est une plateforme qui aide les utilisateurs à créer des graphiques, des images et du texte incroyables. Elle propose des outils d'intelligence artificielle tels que l'AI Art Generator, qui stimule la créativité et automatise les tâches répétitives. Elle fournit également des modèles faciles à modifier pour la création de maquettes d'appareils, de publications sur les réseaux sociaux, d'images marketing, d'icônes d'applications et d'autres graphiques de travail.
Pour utiliser, les utilisateurs peuvent commencer par explorer les différents outils d'intelligence artificielle et modèles disponibles sur la plateforme. Ils peuvent utiliser l'AI Art Generator pour créer des graphiques et des œuvres d'art uniques en transformant leur imagination en réalité. La plateforme propose également des outils tels que Headshot Generator, Photo Upscaler, Background Remover, Object Remover et Face Enhancer pour améliorer les images et supprimer les éléments indésirables. Les utilisateurs peuvent choisir parmi une large gamme de modèles pour créer des graphiques pour les réseaux sociaux, des designs de produits et d'autres contenus visuels. propose une interface conviviale pour une édition et une personnalisation faciles.
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Build a SaaS: AI Companion With Next 13, React, Stripe, Prisma, MySQL, Tailwind | Tutorial 2023
Discord for any problems/errors/bugs: Github & Live Website: Clerk Authentication: Hotpot for AI Character Images: Inspiration for the project: In this comprehensive tutorial, we'll explore the intricate details of building an advanced SaaS AI Companion using Next.js 13. Our AI Companion taps into the power of embeddings and the Pinecone vector database to ensure long-term memory retention, supplemented by the fast caching abilities of the Upstash Redis database. We will also use MySQL and Prisma for storing companions. Harnessing the revolutionary features of Next.js 13 App Router, our platform will facilitate swift client-side routing, making the user experience seamless and intuitive. Alongside, the integration of Stripe promises a hassle-free subscription system, while Clerk handles user authentication with finesse. Throughout this tutorial, you'll be exposed to a rich array of web development technologies, including React, Tailwind, and Prisma. Every step is meticulously explained, ensuring even those new to the realm of SaaS development can follow along with ease. Whether you're an aspiring developer or a seasoned expert, this tutorial holds gems of knowledge that can benefit everyone. Keen to create a state-of-the-art SaaS AI Companion? Grab your developer toolkit, maybe a cup of your favorite brew, and let's redefine the AI-empowered web universe of 2023 with Next.js 13! Timestamps 00:00 Intro 06:07 Environment Setup 10:31 Folder Setup 18:07 Clerk Authentication 31:51 Navbar 51:43 Sidebar 01:03:46 Search Filter 01:16:14 Category Filter 01:37:12 Companion Creation Form 02:33:41 Companion Creation API 02:51:48 Companion List 03:11:42 Chat Header 03:40:55 Chat UI 04:18:38 Memory Service 04:45:00 Chat API 05:15:35 Stripe API 05:49:26 Stripe UI 06:23:05 Deployment
17 HERRAMIENTAS increíbles de IA GRATUITAS que te sorprenderán! Gratis y Freemium ✅🤖
Gana dinero con la edición de IA: La Inteligencia Artificial (IA) es la combinación de algoritmos planteados con el propósito de crear máquinas que presenten las mismas capacidades que el ser humano.Hoy en día está presente en todas las áreas en las que nos desarrollamos desde brindar soluciones con herramientas productivas,educación,entretenimiento. En este video te comparto 17 HERRAMIENTAS increíbles de INTELIGENCIA ARTIFICIAL GRATUITAS que te sorprenderán!desde CREAR un logo para tu empresa,borrar elementos no deseados en tus fotos, crear nombres de marca,hasta recibir un saludo personalizado de Leo Messi y animar fotos de fotos de personas o seres queridos que ya no están en este mundo solo son algunos de los que disfrutar con estas increíbles herramientas, te invito a explorarlas,Te llevarás una grata sorpresa. HERRAMIENTAS DE INTELIGENCIA ARTIFICAL GRATIS Y FREEMIUM ★----- Links Importantes ----- ★ 1-BRANDMARK👉 2-NAMELIX👉 3-P.PIC MAKER👉 4-Rytr👉 5-SOUNDRAW👉 6-COPY AI👉 7-MARLOWE👉 8-MINTA👉 9-QUICK DRAW👉 10-HOTPOT👉 11-SIMPLIFIED👉 12-MAGIC ERASER👉 13-BIGJPG👉 UPSCALE MEDIA👉 14-LUMEN 5👉 15-STOCKIMG👉 16-MY HERITAGE👉 17-MESSI MESSAGES👉 MARCA DE TIEMPO: 0:00:00Introducción:¿cómo la INTELIGENCIA ARTIFICIAL ESTA PRESENTE en todo lo que HACEMOS? 0:01:22Crear Logos con BRANDMARK 00:04:30Crear nombres para negocios con NAMELIX 00:05:48Crear Fotos de perfil PROFILE PIC MAKER 00:07:51Crear Contenido para Blog Rytr 00:09:16Crear Música sin copyright con SOUNDRAW 00:10:15Crear contenido para Blog COPY AI 00:12:36Analizar Libros con MARLOWE 00:13:51Crear Piezas gráficas para Econmerce con MINTA 00:14:50Permite reconocer dibujos-QUICK DRAW 00:17:13Colección de herramientas de IA HOTPOT 00:20:00Crear,post,miniaturas con SIMPLIFIED 00:22:26Eliminar objetos de escena MAGIC ERASER 00:23:59Escalar imágenes BIGJPG / UPSCALE MEDIA 00:25:26Crear videos Marketing LUMEN 5 00:29:14Crear Portadas,fondos de pantalla,poster STOCKIMG 00:31:29Animar fotos MY HERITAGE 00:33:25Crea Mensaje personalizado de Lionel Messi 00:35:40Conclusiones y recomendaciones finales ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #HerramientasIA #IA SUSCRIBETE A MI CANAL ES GRATIS Y OBTENDRÁS MUCHOS BENEFICIOS •mucho más… /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ●SITIO WEB BLOG: Más información en mis redes sociales: ● Facebook: ● Twitter: ● Instagram:
Ai Tools That TOTALLY Innovate A Designer's Life!
If you're a graphic designer, you NEED to check out these new tools and resources that are totally 100% FREE! The world of graphic design and art is changing fast, and so you really don't want to be caught left behind. This video shows you 5 different free tools that designers can use on their projects or whatever else, totally for free. As mentioned in the video, it's probably a great idea to embrace the new change of tools and design workflows, because there is very little anybody can do to change the reality of the situation. So instead, learn how to use these new free tools, and see how you can apply them to your designs and projects as a graphic designer. If you found todays video on new free graphic design tools enjoyable or useful, let me know in the comments section and drop a like on your way out. Subscribe to stay updated to all of my uploads and until next time, design your future today, peace ✌️ Satori Graphics® Chat GPT: HotPot A.i: Namelix: PfP Maker: Midjourney: 📌📌📌📌📌📌📌📌📌📌📌📌📌📌📌📌📌📌📌📌 🔥 Take Your Logo Design Process To New Heights here: or on Gumroad here: 😎 Over 55 MILLION Design Resources: 🖥️ The tool I use to organise my design projects: 😊😊 HAPPIER ME Planner: ⤴️ Adobe Illustrator exstension that logo designers NEED The above links are affiliate links, most of which I personally use on a daily basis 👍 📌📌📌📌📌📌📌📌📌📌📌📌📌📌📌📌📌📌📌📌 ⏯️ PLAYLISTS ✅ Here's a FULL series playlist of graphic design tips and hacks: ✅ MOST Popular Satori Videos: ✅ 1,000’s of FREE Fonts: ✅ How To Become A Professional Logo Designer: ✅ Adobe Illustrator Tips and Tricks: ******************************************************************** ❤️ SUBSCRIBE To My Main Channel: 🧡 SUBSCRIBE To My Backup Channel (in case this channel becomes compromised): 🟣 Join the FREE Discord: 🐦 Join Me On Twitter! 📸 Here's My Instagram! ******************************************************************** ©️ Copyright The work is protected by copyright, produced by Satori Graphics® This is applied to the video recording of itself as well as all artistic aspects including special protection on the final outcome. Legal steps will have to be taken if copyright is breeched. Music is used from the YouTube audio library and or sourced with permission from the author
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