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Détection de liveness la plus rapide au monde avec cartographie faciale 3D améliorée.
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Facia Informations sur le produit

Qu'est-ce que Facia ?

Facia.ai est la plateforme de détection de liveness la plus rapide au monde. Nous utilisons une cartographie faciale 3D améliorée pour détecter des individus en vie et aider les entreprises à intégrer facilement les clients. Notre produit est personnalisable et propose plusieurs options de déploiement.

Comment utiliser Facia ?

Intégrez sans problème notre technologie dans votre entreprise, selon vos besoins spécifiques. Intégration sur site ou intégration SaaS pour intégrer de manière authentique les clients légitimes.

Fonctionnalités de base de Facia

Solution de détection de liveness la plus rapide

Produit personnalisable

Cartographie faciale 3D améliorée

Plusieurs options de déploiement

Les cas d'utilisation de Facia


Commerce de détails




Soins de santé




Industrie P2P


Applications de mise en relation


Gestion d'événements


Jeux d'argent


Onboarding KYC


Banque et finance

FAQ de Facia

Quel est le temps de réponse de la solution de détection de liveness de Facia?

Est-ce que Facia est compatible avec iOS et Android?

Quelles certifications a Facia pour sa technologie de détection de liveness?

Est-ce que Facia peut détecter et prévenir les attaques de contrefaçon?

Est-ce que Facia propose une vérification de l'âge?

Comment Facia se protège-t-elle contre les attaques par injection?

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What is Liveness Detection and How Does It Work? | Facia

#livenessdetection #livenessdetectionworks #facia 🔗 Blog Link: https://facia.ai/blog/liveness-detection/ Liveness detection is a security mechanism within biometric authentication systems and Its primary goal is to differentiate between a live, genuinely present person and a fake representation or "spoof" of their biometric data. Spoofing attempts can range from using photos or videos to 3D masks, or even synthetically generated biometric samples. Liveness Detection, also known as Face Liveness or Presentation Attack Detection (PAD). 3D liveness detection is crucial in preventing spoofing attacks, where imposters might use various methods to mimic someone else's identity. #LivenessDetection #FaceLiveness #pad #PresentationAttackDetection #facia How Does Liveness Detection Work? Liveness detection algorithms look for subtle signs of life that are difficult for a spoofing attack to replicate. Here are the major categories of techniques: Active Liveness Detection Asks the person to perform actions like blinking, smiling, or tilting their head, then analyzes the response. The user might respond to moving objects or patterns on the screen. Passive Liveness Detection Texture Analysis: Examines skin textures, pores, reflections, or imperfections that distinguish real skin from fakes. 3D Analysis: Creates a 3D map of the face, detecting the flatness of photos or masks. Motion Detection: Looks for involuntary micro-movements of the face or eyes, or subtle changes in skin color caused by blood flow. Hybrid Techniques: Combine active and passive methods for enhanced security. Example: Facial Recognition with Liveness Detection Image Capture: The system captures an image or video of the user's face. Feature Analysis: Algorithms analyze the captured image for signs of life, such as micro-movements, skin texture, or responses to prompts. Liveness Determination: The system decides whether the captured image depicts a live person or a potential spoofing attempt. Authentication: If deemed a live person, the system proceeds with the normal facial recognition process to verify their identity. Importance of Liveness Detection As biometric authentication becomes more common, liveness detection is a critical safeguard. It helps protect: Sensitive Applications: Financial transactions, access control systems, and other areas where security is essential. User Data: Prevents identity theft and unauthorized access to personal information. System Integrity: Ensures that only authorized individuals are granted access. #howlivenessdetectionworks #IdentityFraud #biometricsecurity #DeepfakeDetection #DigitalSecurity #UserAuthentication #FraudPrevention #facia #facialrecognition #facia 💼 Become a Facia Member: https://facia.ai/#newsletter_signup 🐦 Follow Facia on Twitter: https://twitter.com/faciaaiofficial 👍 Like Facia on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Faciaai.Official 👔 Follow Facia on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/faciaai/ 💻 Crunchbase: https://www.crunchbase.com/organization/facia Explore More About Facia: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iSNmWRVo86I&list=PLwrs4RsYjVUKP2HMP60Hgj-TQeTWH6JPx&pp=iAQB https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ITL5stLZUA&list=PLwrs4RsYjVULcej6VRPcb-wH-GjDoPRh0&pp=iAQB https://youtube.com/shorts/svEkZZJVDaU About Facia: Facia is a UK-based biometric authentication company leading the way with the world's fastest liveness detection solution. Our state-of-the-art technology ensures a response time of less than 1 second, combining both passive and active liveness detection to offer unparalleled security. With a 0% False Acceptance Rate at less than 1% False Rejection Rate, our system is designed for accuracy and reliability. In addition to liveness detection, Facia has developed a real-time facial recognition security system capable of both 1:1 and 1:N face identification. This system is complemented by our iris recognition software and hardware, providing a comprehensive suite of identification tools. We also offer a privacy-friendly age verification software that is not only secure and fast but also accurate, ensuring compliance and user safety across platforms. With Facia, experience the future of security technology today. Trust in our solutions to protect, verify, and ensure the authenticity of identities in an increasingly digital world. Get Free Demo: https://demo.facia.ai/services #Facia #LivenessDetection #BiometricAuthentication #3DLivenessDetection #SpoofingProtection #FacialRecognition #IrisRecognition #AgeVerification #RealTimeIdentification #DigitalSecurity #UKTech

Oct 06 2023

Facia: AI Powered Facial Recognition App With 3D Liveness Detection Technology

#facia #facialrecognition #facerecognitionapp #livenessdetection Read more about Facia Liveness Detection here: https://facia.ai/features/liveness-detection/ ----------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to Facia, the revolutionary biometric face recognition app designed to combat digital fraud effortlessly. Our modern 3D liveness detection technology, combined with advanced AI, enables users to verify their identity in less than 1 second with an impressive 99% accuracy rate, 0% false acceptance rate, and only a 1% false match rate. As identity theft continues to rise and businesses face an ever-increasing risk of potential cybercrime, it's crucial to take proactive measures to safeguard your operations. Facia is your trusted partner in this fight, available on both Android and iOS, ensuring you can protect your business and customers no matter what platform they use. Our lightning-fast verification process is not just quick; it's also simple and secure. The system scans the user's face, analyzes it, and compares it to the database. Ultimately, the user will be identified or authorized if Facia extracts the correct information from the data set. In case of suspicious activity, Facia performs detailed checks to ensure the highest level of security and accuracy. Rely on @faciaofficial to effortlessly verify the authenticity of your customers and protect your business from the ever-growing threat of identity fraud. Join the revolution today and secure your business with the most advanced liveness detection technology available. Get Free Demo: https://demo.facia.ai/services ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Explore More About Facia: New Year, New Dreams: https://youtu.be/EACqQ4SlZnk Inside Facia's Facial Recognition Lab: https://youtu.be/GW2nsUYnXG8 How Liveness Detection Works: https://youtu.be/KgHzOedIvbc Ultimate Solution for Biometric Authentication: https://youtu.be/Um7O1_ZuAys 🔐 Verify any User, Anytime, Anywhere in less than 1 sec! ⏱️ 💼 Become a Facia Member: https://facia.ai/#newsletter_signup 🐦 Follow Facia on Twitter: https://twitter.com/faciaaiofficial 👍 Like Facia on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Faciaai.Official 👔 Follow Facia on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/faciaai/ 💻 Crunchbase: https://www.crunchbase.com/organization/facia #facerecognitionapp #facerecognition #livenessdetection #AntiSpoofing #FraudPrevention #Biometrics #ArtificialIntelligence #LiveDetection #UserPresence #Verification #BiometricAuthentication #FaceRecognition #FacialRecognition #FaceRecognitionSoftware #Biometric #PresentationAttackDetection #PAD #MFA #SelfieVerification #SaaS #LivenessCheck #BiometricVerification #Algorithm #Technology #UserExperience #UserInterface #UX #UI #API #WebService #Explainer #facia https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GW2nsUYnXG8&list=PLwrs4RsYjVUK3ZdYNlNNdk5zRFeF2LMNF&index=1&pp=iAQB https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bmIDF4q2g7Y&list=PLwrs4RsYjVUK3ZdYNlNNdk5zRFeF2LMNF&index=5&pp=iAQB https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sv-OxaEOCgM&list=PLwrs4RsYjVUK3ZdYNlNNdk5zRFeF2LMNF&index=14&pp=iAQB https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4tqKIsEDbYk&list=PLwrs4RsYjVUK3ZdYNlNNdk5zRFeF2LMNF&index=16&pp=iAQB https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iI5ADDQgNRQ&list=PLwrs4RsYjVUK3ZdYNlNNdk5zRFeF2LMNF&index=19&pp=iAQB https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9LFcWPyKEdo&list=PLwrs4RsYjVUIGCFO1n5Z2NFtBjCfZSGa-&pp=iAQB https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iSNmWRVo86I&list=PLwrs4RsYjVUKP2HMP60Hgj-TQeTWH6JPx&pp=iAQB https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ITL5stLZUA&list=PLwrs4RsYjVULcej6VRPcb-wH-GjDoPRh0&pp=iAQB https://youtube.com/shorts/svEkZZJVDaU ----------------------------------------------------------------------- About Facia Facia is a UK-based biometric authentication leader, offering the world's fastest liveness detection solution. Our state-of-the-art technology combines passive and active liveness detection, ensuring a response time of less than 1 second. Designed for accuracy and reliability, our system boasts a 0% False Acceptance Rate at less than 1% False Rejection Rate. Facia's advanced 3D liveness detection technology is engineered to thwart over 60 types of spoofing attacks, providing robust protection against sophisticated threats. Our system is iBeta & NIST compliant and features compatible SDKs for both iOS and Android. In addition to liveness detection, Facia has developed a real-time facial recognition security system capable of both 1:1 and 1:N face identification, alongside our iris recognition software and hardware. We also offer privacy-friendly age verification software that is secure, fast, and accurate. With Facia, you're not just adopting a security solution; you're investing in the future of secure, digital identity verification. Get Free Demo: https://demo.facia.ai/services

Dec 19 2023

Facia Liveness Detection Demo | 3D Liveness Detection | Face Liveness Detection In Face Recognition

#facia #demo #antispoofing #livenessdetection # Hi, I'm the CEO of Facia, and today I'm excited to show you how our liveness detection technology stands up against various spoofing attacks. In this video, we put our system to the test with some common and sophisticated methods used by fraudsters. Paper Attack Test We start with a simple paper attack using a photo of Robert Downey Jr. Watch as our system conducts a blinking test, a basic yet effective way to detect liveness. Despite moving the paper around, our AI isn't fooled – the liveness cannot be verified. We repeat the test with a photo of Obama, and the result is the same: no liveness detected. Silicon Mask Test Taking it up a notch, we test a silicon mask. These masks are more realistic and pose a greater challenge, but as you'll see, our system is not deceived. The liveness remains unverified, showcasing the robustness of our technology. Deepfake Test Next, we confront the world of deepfakes with a test using a deepfake image of Tom Cruise. Deepfakes represent a significant challenge in digital security, but again, our system successfully identifies that the liveness is not verified, ensuring the integrity of the authentication process. Personal Verification To demonstrate the effectiveness of our system, I perform a test myself. The contrast is clear: when a real person is present, our system quickly verifies liveness, showcasing the accuracy and speed of Facia's technology. The Cost of Identity Theft Identity theft alone cost the U.S. $24 billion in 2021. It's a massive problem, and Facia is committed to solving it. We're not just a technology provider; we're a partner in building digital trust. #facia #antispoofing #Deepfakes #PaperAttack #SiliconMask #biometricsecurity #digitaltrust #identitytheft #techdemo #facialrecognition #livenessdetection #ai #machinelearning #cybersecurity #techinnovation #facialrecognitionsystem #faciademo #facialrecognitionexplained #faciaexplained # Join us in this journey towards a more secure digital world. Subscribe to our channel for more demonstrations and insights into how Facia is leading the fight against digital fraud and building trust in the digital age. 🌐 Visit https://facia.ai #facia #FacialRecognition #AntiSpoof #LivenessDetection #HowFacialRecognitionWorks About Facia @faciaofficial is a UK-based biometric authentication leader, offering the world's fastest liveness detection solution. Our state-of-the-art technology combines passive and active liveness detection, ensuring a response time of less than 1 second. Designed for accuracy and reliability, our system boasts a 0% False Acceptance Rate at less than 1% False Rejection Rate. Facia's advanced 3D liveness detection technology is engineered to thwart over 60 types of spoofing attacks, providing robust protection against sophisticated threats. Our system is iBeta compliant and features compatible SDKs for both iOS and Android. In addition to liveness detection, Facia has developed a real-time facial recognition security system capable of both 1:1 and 1:N face identification, alongside our iris recognition software and hardware. We also offer privacy-friendly age verification software that is secure, fast, and accurate. With Facia, you're not just adopting a security solution; you're investing in the future of secure, digital identity verification. 💼 Become a Facia Member: https://facia.ai/#newsletter_signup 🐦 Follow Facia on Twitter: https://twitter.com/faciaaiofficial 👍 Like Facia on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Faciaai.Official 👔 Follow Facia on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/faciaai/ 💻 Crunchbase: https://www.crunchbase.com/organization/facia 🌐 Contact us today to learn more about our facial recognition system coupled with 3d liveness detection technology.

May 19 2023

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Facia: Détection de liveness la plus rapide au monde avec cartographie faciale 3D améliorée.
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