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AI-powered Draw3D transforme les croquis en images photoréalistes, donnant vie aux dessins.
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May 23 2023
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Draw3D Informations sur le produit

Qu'est-ce que Draw3D ?

Draw3D est un programme logiciel gratuit alimenté par l'IA qui transforme les croquis en images photoréalistes. Cet outil permet aux artistes, designers et créateurs de donner vie à leurs dessins avec un réalisme époustouflant.

Comment utiliser Draw3D ?

Pour utiliser Draw3D, il suffit de télécharger votre croquis et l'outil le convertira automatiquement en une image photoréaliste. Vous pouvez ensuite redimensionner l'image sans perdre de qualité et même la modifier à l'aide de l'éditeur d'images inclus.

Fonctionnalités de base de Draw3D

Transformez les croquis en images photoréalistes

Gérez n'importe quelle quantité de détails dans la scène

Donnez vie aux croquis d'animaux

Transformez les sculptures en photos et vice versa

Agrandissez les images sans perdre en qualité

Modifiez les images avec l'éditeur d'images inclus

Les cas d'utilisation de Draw3D


Création d'œuvres d'art réalistes


Conception de graphismes et de visualisations


Production d'art numérique et d'animations


Aide à la CAO et à la modélisation 3D


Amélioration de l'art conceptuel et de la conception de jeux


Aide à l'architecture et à la conception de produits


Prise en charge des effets visuels et de la simulation

FAQ de Draw3D

Est-ce que Draw3D est gratuit?

Draw3D peut-il gérer les croquis avec un niveau élevé de détail?

Draw3D peut-il donner vie aux croquis d'animaux?

Draw3D peut-il transformer les sculptures en photos?

Puis-je agrandir les images générées par Draw3D?

Draw3D comprend-il un éditeur d'images?

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AI Helped Me Turn This SketchUp Into a PRO Watercolor Rendering

AI Rendering Tools mentioned in this video: Draw3D (affiliate): https://draw3d.online/?aff=rAY1z Waterlogue Pro: https://www.tinrocket.com/apps/waterlogue/pro/ Until recently, AI hasn’t been able to turn SketchUp models or architectural sketches into actual renderings – especially watercolor renderings – in a convincing way. Those AI tools that can turn sketches to renders tend to have too many steps for beginners. Of course, Dall-E and Midjourney, the two most talked-about AI tools, have their merits and can support architects and urban designers with concept renderings, but they lack the control needed to aid us beyond that point. In this video, I’m going to show you how I’m using two obscure AI tools to turn Sketchup models into beautiful watercolor renderings that shave hours off of every rendering I’ve done for the last several months. This is NOT an AI SketchUp Plugin. This process involves selecting a view in a Sketchup model, exporting it to Adobe Fresco on my iPad Pro, penciling linework over the model, and using the following AI tools to render the pencil drawing. Draw3D, which turns your detailed line drawings into renderings. Waterlogue Pro (not actually AI) that paints your Draw3D images (and pretty much anything else you give it) in convincing watercolor in seconds. Disclaimer: While this process still requires time and some architectural illustration experience, these AI tools, when used together, can save a lot of time rendering from scratch, and the time saved allows for several versions of the same rendering to be made in different times of day or different seasons in a matter of minutes. Thanks for watching! - Brian The Rendering Guy Get in touch: https://briandrawsplaces.com/ Disclosure: I only recommend products I would use myself and all opinions expressed here are my own. This post may contain affiliate links that I may earn a small commission at no additional cost to you. That commission supports my chocolate habit and helps keep this channel running to provide more useful content for you. Shoutout to Architect Mike Brestel for the countless hours put into this design and SketchUp model (Courtesy of Sketchup Garage): https://mikebrestel.com/arch/ Shoutout to Andrew Von Maur for sharing the urban design line rendering shown at 03:54: https://www.linkedin.com/in/andrew-von-maur-9ab92a5/ Chapters 00:00 Pencil Linework 00:34 1st Tool - Draw3D AI 01:32 2nd Tool - Waterlogue Pro 02:17 Airbrush Your Rendering 02:59 Multiple Watercolors 03:24 AI Replacing Designers

Brian Draws Places
Sep 01 2023

Transform your sketch into a photorealistic image

Transform your sketch into a photorealistic image Upload a drawing and our tool will automatically convert the drawing to a photorealistic image. Convert Your Sketch into a Photorealistic Image with Ease Draw3D Features Draw3D is a powerful software program designed to help artists and designers transform their sketches into photorealistic artwork. Key features and advantages include: Easy transformation: Quickly and easily transform sketches into photorealistic artwork User-friendly interface: Simple and intuitive interface for easy navigation and use Versatile application: Suitable for artists, designers, and anyone who loves to create Enhanced creativity: Helps users take their sketches to the next level and bring their ideas to life Use cases for Draw3D involve various creative pursuits: Enhance artwork and designs with photorealistic elements Create stunning visualizations of architectural designs and concepts Bring characters and creatures to life in 3D animation Visualize product designs and prototypes in a realistic manner Transform your sketch into a photorealistic image,Convert Your Sketch into a Photorealistic Image with Ease,sketch image,draw3d online,draw3d.online, Convert Your Sketch into a Photorealistic Image,Sketch,Photorealistic Image,Convert image,draw3d tutorial,draw3d draw3d.online,draw3d tutorials bangla,draw3d online tutorial,draw3d.online tutorial,draw3d.online tutorials Welcome to "Walid Education Academy" which is founded by Belal Hossain. This channel produces content about Bangla Tutorial,Bangla Tech Tutorial,Tech Tutorials,Walid Education Academy,Educational Video,YouTube Tips & Tutorials, YouTube Updates, Video making guidelines, Videography, Filmmaking, Cinematography, Video Editing Hacks, and full guides for becoming a successful 'Content Creator'. walid education academy bangla tutorial series full bangla tutorial bangla video tutorial tutorial bangla bangla tutorial bangla tech tutorial tech tutorials educational video এখানে শুধুই টিউটোরিয়াল থাকবে। "Walid Education Academy"এর সাথে থাকতে এখনি সাবস্ক্রাইব করে নোটিফিকেশন অন করে রাখুন। নতুন ভিডিও আসবে খুব শীঘ্রই। 🔎 Sponsor and Business Inquiries 🔎 mbelalhossain91@gmail.com

Walid Education Academy
Apr 11 2023

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Draw3D: AI-powered Draw3D transforme les croquis en images photoréalistes, donnant vie aux dessins.
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