Lire et écrire des cartes à partir d'une flash AM29F400 (Bosch EDC15C2 et autres)

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Lire et écrire des cartes à partir d'une flash AM29F400 (Bosch EDC15C2 et autres)

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction

    • Background information
    • Purpose of the video
  2. Flash Memory Reading and Writing Process

    • Explanation of the task at HAND
    • Tools required for the process
    • Preparing the hardware for reading and writing
    • testing the hardware
    • Reading the chip
    • Checking the integrity of the reading
    • Writing the file
    • Verifying the chip
    • Completion of the programming process
  3. Comparison with Other Methods of Data Retrieval

    • Key tags and cash
    • ECU reading through different channels
  4. Conclusion

🎥 Flash Memory Reading and Writing: A Step-by-Step Guide

In this video, I will demonstrate the process of reading and writing flash memory. Recently, I received a request from a viewer asking if I could help him with this task. He sent me a flash memory chip through email and wanted me to read the data, create a backup, and send the chip back to him. Although I shared some concerns about checksums and the risks involved, he insisted on proceeding. So, in this video, I will guide you through the process using the tools and techniques that I have at hand.

1. Introduction

1.1 Background information

Before diving into the technical aspects, let's briefly discuss the background of the task. Flash memory is a type of non-volatile storage that is commonly used in electronic devices, such as smartphones, digital cameras, and USB drives. It allows for the storage and retrieval of data even when the power is turned off. In this case, we will be working with a specific flash memory chip, the AM29F400BT.

1.2 Purpose of the video

The purpose of this video is to demonstrate the process of reading and writing flash memory. It is important to note that this process requires specific hardware and software tools. Additionally, I will discuss the risks and challenges involved in reading and writing flash memory and provide insights into alternative methods of data retrieval.

2. Flash Memory Reading and Writing Process

Now, let's move on to the step-by-step process of reading and writing flash memory. For this task, you will need the following tools:

  • Flash memory chip (AM29F400BT)
  • William programmer with LPC cable
  • Power supply (12 volts)
  • USB cable
  • Software: William programmer software

2.1 Preparing the hardware for reading and writing

To start the process, make sure that your hardware is properly set up. Connect the power supply and the LPC cable to the William programmer. Note that you will need to use the 12V power supply as the USB cable might not provide enough current. Double-check that the voltage jumper is set correctly.

2.2 Testing the hardware

Before proceeding any further, it's essential to test the hardware. Open the Willing programmer software and search for the specific flash memory chip - AM29F400. Ensure that the dip switches are set correctly according to the instructions provided. This step is crucial, and it's advisable to perform the test with the programmer powered on. Once you confirm that the hardware is functioning correctly, you can proceed to the next step.

2.3 Reading the chip

Now, it's time to read the data from the flash memory chip. Press the "Read" button in the software, and the reading process will start. This process is relatively quick, and once it's complete, you will see a notification stating that the reading was successful. It is important to save a backup of the reading to ensure the safety of the data.

2.4 Checking the integrity of the reading

To ensure the accuracy of the reading, it's crucial to validate the data against known parameters. In this case, I will use ECM Titanium software to check if the file matches the expected EDC 15c2 format. By importing the file into the software, I can verify if the maps and other data are detected accurately. This step provides additional reassurance that the reading was successful and that the data is intact.

2.5 Writing the file

Once the reading has been verified, it's time to write the file that the viewer sent. Load the file into the William programmer software and select the appropriate options. After initiating the writing process, the software will program the chip with the new data. This process may take a bit longer than the reading process. Once completed, a verification process will ensure that the data written matches the original file.

2.6 Completion of the programming process

If the verification process is successful, the programming is considered complete. You can now remove the chip from the programmer and proceed with the necessary steps to return it to the owner.

3. Comparison with Other Methods of Data Retrieval

Now, let's briefly discuss the advantages and disadvantages of using flash memory reading and writing compared to other methods of data retrieval.

3.1 Key tags and cash

One common method of data retrieval is through key tags or cash devices. These devices communicate with the electronic control unit (ECU) through the CAN or diagnostic port and extract the necessary data. While this method is widely used and convenient, it is limited to the data accessible through the ECU.

3.2 ECU reading through different channels

On the other hand, reading and writing flash memory allow for direct access to the data stored in the chip. This method provides a more comprehensive view of the data and allows for more in-depth analysis. However, it requires additional hardware and software tools, making it slightly more complex.

4. Conclusion

In conclusion, reading and writing flash memory is a valuable skill that allows for direct access to the data stored in the chip. By following the step-by-step process outlined in this video, you can successfully read and write flash memory chips using the appropriate tools and procedures. It is important to note that this should be done with caution and only when necessary, as it carries inherent risks.

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