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Introduction :
Une application alimentée par l'IA, CareFlick, soutient les aidants de personnes atteintes de démence et d'autisme.
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May 07 2023
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CareFlick Informations sur le produit

Qu'est-ce que CareFlick ?

CareFlick est une application facile à utiliser alimentée par un moteur d'IA, conçue pour autonomiser les aidants de personnes atteintes de démence et d'autisme. Elle offre un soutien et une assistance personnalisés, aidant les aidants à naviguer dans leur propre parcours d'accompagnement.

Comment utiliser CareFlick ?

Pour utiliser CareFlick, il suffit de télécharger l'application à partir du lien fourni sur le site web. Après l'installation de l'application, créez un compte et fournissez les informations pertinentes sur la personne dont vous vous occupez. CareFlick vous proposera ensuite des suggestions personnalisées d'activités, de thérapies et de contenu en fonction de la situation et de l'état de la personne. L'application permet également aux aidants de se connecter avec d'autres aidants, des groupes de soutien et des experts du monde entier, favorisant ainsi un sentiment de communauté et offrant une plateforme pour partager des expériences et demander des conseils. De plus, CareFlick offre un journal guidé pour fournir des informations et des rapports sur les soins, facilitant ainsi une meilleure collaboration entre l'équipe de soins et le compagnon dévoué à l'accompagnement, Yana.

Fonctionnalités de base de CareFlick

Suggestions personnalisées d'activités, de thérapies et de contenu

Connexion avec d'autres aidants, des groupes de soutien et des experts

Informations et rapports grâce au journal guidé

Collaboration entre l'équipe de soins et le compagnon d'accompagnement

Les cas d'utilisation de CareFlick


Aidants de personnes atteintes de démence


Aidants de personnes atteintes d'autisme

FAQ de CareFlick

Qu'est-ce que CareFlick?

Comment CareFlick peut-il aider les aidants?

Comment utiliser CareFlick?

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Experience CareFlick: Personalized Support for Caregivers at Fingertips

CareFlick is an AI-powered platform designed to empower #caregivers with personalized solutions for their loved ones with #dementia or #autism. With our fast, secure, and user-friendly app, families and caregivers can efficiently manage their day-to-day caregiving responsibilities. Discover a wealth of features that make CareFlick the ultimate caregiver's companion: 🌟 100+ Therapies and Activities: Access a curated collection of therapies and activities tailored to the specific needs of your loved one. CareFlick recommends engaging and effective solutions to enhance their well-being. 📊 Log Daily Care for Smart Insights: Keep track of your caregiving routines and progress using CareFlick's intuitive logging system. Gain valuable insights and generate progress reports to monitor your loved one's development. 🤝 Simplified Coordination: Coordinate care effortlessly by connecting with family, friends, and other caregivers through the app. Share updates, assign tasks, and ensure seamless collaboration for the best possible care. 🌍 Global Network: Connect with fellow caregivers facing similar challenges around the world. Engage in meaningful discussions, exchange advice, and build a supportive network. CareFlick also provides access to global clinical experts for consultations and guidance. 📚 Bite-sized Insights: Enhance your caregiving knowledge with bite-sized insights provided within the app. Learn about the latest research-backed methodologies and best practices to improve your caregiving skills. Rest assured that CareFlick is crafted by experienced clinical experts who have incorporated research-backed methodologies into the app. Caregiving can be challenging, but with CareFlick, you're never alone. Join our community of compassionate caregivers and discover the power of personalized support. Know more about us: www.careflick.com Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/care... Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/careflick Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/careflick/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/careflick Download CareFlick now and embark on a transformative caregiving journey. #CareFlick #CaregivingSupport #PersonalizedCare #Community

CareFlick - Empowering caregivers
Jul 08 2023

CareFlick App Demo: Comprehensive Care Logging for Caregivers

Welcome to a transformative caregiving journey with CareFlick. In today's video, we guide you through the powerful features of our care logging tool designed to simplify your everyday caregiving experience. This app, backed by clinical expertise, offers comprehensive monitoring of your loved ones’ health and emotional well-being. This demo provides an overview of how to: 🔹 Log key vitals: such as body temperature, respiratory rate, pulse rate, blood pressure, blood sugar levels, and body weight (0:22). 🔹 Track mood changes: Capture your loved ones' emotional state throughout the day to provide the right support when they need it (0:45). 🔹 Document unique symptoms: Specifically designed features for conditions like dementia and autism (1:05). Our smart app learns from your regular data inputs, recognizes patterns, and offers invaluable insights into the progress and preferences of your loved ones. It’s not just an app; it’s a personalized tool to assist caregivers in understanding their journey and tracking the development of their loved ones’ condition. ------------------------------------------------------------- About the CareFlick App: An AI-powered platform designed to empower #caregivers with personalized solutions for their loved ones with #dementia or #autism. With our fast, secure, and user-friendly app, families and caregivers can efficiently manage their day-to-day caregiving responsibilities. Discover a wealth of features that make CareFlick the ultimate caregiver's companion: 🌟 100+ Therapies and Activities: Access a curated collection of therapies and activities tailored to the specific needs of your loved one. CareFlick recommends engaging and effective solutions to enhance their well-being. 📊 Log Daily Care for Smart Insights: Keep track of your caregiving routines and progress using CareFlick's intuitive logging system. Gain valuable insights and generate progress reports to monitor your loved one's development. 🤝 Simplified Coordination: Coordinate care effortlessly by connecting with family, friends, and other caregivers through the app. Share updates, assign tasks, and ensure seamless collaboration for the best possible care. 🌍 Global Network: Connect with fellow caregivers facing similar challenges around the world. Engage in meaningful discussions, exchange advice, and build a supportive network. CareFlick also provides access to global clinical experts for consultations and guidance. 📚 Bite-sized Insights: Enhance your caregiving knowledge with bite-sized insights provided within the app. Learn about the latest research-backed methodologies and best practices to improve your caregiving skills. Rest assured that CareFlick is crafted by experienced clinical experts who have incorporated research-backed methodologies into the app. Caregiving can be challenging, but with CareFlick, you're never alone. Join our community of compassionate caregivers and discover the power of personalized support. Download CareFlick and start charting the health and well-being of your loved ones with the touch of a button. Subscribe to our channel for more demos and support in your caregiving journey. Know more about us: www.careflick.com Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/care... Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/careflick Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/careflick/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/careflick #CareFlick #Caregiving #HealthcareApp #HealthTracking #CaregiverSupport #DementiaCare #AutismCare

CareFlick - Empowering caregivers
Jul 21 2023

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CareFlick: Une application alimentée par l'IA, CareFlick, soutient les aidants de personnes atteintes de démence et d'autisme.
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