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La meilleure ressource pour le financement et la croissance des petites entreprises.
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Qu'est-ce que Skip ?

Skip est la meilleure ressource aux États-Unis pour les petites entreprises et les entrepreneurs. Il fournit du financement et des solutions de croissance pour autonomiser les entrepreneurs et les petites entreprises.

Comment utiliser Skip ?

1. Inscrivez-vous à une adhésion Skip 2. Recherchez des opportunités de financement, y compris des subventions, des prêts et des options de financement 3. Obtenez des informations sur le financement et des conseils pour postuler 4. Utilisez l'IA de Skip ou parlez à des experts en financement et en affaires pour obtenir de l'aide personnalisée 5. Démarrez, financez ou développez votre entreprise avec le soutien de Skip

Fonctionnalités de base de Skip

Accès à la plus grande place de marché de subventions et de financement aux États-Unis

Découvrez les opportunités de financement

Obtenez des informations et conseils sur le financement

Consultez l'éligibilité au financement et aux prêts en fonction de votre profil d'entreprise

Aide d'experts grâce à l'IA de Skip et des experts en financement

Les cas d'utilisation de Skip


Préparation au financement


Obtention de financement


Croissance d'une entreprise

FAQ de Skip

Quels types de financement puis-je trouver sur Skip?

Comment l'IA de Skip peut-elle m'aider avec mon entreprise?

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Est-ce que Skip peut m'aider si je n'ai pas encore une entreprise?

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SBA Releases Massive Change to Loans Up To $5M

Thanks for subscribing! Learn more about SBA 7a loans on Skip here: https://helloskip.com/funding/sba7a First 100 people to download the Skip app will get a free 7 day Skip Plus trial: https://helloskip.com/app/?ref=RyderInvite5723 💸 Enter the latest Skip grants! https://helloskip.com/1k 📌 Get special access to our 1-1 funding and business help: https://helloskip.com/join?ref=RyderInvite51723 The SBA has released the biggest change to its SBA 7a loan and SBA 504 loan programs, its flagship lending programs, in decades. In this video, Ryder talks about what's changed when it comes to increasing SBA 7a lenders, reducing red tape, and how you as a business owner can benefit from these changes. Do you plan on applying for or reconsidering SBA funding, including 7a loans? Share in the comments! Find us in the App Store! https://bit.ly/skipiosapp And Google Play! https://bit.ly/skipgoogleplayapp Want to stay up to date on the latest information? Be sure to follow us! PLEASE SUBSCRIBE AND PRESS THE BELL🔔ICON ➡️ https://bit.ly/3nbgR3s Facebook ➡️ https://bit.ly/FacebookSkip Twitter ➡️ https://bit.ly/TwitterSkip Instagram ➡️ https://bit.ly/InstagramSkip TikTok ➡️ https://bit.ly/TikTokSkip Visit our website ➡️ https://bit.ly/Skiphome Want to become a Skip partner or collaborate with us? Email us partners@helloskip.com Have topics, news, or information relevant to Skip? Email us tips@helloskip.com Other funding options: 💰 Up to $250K in credit lines with Bluevine: https://bit.ly/3i0PIxM 💰 Up to $500K with Funding Circle here: https://bit.ly/3vZPThz 💰 Up to $150K with Fundbox here: https://bit.ly/3eerLTj 💰 Up to $750K with Fora here: https://bit.ly/3GcKtVV Employee Retention Credit up to $26K per employee: http://SkipERC.com SBA 7A loans and other SBA funding: https://Skip7A.com Disclaimer: 📌 The content in any of Skip’s YouTube videos or this website shall not be construed as tax, legal, insurance, construction, engineering, health & safety, electrical, financial advice, or other & may be outdated or inaccurate; it is your responsibility to verify all information. For more information visit https://helloskip.com/privacy​ and https://helloskip.com/terms Music Attribution: https://www.bensound.com/ #grants #loans #funding

May 17 2023

SBA Announced EIDL Goodwill Period (Open Now)

Enter Skip $10k grant: https://helloskip.com/funding-details/perseverance?source=YTVIP11124 Get EIDL help from Skip: https://helloskip.com/expert-help?source=YTVIP11124 Create a FREE Skip account: https://helloskip.com/sign-in?source=YTVIP11124 In this video, Ryder talks about the new SBA EIDL Goodwill Period that affects EIDL borrowers. Ryder goes into what you need to know for EIDL and PPP borrowers, and how to get additional SBA funding and grants. Here's the SBA EIDL press release: https://www.sba.gov/article/2024/01/05/small-business-administration-announces-further-action-help-ppp-covid-eidl-borrowers CHECK OUT OUR FUNDING PARTNERS! Our special funding partners and links: 💰 Up to $250K in credit lines with Bluevine: https://bit.ly/3i0PIxM 💰 Up to $500K with Funding Circle: https://bit.ly/3vZPThz 💰 Up to $750K with Fora: https://bit.ly/3GcKtVV 💰 Up to $26K per employee with Employee Retention Credit: http://SkipERC.com 💰 Up to $5M SBA loan with Newtek: https://Skip7A.com Our special banking partners and links: 💰 Up to 2% interest in business checking account with Bluevine: https://bit.ly/3payuFE 💰 Up to 4% interest in business savings account with LiveOak: https://bit.ly/446cY4k Want to stay up to date on the latest information? Be sure to follow us! PLEASE SUBSCRIBE AND PRESS THE BELL🔔ICON ➡️ https://bit.ly/3nbgR3s Facebook ➡️ https://bit.ly/FacebookSkip Twitter ➡️ https://bit.ly/TwitterSkip Instagram ➡️ https://bit.ly/InstagramSkip TikTok ➡️ https://bit.ly/TikTokSkip Visit our website ➡️ https://bit.ly/Skiphome Want to become a Skip partner or collaborate with us? Email us partners@helloskip.com Have topics, news, or information relevant to Skip? Email us tips@helloskip.com Disclaimer: 📌 The content in any of Skip’s YouTube videos or this website shall not be construed as tax, legal, insurance, construction, engineering, health & safety, electrical, financial advice, or other & may be outdated or inaccurate; it is your responsibility to verify all information. For more information visit https://helloskip.com/privacy​ and https://helloskip.com/terms #grants #smallbusiness #funding

Jan 11 2024

Very Fast $25k Grants Open to Everyone

Apply for these $5k to $25k grants here: https://helloskip.com/funding-details/sbgf3?source=YT102523 Enter $1k grants in seconds: https://helloskip.com/funding-details/1koctober2023?source=YT102523 In this video Ryder talks about the $5k to $25k grants that are due in 2 days, why this is a good grant opportunity for all small businesses and entrepreneurs, and how to quickly answer the application questions using Skip AI. Good luck and let us know if you apply! CHECK OUT OUR FUNDING PARTNERS! Our special funding partners and links: 💰 Up to $250K in credit lines with Bluevine: https://bit.ly/3i0PIxM 💰 Up to $500K with Funding Circle: https://bit.ly/3vZPThz 💰 Up to $750K with Fora: https://bit.ly/3GcKtVV 💰 Up to $26K per employee with Employee Retention Credit: http://SkipERC.com 💰 Up to $5M SBA loan with Newtek: https://Skip7A.com Our special banking partners and links: 💰 Up to 2% interest in business checking account with Bluevine: https://bit.ly/3payuFE 💰 Up to 4% interest in business savings account with LiveOak: https://bit.ly/446cY4k Want to stay up to date on the latest information? Be sure to follow us! PLEASE SUBSCRIBE AND PRESS THE BELL🔔ICON ➡️ https://bit.ly/3nbgR3s Facebook ➡️ https://bit.ly/FacebookSkip Twitter ➡️ https://bit.ly/TwitterSkip Instagram ➡️ https://bit.ly/InstagramSkip TikTok ➡️ https://bit.ly/TikTokSkip Visit our website ➡️ https://bit.ly/Skiphome Want to become a Skip partner or collaborate with us? Email us partners@helloskip.com Have topics, news, or information relevant to Skip? Email us tips@helloskip.com Disclaimer: 📌 The content in any of Skip’s YouTube videos or this website shall not be construed as tax, legal, insurance, construction, engineering, health & safety, electrical, financial advice, or other & may be outdated or inaccurate; it is your responsibility to verify all information. For more information visit https://helloskip.com/privacy​ and https://helloskip.com/terms #grants #smallbusiness #funding

Oct 25 2023

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Skip: La meilleure ressource pour le financement et la croissance des petites entreprises.
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