbo: https://wpturbo.dev/ CPTUI: https://pluginize.com/plugins/custom-post-type-ui/ Take your WordPress website and skills to the next level! ► The Essential Web Designer's Documents Pack Looking to take your web design business to the next level? The Essential Web Designers Documents collection has got you covered! With handcrafted, professionally designed documents that have generated tens of thousands in revenue, you'll have everything you need to impress clients, streamline your workflow, and boost your bottom line. ► Buy the Essential Web Designer's Documents Pack Now: https://links.wptuts.co.uk/ewdd ► THE TOOLS I LOVE ◄ If you like what we do and would like to support us, please consider using these affiliate links when purchasing any of the plugins covered in our tutorials. Thank you for your support. ► EXCLUSIVE WPTUTS DISCOUNTS ◄ ✅ WPVivid Backup Pro: https://jo.my/vividpro (use WPTUTS20 for 20% off) ✅ Project Huddle: https://jo.my/etafyp (WPTUTS for 20% off - Exclusive) ► MY PREFERRED HOSTING PROVIDERS ◄ ✅ Hostinger: https://jo.my/92dmbb ✅ CloudWays: https://jo.my/1feeng8 ✅ SiteGround: https://jo.my/sgwptuts ► WORDPRESS VISUAL PAGE BUILDERS ◄ ✅ ELEMENTOR PRO: https://jo.my/1s0t2s2 ✅ Bricks Builder: https://jo.my/bricks ✅ Brizy Pro: https://bit.ly/2Ji97r8 ✅ GenerateBlocks: https://jo.my/xotgcy ✅ DIVI 3 Page Builder: http://bit.ly/2HiiDcE ► WORDPRESS THEMES ◄ ✅ GeneratePress Premium: http://bit.ly/2Ydn1SE ✅ Blocksy: https://jo.my/y67ten ✅ DIVI Theme: http://bit.ly/2G8JMiA ✅ Astra Pro: http://bit.ly/2zruoKn ► WORDPRESS TOOLS ◄ ✅ InstaWP: https://jo.my/0jdh2j ✅ SMART SLIDER 3: http://bit.ly/2G0G1vB ✅ CSSHERO: http://bit.ly/2qbrRl6 ► WORDPRESS PLUGINS ◄ ✅ SEOPress Pro: https://jo.my/seopress ► SUBSCRIBE ◄ http://bit.ly/2rX7rhu ► LETS CONNECT: ◄ 👉 Twitter: https://twitter.com/WPTutz 👉 Facebook Group: https://wptuts.co.uk/facebook SUPPORT: Our website offers additional information and perks. Please check it out! http://wptuts.co.uk
Le futur de WP MARMITE, WordPress en 2024, nouveaux projets…
Débloquez votre accès gratuit à la Bibliothèque WordPress, toutes mes recos d'extensions, thèmes et outils pour tous vos projets 💎 https://wporigami.com/bibliotheque/ Communauté Freelance Pro : https://wporigami.com/freelances-pro/ Formation WordPress Freelance : https://wporigami.com/wordpress-freelance/ WP Marmite : https://wpmarmite.com WP Sitter : https://wpsitter.com/fr WP Turbo : https://wpturbo.dev Je vous propose de suivre l'échange que j'ai eu avec Alex Borto (fondateur de WP Marmite). Une conversation très intéressante dans laquelle on évoque le futur de WordPress, les nouveaux projets d'Alex ou encore l'arrivée de l'intelligence artificielle dans WordPress. 00:00 Introduction 01:55 Genèse et présentation de WP Marmite 08:06 Acteur historique WordPress 10:19 Redémarrer WP Marmite aujourd'hui ? 11:20 Actualités WP Marmite (en anglais ?) 14:16 WP Marmite dans 5 ans ? 19:05 WP Sitter 24:41 WP Turbo 36:33 L'IA et WordPress 41:27 Le futur de WordPress 50:18 Conclusion - Nous avons lancé notre propre hébergeur next-gen spécialisé WordPress avec de nombreuses fonctionnalités en matière de sécurité, performance et gestion de vos sites au quotidien : https://wporigami.com/copilhost/ Notre objectif : moderniser l'hébergement web pour vous donner l'hébergeur moderne parfait, complet et intuitif. Du Radar IA qui analyse votre site en cas de problème et vous propose une solution en 1-clic à la Time machine qui vous permet de revenir en arrière de n'importe quelle mise à jour (fini la peur des mises à jour) en passant par la création de sites de test rapide et facile. nous apportons un confort de travail inégalé, testez dès aujourd'hui notre hébergeur 100% spécialisé WordPress et vous ne pourrez jamais revenir en arrière : https://wporigami.com/copilhost/ #wpmarmite #wporigami #wordpress
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