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Construisez des API d'IA complexes avec une interface simple.
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Props AI Informations sur le produit

Qu'est-ce que Props AI ?

Une interface simple et intuitive qui vous permet de construire des API d'IA complexes avec une mise en œuvre de code réduite. Il vous suffit d'écrire une requête avec des variables, de sélectionner un modèle et de copier-coller le code snippet dans votre application.

Comment utiliser Props AI ?

1. Écrivez une requête avec des variables 2. Sélectionnez un modèle 3. Copiez-collez le code snippet dans votre application

Fonctionnalités de base de Props AI

Interface simple et intuitive

Construire des API d'IA complexes

Mise en œuvre de code réduite

Support des variables

Sélection de modèle

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Apurva Mehta and Jack Altman on Sam Altman, CalPERS, and Liquidation Preferences | E1927

(0:00) David Weisburd intros Apurva Mehta, Jack Altman, and Jason Calacanis (2:34) Reddit's IPO and Sam Altman's investment success (5:48) Apurva's investment strategy and thoughts on fund size and portfolio strategy (11:50) DevSquad - Get an entire product team for the cost of one US developer plus 10% off at http://devsquad.com/twist (13:19) The role of SPVs and the importance of trust in the investment ecosystem (24:53) Marketing Against the Grain ⁠https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xHrjktuM1Dc https://lnk.to/h3vKHnTW (26:19) CalPERS and pension funds increasing their exposure to venture capital and private equity (28:11) Is it a good time to invest in venture? (41:48) Gelt. It’s time to take control over your taxes. Visit https://joingelt.com/twist now (43:02) Fundraising and decision-making processes (45:56) Higher liquidation preferences at the later stage (55:49) Rapid fire segment on recent investments Subscribe to This Week in Startups on Apple: https://rb.gy/v19fcp Mentioned on the show: https://www.retellai.com https://www.heygen.com https://www.owner.com https://www.foundationhealth.com https://peregrine.io https://www.marvl.io https://getprops.ai https://www.arkitask.ai X: https://twitter.com/Jason https://twitter.com/mehtaaapurva https://twitter.com/jaltma LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jasoncalacanis https://www.linkedin.com/in/apurvaamehta https://www.linkedin.com/in/jackealtman Thanks to our partners: (11:50) DevSquad - Get an entire product team for the cost of one US developer plus 10% off at http://devsquad.com/twist (24:53) Marketing Against the Grain ⁠https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xHrjktuM1Dc https://lnk.to/h3vKHnTW (41:48) Gelt. It’s time to take control over your taxes. Visit https://joingelt.com/twist now All rights for the video shared and linked below belong to the original copyright holder, and we are using the footage under the principle of fair use. Listen here: Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/this-week-in-startups-audio/id315114957 Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/6ULQ0ewYf5zmsDgBchlkr9 Overcast: https://overcast.fm/itunes315114957/this-week-in-startups-audio More from us: Twitter: https://twitter.com/twistartups Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thisweekinstartups Official site: https://thisweekinstartups.com Subscribe to our YouTube to watch all full episodes: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkkhmBWfS7pILYIk0izkc3A?sub_confirmation=1 Subscribe to TWiST Clips for all the best moments: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCS7tJlcUA6PzVHEMo-X7ddg?sub_confirmation=1 #startups #entrepreneurship #investing #angelinvesting #tech #news #business

This Week in Startups
Apr 06 2024

Startup pitch competition! Jason invests $25K into one of three founders | E1942

(00:00) Jason kicks off the show! (1:16) Jason brings on Presh to introduce today's pitches! (9:17) Eppo. Accelerate your experimentation velocity with Eppo. Visit  https://www.geteppo.com/twist (10:17) Peter Kirkham pitches Props AI (19:45) Eight Sleep - Go to https://www.eightsleep.com/twist for $200 off the Pod plus free shipping (21:15) Alan Blakeborough Pitches 2ndHandGeek (36:16) Mercury - Join 200K startups who use Mercury to operate at their best at ⁠http://mercury.com⁠ (37:18) Alex Hanna pitches Zweelie (41:44) Jason picks the startup he will invest in! (43:26) Advice for founders and Q&A Founder University: Cohort 8 begins May 9th! Apply here: https://www.founder.university⁠ We are doing Founder Fridays! Go check out https://founderfridays.tech Subscribe to This Week in Startups on Apple: https://rb.gy/v19fcp Follow Peter: X: https://twitter.com/k11kirky LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/peter-kirkham Props AI: www.getprops.ai Follow Alan: LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/f3zorroblake 2ndHandGeek: https://exchange.2ndhandgeek.com Follow Alex: X: http://x.com/_alexhanna LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/alex-hanna-founder Zweelie: http://zweelie.com Follow Jason: X: https://twitter.com/Jason LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jasoncalacanis Thank you to our partners: (9:17) Eppo. Accelerate your experimentation velocity with Eppo. Visit  https://www.geteppo.com/twist (19:45) Eight Sleep - Go to https://www.eightsleep.com/twist for $200 off the Pod plus free shipping (36:16) Mercury - Join 200K startups who use Mercury to operate at their best at ⁠http://mercury.com⁠ All rights for the video shared and linked below belong to the original copyright holder, and we are using the footage under the principle of fair use. Listen here: Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/this-week-in-startups-audio/id315114957 Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/6ULQ0ewYf5zmsDgBchlkr9 Overcast: https://overcast.fm/itunes315114957/this-week-in-startups-audio More from us: Twitter: https://twitter.com/twistartups Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thisweekinstartups Official site: https://thisweekinstartups.com Subscribe to our YouTube to watch all full episodes: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkkhmBWfS7pILYIk0izkc3A?sub_confirmation=1 Subscribe to TWiST Clips for all the best moments: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCS7tJlcUA6PzVHEMo-X7ddg?sub_confirmation=1 #startups #entrepreneurship #investing #angelinvesting #tech #news #business

This Week in Startups
May 02 2024

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Props AI: Construisez des API d'IA complexes avec une interface simple.
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