Découvrez le Ryzen 4000 G avec 8 coeurs Ryzen 4700G !

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Découvrez le Ryzen 4000 G avec 8 coeurs Ryzen 4700G !

Table of Contents

  1. 🌟 Introduction
  2. 🧐 What's New in AMD Horizon 4000 CPUs?
  3. 💪 The Exciting Potential of AMD Horizon 4000 APUs
    • 3.1 The Future of AMD's Zen Architecture
    • 3.2 The Allure of the 4700G APU
    • 3.3 Why Choose an APU?
  4. 🎮 Gaming without a Graphics Card
    • 4.1 Basic Gaming on APUs
    • 4.2 Multimedia and Video Playback
  5. ⚙️ APU vs CPU: The Performance Factor
    • 5.1 Multitasking and Office Work
    • 5.2 GPU Cores for Intensive Tasks
    • 5.3 Price Comparison with CPUs
  6. 🤔 Puzzling Limitations of PCIe Gen3 Support
  7. 💼 Building Future-Proof Systems with APUs
  8. 🌅 Looking Ahead: The Potential of the 4700G APU
  9. 💻 Conclusion
  10. 🔗 Resources

🌟 Introduction

AMD has recently introduced its Horizon 4000 CPUs, causing excitement among tech enthusiasts. While some might have been hoping for a different release, the announcement of the Horizon 4000 APUs opens up interesting possibilities for the future. In this article, we will explore what these new APUs have to offer and why they should not be overlooked.

🧐 What's New in AMD Horizon 4000 CPUs?

The AMD Horizon 4000 CPUs are based on the Zen 2 architecture, providing a notable performance boost compared to their predecessors. These new processors include the highly anticipated 4700G APU, which brings eight cores and sixteen Threads to the table. With this increased power, the Horizon 4000 APUs promise to deliver impressive performance and efficiency.

💪 The Exciting Potential of AMD Horizon 4000 APUs

3.1 The Future of AMD's Zen Architecture

The Horizon 4000 APUs mark a significant milestone for AMD's Zen architecture. By incorporating the Zen 2 architecture, these APUs demonstrate the company's commitment to pushing the boundaries of performance and innovation. This serves as a promising preview of what the future holds for AMD processors.

3.2 The Allure of the 4700G APU

One of the standout features of the Horizon 4000 lineup is the 4700G APU. Sporting eight cores and sixteen threads, this APU offers immense potential for both casual users and professionals alike. Whether you need raw processing power for multitasking or basic rendering, the 4700G APU has you covered.

3.3 Why Choose an APU?

You might wonder why someone would opt for an APU instead of a dedicated CPU and a graphics card. There are several reasons to consider:

  1. Non-gaming tasks: APUs prove to be highly valuable for non-gaming tasks that don't require GPU acceleration. Whether it's coding, office work, or basic rendering, the eight cores of the 4700G APU can handle them with ease, making it an affordable alternative.

  2. Media acceleration: APUs come equipped with GPU cores that can assist with multimedia tasks such as video playback and encoding. Even if you have a dedicated graphics card, offloading these tasks to the APU can free up valuable resources for gaming or other intense applications.

  3. Price-performance balance: When comparing prices, APUs often provide a more cost-effective solution than CPUs combined with graphics cards. If you don't require high-end graphics capabilities, investing in an APU can save you money without sacrificing performance.

🎮 Gaming without a Graphics Card

4.1 Basic Gaming on APUs

Despite not having a dedicated graphics card, APUs are capable of running games at 1080p with decent frame rates. This is particularly appealing for budget-conscious gamers or those who prioritize energy efficiency in their systems. The improved performance of the Horizon 4000 APUs further solidifies their suitability for entry-level gaming.

4.2 Multimedia and Video Playback

The GPU cores inside APUs also play a crucial role in multimedia tasks. Whether you're watching videos or gaming at 4K, the additional horsepower provided by the APU can significantly enhance your experience. By offloading less demanding tasks to the APU, you can ensure that your dedicated graphics card focuses solely on the Game, resulting in smoother gameplay and better video playback.

⚙️ APU vs CPU: The Performance Factor

5.1 Multitasking and Office Work

For tasks that don't require GPU acceleration, APUs offer a cost-effective solution for multitasking. With the 4700G APU's eight cores, you can efficiently handle a myriad of office work tasks, coding, and even small-Scale rendering projects. The improved performance of the Horizon 4000 APUs ensures smooth multitasking without the need for an external graphics card.

5.2 GPU Cores for Intensive Tasks

Even if you have a dedicated graphics card, the GPU cores inside APUs can contribute to other tasks. Whether it's multimedia encoding or less graphically demanding applications, utilizing the APU's specialized cores allows for better overall system performance. By leveraging both the APU and graphics card, you can maximize the capabilities of your system.

5.3 Price Comparison with CPUs

When comparing prices between APUs and CPUs, there is often a minimal difference. In some cases, APUs may even be cheaper than their CPU counterparts. This means that if you can benefit from integrated graphics and don't require high-end gaming capabilities, investing in an APU can be a cost-effective choice. The 4700G APU provides excellent performance at a competitive price point.

🤔 Puzzling Limitations of PCIe Gen3 Support

One unexpected limitation of the Horizon 4000 APUs is their lack of support for PCIe Gen3. This is quite surprising considering that PCIe Gen4 support has been one of the selling points of AMD's Zen architecture. It remains unclear as to why this omission has occurred, but it may have been a trade-off to ensure affordability for those who do not need PCIe Gen4 capabilities.

💼 Building Future-Proof Systems with APUs

Despite the absence of PCIe Gen4 support, the Horizon 4000 APUs provide an excellent foundation for building future-proof systems. With their competitive pricing and impressive performance, these APUs are an attractive option, especially for those on a budget. The 4700G APU, in particular, holds great potential for users looking to build their first PC or upgrade their existing setup.

🌅 Looking Ahead: The Potential of the 4700G APU

As AMD continues to refine and enhance its APUs, the 4700G serves as a testament to the company's commitment to innovation. With its eight cores and high clock speeds, this APU has the potential to revolutionize the entry-level PC market. Whether it's gaming, content creation, or the demands of everyday tasks, the 4700G APU offers an excellent balance of performance and affordability.

💻 Conclusion

The release of the Horizon 4000 APUs brings about excitement and renewed possibilities for system builders and users alike. With their improved architecture and impressive specifications, these APUs deliver exceptional performance for entry-level and budget-conscious users. The 4700G APU stands out as a notable choice with its eight-core configuration and unique Blend of features. As AMD continues to push the boundaries of innovation, the future of APUs looks brighter than ever.

🔗 Resources

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