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AI Tools that I use Every Day
I constantly experiment with the latest AI and productivity tools to streamline my workflow. After a year of trials, here are the standout apps that have become staples in my daily routine. I don't expect this to be my stack in 6 months, much less 12, but it's what I use now. GPT (OpenAI) A cornerstone for my daily operations, GPT has multiple applications, from content creation to customer service bots. I see it soon handling even more tasks, like reading PDFs directly. URL: openai.com/product DALL-E 3 (OpenAI) Integrated with GPT, DALL-E 3 is my choice for visual content creation. I see it eventually replacing other standalone apps as it becomes more versatile. URL: openai.com/dall-e-3 Ask My PDF Currently, I use this for integrating PDF content into GPT. I expect this functionality to be built into GPT in the near future URL: askyourpdf.com/ Bard For creative output and multilingual content, Bard has been a bit better in my experience, especially when playing with multilingual applications. URL: bard.google.com/ Eleven Labs An invaluable tool for dubbing my videos into Spanish, allowing me to effectively serve my Latin American audience without the need for multiple subscriptions. URL: elevenlabs.io/ Subtitle (EasySub) I use Subtitle for auto-generating transcriptions and syncing them with video frames. It streamlines the manual process, allowing quick and easy edits. URL: easyssub.com/ Ideogram Ideogram is still my preferred platform for creating rich visual content, although DALL-E 3 shows promise in this space. URL: ideogram.ai/ Remove BG A quick, cost-effective solution for background removal from JPEG images, Remove BG is two-clicks easy and avoids the hassle of Photoshop for this particular task. URL: remove.bg/ Fireflies AI Beyond just recording meetings, Fireflies AI provides useful analytics like speaker sentiment and participation rates, helping me gain insights into meeting dynamics. I also use it to transcribe base material for use in GPT or Bard via AskMy PDF URL: fireflies.ai/ Gist Excited to test this Chrome plugin that summarizes long web articles. It promises to make quick research or review more efficient. URL: gistai.tech/ Bolt Now a daily fixture in my workflow, Bolt works across all my Mac apps. I use it in Mimestream, MS Office, Slack, Google Docs, Teams, and more. It centralizes various functionalities and proves to be a unifying tool. URL: boltai.com Regenerate