La forme complète de PTE est le Pearson Test of English, se référant généralement à la version académique. C'est un examen informatisé qui propose des tests simulés en ligne sur le site de Pearson PTE.
Rejoignez 100 000 participants au test PTE pour vous entraîner GRATUITEMENT sur la plateforme d'APEUni. Utilisez l'évaluation de l'IA pour évaluer votre prononciation, votre fluidité, votre grammaire et votre orthographe. Synchronisez vos enregistrements d'entraînement sur le web et les applications. Accédez aux outils d'étude PTE tels que les livres de vocabulaire, le shadowing, le plan d'étude IA, l'analyse du rapport de score IA et les documents d'étude téléchargeables.
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PTE Reading Fill in the Blanks (Drag) - Class version strategies by APEUni
PTE Reading Fill in the Blanks (Drag) best Tips and Exam Strategies. by APEUni Unlimited PTE Live Classes: PTE Reading FIB Course:
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#pte #호주간호사#미국간호사#해외간호사#영어공부 안녕하세요:) 오늘은 미국이나 호주 간호사가 되려면 필수중의 필수인 영어시험 PTE에 대해 이야기 해보았습니다. 이야기만 들었을 땐 "해볼만 한데?" 라는 생각이 들었지만 막상 해보면 그렇게 만만하진 않았던 시험이었습니다:( 물론 각자만의 영어 베이스가 있기 때문에 체감상의 난이도는 다 다르겠지만 다양한 공부 방법과 함께 반복학습을 하신다면 좋은 결과를 얻으실 거라 확신합니다. 혹시나 PTE공부를 하시는 분들에게 많은 도움이 됐으면 좋겠습니다! 궁금하신 점들이 있으시다면 댓글 남겨 주시면 답변해드리겠습니다:) 📌 제이슨의 PTE 시험 📌 APEUni 📌 PTE 아카데믹 골드 📌 pbp 📌 PTE 공식 모의고사▶️회원가입 후 prepare에 들어가시면 있습니당:) PTE 할인코드: PER1824F696B PER1647C727A
Maximise Repeat Sentence in PTE Speaking- checkout how APEuni trainers practice RS
APEUni trainers are experts in guiding and demonstrating effective techniques for practicing PTE Speaking Repeat Sentence. With their extensive knowledge and experience in the field, they offer valuable insights on how to excel in this particular task. The trainers provide a detailed breakdown of the process, emphasizing the importance of fluency, pronunciation, and intonation. Through their clear instructions and step-by-step demonstrations, APEUni trainers expertly address any doubts or uncertainties that learners may have. Unlimited PTE Live Classes: PTE Reading FIB Course:
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