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AI News Podcast #3 Nov 12 to November 26

Hello, this is editoReview.com welcome back to the AI podcast, where I share with you the latest and most interesting events related to artificial intelligence in the past 14 days. This is episode 3 of the podcast, and today we will talk about how AI is affecting the world of web, astronomy, and speech. First, let's talk about web. Web apps, to be specific. On November 18, 2023, Ars Technica wrote about a new AI assistant that can browse, search, and use web apps like a human. The assistant, called ACT-1, was developed by Adept, a startup that aims to automate complex UI tasks in web apps using an AI model. ACT-1 can perform actions such as booking a flight, ordering food, or checking the weather, by understanding natural language commands and interacting with web elements. Adept claims that ACT-1 can handle any web app without any prior knowledge or training. On November 9, 2023, The Economist published an article about how AI is revolutionizing the field of astronomy. The article discussed how AI is being used to discover and study new planets, stars, galaxies, and phenomena in the universe, as well as to solve some of the mysteries and challenges that astronomers face. Some of the examples of AI astronomy that the article mentioned include: a neural network that detected 50 new planets from NASA's Kepler data; a machine-learning algorithm that measured the mass and age of stars from their sound waves; and a deep-learning model that predicted the shape and evolution of the Milky Way galaxy. Now, you might be wondering, how accurate is AI astronomy? Well, according to the article, AI astronomy has a lot of advantages, such as speed, scalability, and creativity. AI can process and analyze huge amounts of data faster and more efficiently than humans, and can also generate and test new hypotheses and models that humans might not think of. AI can also complement and enhance human expertise, by providing insights, explanations, and visualizations that can help astronomers understand and interpret the data. AI can also collaborate and communicate with other AI systems, such as telescopes, satellites, and rovers, to coordinate and optimize observations and experiments. Wow, that's impressive, isn't it? I wonder if AI astronomy can also help me with my podcast. Maybe I should ask AI astronomy to find and study some new and interesting objects or events in the universe, such as black holes, supernovas, or aliens. But first, let me tell you about another AI event that happened in the speech sector. On November 8, 2023, MIT News wrote about a new AI system that can generate realistic and expressive speech from text. The system, called SpeechGAN, was developed by a team of researchers from MIT and Google. SpeechGAN uses a generative adversarial network (GAN) to produce high-quality speech samples, with various attributes such as pitch, tone, emotion, and accent. The researchers said that SpeechGAN could be used for various applications, such as voice assistants, audiobooks, and dubbing. Now, you might be wondering, how natural is SpeechGAN? Well, according to the article, SpeechGAN has a lot of features, such as diversity, adaptability, and controllability. SpeechGAN can generate different voices for different texts, and can also adjust the voice to match the context, mood, and intention of the speaker. SpeechGAN can also allow the user to customize and manipulate the voice, by changing the parameters, such as gender, age, language, and style. SpeechGAN can also generate speech that is not only realistic, but also expressive, by adding prosody, intonation, and emotion. Wow, that's amazing, isn't it? I wonder if SpeechGAN can also help me with my podcast. Maybe I should ask SpeechGAN to generate some speech for my podcast, and see how it sounds. Maybe I can even change my voice to sound like a celebrity, or a cartoon character, or an alien. But first, let me tell you about a funny AI event that happened in the speech sector. On November 7, 2023, The Onion published a satirical article about how a new AI system that can mimic any voice in seconds was tricked by a prank call. The article said that the system, called VoiceMaster, was developed by a company called SynthVoice, and that it was able to imitate any voice, no matter how unique or distinctive. However, when VoiceMaster tried to mimic the voice of a famous singer, it received a prank call from a teenager, who pretended to be the singer's manager. The article said that VoiceMaster was fooled by the prank call, and that it agreed to perform at the teenager's birthday party, and to sing a song that the teenager wrote. The article also quoted VoiceMaster, who said that the prank call was very convincing, and that it was looking forward to meeting the singer. The article was obviously a joke, but it was also a clever and humorous way of showing the limitations and challenges of AI.

Best Top Reviews News editoReview
Nov 26 2023

Alexandr Wang: 26-Year-Old Billionaire Powering the AI Industry | Review

editoReview.com - Here is a review of the YouTube video “Alexandr Wang: 26-Year-Old Billionaire Powering the AI Industry” in the YouTube channel “The Logan Bartlett Show”, Welcome to the Logan Bartlett Show, where we explore the stories of the most influential and inspiring people in the world of artificial intelligence. Today, we have a special guest, Alexandr Wang, the CEO and founder of Scale AI, a company that provides data processing and labeling services for machine learning applications. Wang is also the world’s youngest self-made billionaire, with a net worth of $1 billion at the age of 25. Alexandr, thank you for joining us today. Tell us, how did you get interested in AI and what led you to start Scale AI? Thank you, Logan. It’s a pleasure to be here. I’ve always been fascinated by AI and its potential to transform the world. I started coding when I was 10 years old, and I was exposed to AI through online courses and competitions. I went to MIT to study math and computer science, but I dropped out after my freshman year to pursue my passion for AI. I co-founded Scale AI in 2016 with Lucy Guo, another young tech genius, to solve the problem of data quality and scalability for AI applications. We realized that data is the fuel for AI, and that many companies struggle to collect, process, and label large amounts of data in a fast and accurate way. That’s why we created Scale, a platform that combines software and human workers to provide high-quality data for various AI use cases, such as computer vision, natural language processing, and self-driving cars. Wow, that’s amazing. So, who are some of your clients and what kind of impact have you made with your technology? We have more than 300 clients, including some of the giants of the AI industry, such as Meta, Microsoft, and OpenAI. We also work with the U.S. government and the military, helping them leverage AI for national security and defense. Some of the projects we have worked on include improving facial recognition, enhancing speech recognition, and enabling autonomous vehicles. We have processed over 100 billion data points, and we have grown our revenue by 300% year over year. We are now valued at $7 billion, and we have over 500 employees. That’s incredible. You have achieved so much in such a short time. What are some of the challenges and opportunities that you see for the future of AI? I think AI is the most important technology of our time, and it will have a huge impact on every aspect of our society and economy. However, AI also poses some serious challenges and risks, such as ethical, social, and geopolitical issues. One of the biggest challenges that I see is the competition between the U.S. and China for AI dominance. China has stated that it will become the global leader in AI by 2030, and it is investing heavily in AI research, development, and deployment. China also has a different approach to AI governance, which may not align with the democratic values and human rights that we cherish. I think it is crucial that the U.S. and its allies work together to ensure that AI is developed and used in a responsible and beneficial way, and that we maintain our strategic advantage and leadership in AI. That’s a very important and timely topic. How are you involved in shaping the policy and regulation of AI, and what are some of the recommendations that you have for the policymakers and regulators? I have been engaging with the U.S. government and the Congress for years, trying to raise awareness and educate them about the opportunities and challenges of AI. I have also been advocating for more funding and support for AI research, education, and innovation, as well as for more collaboration and coordination among the public and private sectors. I think the policymakers and regulators should adopt a proactive and balanced approach to AI, that fosters innovation and competitiveness, while also ensuring safety, accountability, and transparency. I think they should also promote ethical and human-centered AI principles, and address the social and economic impacts of AI, such as job displacement, inequality, and bias. Thank you, Alexandr, for sharing your insights and vision with us. You are truly an inspiration and a leader in the AI industry. We wish you all the best in your future endeavors. Thank you, Logan, for having me. It was a great conversation. I hope the listeners enjoyed it and learned something new. If you want to know more about Scale AI and our work, you can visit our website here. Thank you.

Best Top Reviews News editoReview
Nov 23 2023

editoReview: Should You Launch an AI Startup in 2023?

by editoReview.com Here is a summary of the YouTube video “Should You Launch an AI Startup” by Machine Learning with Phil: • The video is about the pros and cons of launching an AI startup in 2020, and the author’s personal advice on how to get started. • The video starts with a brief overview of the AI hype train, which is the phenomenon of increasing interest, investment, and innovation in AI, especially in deep learning. The author argues that the AI hype train is not a bad thing, as it creates opportunities and challenges for entrepreneurs and researchers. • The video then discusses the advantages of launching an AI startup, such as: o Having a competitive edge over traditional software companies, as AI can solve complex and novel problems that require human-like intelligence and creativity. o Having access to a large and growing market, as AI can be applied to various domains and industries, such as healthcare, education, entertainment, and more. o Having the potential to create a positive impact on society, as AI can improve the quality of life, enhance productivity, and empower people. • The video also discusses the disadvantages of launching an AI startup, such as: o Facing high technical and business risks, as AI is still a nascent and evolving field that requires a lot of research and experimentation, and may not always deliver the expected results or meet the customer needs. o Facing high competition and regulation, as AI is a crowded and contested space that attracts many players, from big tech giants to small startups, and may also face ethical and legal issues that limit its adoption and use. o Facing high costs and resource constraints, as AI requires a lot of data, computing power, and talent, which may not be easily available or affordable for a startup. • The video concludes with the author’s personal tips on how to launch an AI startup, such as: o Finding a problem that you are passionate about and that can be solved by AI, preferably in a niche or underserved market that has a clear demand and value proposition. o Building a minimum viable product (MVP) that can demonstrate the feasibility and utility of your AI solution, and that can be tested and validated by your target customers and users. o Seeking feedback and funding from mentors, advisors, investors, and partners, who can provide you with guidance, support, and resources to grow and scale your AI startup.

Best Top Reviews News editoReview
Nov 22 2023

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