Avec Albato, vous pouvez facilement intégrer vos applications dans des flux de travail automatisés à l'aide d'un constructeur intuitif. Nous aidons les équipes à éliminer les tâches manuelles et le stress de la recherche de solutions techniques. Concentrez votre budget et votre temps uniquement sur les tâches clés.
Automatisez votre flux de travail en intégrant les applications que vous utilisez au quotidien. Plateforme d'intégration sans code avec plus de 500 applications disponibles et plus de 27 000 scénarios d'automatisation.
Voici l'e-mail d'assistance Albato destiné au service client : info@albato.com .
Albato Nom de l'entreprise : Albato Limited .
Albato Adresse de l'entreprise : José Adelino dos Santos, no 2B, Setúbal, Portugal.
Lien de connexion Albato : https://albato.com/app/user/auth/login?lang=en
Albato Lien d'inscription : https://albato.com/app/user/signup?lang=en
Lien de tarification Albato : https://albato.com/pricing
Lien de Facebook Albato : https://www.facebook.com/albato.global
Lien de Youtube Albato : https://youtube.com/channel/UCkcmYx2c6gVgwTOXh4x7VAg
Lien de Linkedin Albato : https://www.linkedin.com/company/albato/
Par Amelia le Juin 17 2024
Augmentez votre productivité grâce à l'IA ! Découvrez les 13 façons dont le générateur de flux de travail Toolify AI peut révolutionner votre travail. Cliquez maintenant !
Écoute des médias sociaux
How to Create an AI Assistant in Trello using OpenAI (ChatGPT) Integration and Albato
Get started with Albato for free at: http://bit.ly/3nzfEHe In this video we showed how to use the OpenAI integration with Albato to create an AI assistant in Trello, with which you can generate content ideas directly in Trello. Set up a trigger step, add OpenAI action to generate content ideas, and return the results to a project management tool, such as a comment in Trello. Enter a prompt using information from your Trello card and limit the length of the results if necessary. Instructions for connecting services in Albato: Trello: https://albato.com/blog/publications/connecting-trello OpenAI: https://albato.com/blog/publications/openai-automate-with-albato 00:00 Introduction 00:52 Creating a new automation 01:00 Setting up the Trello Trigger 01:23 Setting up the action: Trello - Find card by ID 01:47 Setting up the action: OpenAI - Create chat completion (ChatGPT) 02:25 Setting up the action: Trello: Add comment 02:45 Starting and testing automation: add a label in the Trello card and get a response in the comments from OpenAI 03:05 How to view incoming data in automations 03:15 Configuring the Incoming Data filter 💡 About Albato Albato is a no-code platform and your ultimate alternative to Pabbly Connect, Zapier, Integromat, Make, Workato, and Tray.io. Albato facilitates the automation of workflows by integrating a wide range of applications. 🔗 Facebook Community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/albatocommunity 🔗 Free trial account: https://albato.com/ 🔗 For more information on Albato: https://albato.com/blog/all 🔗 For reading materials and productivity tips: https://medium.com/albato-platform 🔗 What is Claude AI? Models, Features, and ChatGPT сomparison: https://albato.com/blog/publications/what-is-claude-ai #openai #albato #aiassistant #trello #contentideas #projectmanagement #prompt
Create Custom Apps Like a Pro: Albato's No-Code App Integrator Unleashes Your Potential! 🔥🚀
With Albato’s no-code App Integrator, it is possible to implement any service to the platform to carry out data transmission with other applications - public or private. Check out a fast demo with some steps of the integration process and start using it now to build your own integrations! - https://albato.com/ Discover the limitless possibilities of automation with Albato's No-Code App Integrator. This video offers a quick demo of how you can effortlessly integrate various services into Albato's platform for seamless data transmission between applications, be it public or private. With over 500+ available apps and 27,000+ automation scenarios, Albato is trusted by over 60,000 users and handles more than 72 million transactions per month. Whether you are looking to automate tedious tasks, connect your most-used apps, or build complex automation workflows, Albato makes it as easy as pie. Don't let technical barriers hold you back. Start building your own integrations now and take your productivity to the next level. [#Albato #NoCode #AppIntegration #Automation] 🔗 Start Using Albato Now https://bit.ly/3Xf9w4A Key Features: 🚀 No-Code Integration: Easily automate your workflow by integrating the apps you use every day. 🧩 500+ Available Apps: Choose from a wide range of apps to connect and create your own workflow. 🔄 27,000+ Automation Scenarios: Solve even the most complex automation problems. 🛠️ Custom App Integrator: Implement any service to the platform for data transmission. 🌟 Trusted by Over 60,000 Users: Join a growing community of satisfied users. 📈 72 Million+ Transactions per Month: Robust and reliable performance. 🤝 24/7 Support: Enjoy a simple UI with round-the-clock support. Why Choose Albato?: 🍰 Piece of Integration Cake: Enjoy a simple and intuitive interface. 🛠️ Build and Automate Your Own SaaS Ecosystem: Connect more than just a few apps. 🌍 A Single Platform for All Automations: Simplify your automation processes with Albato. Get Started for Free: Click Here https://bit.ly/3Xf9w4A
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