audEERING est un leader innovant dans le développement de la technologie d'IA vocale. Des techniques d'apprentissage profond innovantes détectent les émotions et les informations de santé à partir de la voix.
Pour utiliser audEERING, il vous suffit d'intégrer notre technologie d'analyse audio dans votre logiciel ou votre matériel. Elle peut effectuer une reconnaissance en temps réel des émotions et des scènes à partir des entrées vocales.
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audEERING Nom de l'entreprise : audEERING® GmbH .
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ERA: Emotional Responsive AI Demo
audEERING is a pioneer in the field of affective computing. With our recently released demo showing the integration of Voice AI into conversational AI agents, we demonstrate how transforming the interaction between humans and computers could look like. This breakthrough expands the functionality of AI assistants and opens up new possibilities for applications in a variety of domains. From mental health support to customer service and beyond, the potential applications of emotionally intelligent AI are far-reaching and promising. ERA is powered by devAIce® to analyze voice in real-time on the device and infer emotions from voice. The analysis is based on the dimensions of arousal and valence. The emotion analysis results are mixed with Google's ASR (Automatic Speech Recognition) results and sent to OpenAI's ChatGPT. The text response is converted into speech using ElevenLabs' technology. __________________________________ An emotionally intelligent voice bot gives you music recommendations based on your expressed mood. See and hear how Soroosh Mashal interacts with audEERING's conversational AI demo. 💭 Would you like to have such an emotional assistant in your daily life? For more demo videos of our recently released ERA demo read the following blog post: