Exa est une API web conçue pour améliorer les applications d'IA en fournissant des données en temps réel provenant d'Internet.
Intégrez l'API Exa dans votre application à l'aide de simples extraits de code pour rechercher des données pertinentes.
Voici l'e-mail d'assistance Exa destiné au service client : hello@exa.ai . Plus de contacts, visitez la page Contactez-nous(https://cal.com/team/exa/exa-intro-chat)
Exa Nom de l'entreprise : Exa .
Exa Adresse de l'entreprise : based in San Francisco.
Pour en savoir plus sur Exa, veuillez visiter la la page À propos de nous(https://exa.ai/team) .
Lien de tarification Exa : https://exa.ai/pricing
Lien de Twitter Exa : https://exa.ai/faq
Écoute des médias sociaux
CrewAI + Exa: Generate a Newsletter with Research Agents (Part 1)
In this tutorial, we will guide you through the process of creating an automation using CrewAI that uses a team of AI autonomous research agents. These agents will search the internet for the most recent news about any topic you desire, curate and summarize them, and then generate a newsletter with the latest news for your subscribers. The application will also feature a graphical user interface, allowing you and others to easily use it. ------------------------------------ LINKS - Check out Exa: https://exa.ai/ - Check out CrewAI: crewai.com - Github Repository: https://github.com/alejandro-ao/exa-crewai - Install conda: https://conda.io/projects/conda/en/latest/user-guide/install/index.html ☎️ Get something like this for your company: https://link.alejandro-ao.com/consulting-call 👉 Check out the second part of this tutorial (build the GUI): https://youtu.be/vhbfs38XmKk 👉 Check out the article with the links to GitHub and other: https://alejandro-ao.com/crewai-with-exa-research-agent-newsletter/ 👉 Buy me a coffee... or a beer (thanks): buymeacoffee.com/alejandro.ao 👉 Become a member of the channel for early access. Alternatively, you can become a Patreon here: https://www.patreon.com/alejandro_ao/ ------------------------------------ The video will cover the following topics, with the corresponding timestamps: 00:00 - Introduction 2:36 - Installing CrewAI 4:55 - Project Structure 6:59 - How to plan a Crew 14:52 - Prompt Engineering 24:46 - Your main Crew class 33:18 - What is Exa? 37:46 - Create Research Tools 53:45 - Add inputs 58:56 -Debugging 1:03:54 - Run any LLM 1:14:20 - Store each Step Output 1:21:16 - Conclusion In this automation, we will be using the following keywords and technologies: CrewAI, Automation, ChatGPT, OpenAI, LangChain, Multi-Agent Systems, AI Agents, Autonomous Agents, Streamlit, and Graphical User Interface (GUI) for AI. By the end of the video, you will have a solid understanding of how to create and run an automation using CrewAI that leverages the power of multiple AI agents. You will also learn how to write effective prompts for the agents' tasks, how to implement the agents and tasks in the project's code, and how to create and use tools that the agents can utilize to accomplish their tasks.
Building a web RAG chatbot: using LangChain, Exa (prev. Metaphor), LangSmith, and Hosted Langserve
To celebrate the update of Exa (prev. Metaphor), we've teamed up to show how to build a web RAG chatbot from scratch Hosted App: https://perplexaty-5269a43d17175d97a534646f978834e0-ffoprvkqsa-uc.a.run.app/search/playground Exa API key: get it at dashboard.exa.ai Github: https://github.com/efriis/langchain-perplexaty
Will Google lose to AI Search? What everyone is missing.
https://stewartmedia.biz Mentions exa.ai perplexity.ai https://youtu.be/jGco3-8RroE
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