Capturer, organiser et partager vos centres d'intérêt facilement
1. Installez l'extension Itsimple 2. Capturez n'importe quelle page, image ou texte en un seul clic 3. Itsimple tag et organise automatiquement vos captures dans des catégories pertinentes 4. Utilisez les collections pour organiser vos cartes 5. Effectuez facilement des recherches dans vos captures 6. Partagez vos collections n'importe où
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Itsimple Nom de l'entreprise : Itsimple .
Lien de tarification Itsimple :
Fonctionnalités de base et stockage limité
Fonctionnalités avancées et stockage illimité
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This bookmarking app makes your life easier with new AI feature
Itsimple - the best bookmark manager out there, just got a new feature called "Itsimple Mate". It provides even more power into your hands. Website Signup at the
This simple AI tool can do it all!
Here is just a few use cases for what can do: - Link in Bio - share links to all of your contacts or maybe to your current creator kit or pretty much anything you like in a collection of your choice and then share the link to save it in your socials; - Travel Plans - planning a trip? Start collecting places to visit, google maps pins or the whole itinerary inside the ItsimpleAI collection and it doesn't have to stop here. You can save photos from the trip in the same collection to share them later with your friends. - Portfolio - would like to share your work? Create a collection in ItsimpleAI and start saving links to your videos & upload images and then just create a link for sharing. - Todo app - create a collection called "Todo" and start collection all of the things you need to do under it, once you've done with a certain card, simply delete or remove it from the collection. Itsimple allows you to capture, organize, and share your interests effortlessly! There is free version and no ads. Signup at the 0:00 Intro 1:07 Link in Bio 5:35 Travel plans 9:19 Portfolio 11:14 Todo app 12:25 Summary
How to save your ChatGPT messages to find them later?
- website - signup at the
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