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Introduction :
Traqueur de temps intelligent pour améliorer la concentration et développer de meilleures habitudes de travail.
Ajouté le :
Dec 25 2023
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Rize Informations sur le produit

Qu'est-ce que Rize ?

Rize est un traqueur de temps intelligent qui améliore votre concentration et vous aide à développer de meilleures habitudes de travail.

Comment utiliser Rize ?

Téléchargez l'application Rize pour macOS ou Windows et laissez l'assistant de productivité basé sur l'IA analyser votre activité pour vous conseiller en temps réel quand vous concentrer, quand prendre des pauses et quand vous éloigner de votre objectif. Utilisez les fonctionnalités de blocage d'application et de site web, la musique de concentration, la minuterie flexible Pomodoro et les métriques personnalisées pour approfondir votre capacité à vous concentrer. Profitez de l'emploi du temps de suivi personnalisable, des notifications de pause et de surtravail pour développer de meilleures habitudes de travail. Rize propose également un suivi automatique du temps, des rapports quotidiens et hebdomadaires, des catégories personnalisables, des intégrations calendrier Google et Outlook, une analyse du temps de concentration, un marquage de projet, une minuterie de session, un widget de bureau et bien plus encore.

Fonctionnalités de base de Rize

Traque automatique du temps

Rapports quotidiens et hebdomadaires

Catégories personnalisables

Emploi du temps de suivi personnalisable

Notifications de pause

Notification de surtravail

Intégrations calendrier Google et Outlook

Catégorisation des réunions

Analyse du temps de concentration

Marquage de projet

Minuterie de session

Widget de bureau

Les cas d'utilisation de Rize


Gestionnaires marketing qui doivent gérer leur temps entre plusieurs projets, équipes et délais concurrents.


Développeurs de logiciels et designers qui doivent hiérarchiser le temps de concentration et minimiser les distractions pour livrer un travail de haute qualité.


Fondateurs de start-up et entrepreneurs qui doivent valider la façon dont ils passent leur temps afin de prioriser les bonnes choses.

FAQ de Rize

Comment Rize traque-t-il mon activité?

Quelles plateformes Rize prend-il en charge?

Comment Rize protège-t-il mes données?

Combien coûte Rize?

Que se passe-t-il lorsque je cesse de payer mon abonnement?

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Rize Tarifs

Plan Gratuit

0,00 $ par mois

Uniquement la minuterie de session. Conservation d'une journée de données.

Facturation Annuelle

9,99 $ par mois

Inclut un essai gratuit de 7 jours. Aucune carte de crédit requise.

Facturation Mensuelle

16,99 $ par mois

Inclut un essai gratuit de 7 jours. Aucune carte de crédit requise.

Pour connaître les derniers tarifs, veuillez consulter ce lien : https://rize.io/#pricing

Analyse de Rize

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$ 4.75
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$ 1.28
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6 Side Hustles Students Can Start in 2025

Make 2025 your best year ever by joining me for Productivity Spark, a free live, online masterclass on the first weekend of January! https://go.aliabdaal.com/sparkbc/yt Thanks to Trading 212 for sponsoring this video. Use the promo code ALI to get a free share worth up to £100 or visit https://www.trading212.com/promocodes/ALI. Hey friends, so side hustles literally changed my life, and in this video I explain how they can change yours and share 6 specific ideas that could work for you as well. Enjoy x 📖 Check out my New York Times bestselling book Feel-Good Productivity: Website: https://www.feelgoodproductivity.com/?utm_campaign=preorder&utm_source=youtube_long&utm_medium=video_description&utm_content=6+Side+Hustle+Ideas+for+Students+in+2023 Amazon: https://go.feelgoodproductivity.com/studentsidehustlevid 💌 Free Weekly Productivity Insights: https://www.aliabdaal.com/sunday This is not financial advice. When investing, your capital is at risk. Investments can rise and fall and you may get back less than you invested. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. Government taxes and 0.15% FX fee applies. 🍿 WATCH NEXT: How to Make Millions in Your 20s: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mBTPvvgRICQ 7 Side Hustles You Can Start in 2023: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I-dlPuqFguo 7 Habits to Become a Millionaire by 30: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JMh44cq60UE 9 Business Lessons from How I Made $1.6m in 30 Days: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qWMK16uYQbU 🔗 LINKS MENTIONED: Jack Raines: https://twitter.com/Jack_Raines Alex & Books: https://x.com/alexandbooks_ Dill Toma: https://twitter.com/DillToma Matt Brighton: https://www.youtube.com/@MattBrighton/videos Drew Birnie: https://twitter.com/drewbirnie?lang=en Chris Misterek: https://twitter.com/chrismisterek Henry: https://twitter.com/hencubed MY CREATOR COURSES 🎬 Check out my free 7 day email course on how to become a part-time YouTuber: https://aliabdaal.com/part-time-youtuber-crash-course/ 🏆 Creatorpreneur - My flagship course for scaling up your creative side-hustle → https://creatorpreneur.academy/course 🗣 Camera Confidence - My self-paced course on how to improve your creativity, career, or communication skills → https://cameraconfidence.aliabdaal.com/ MY FAVOURITE TOOLS & GEAR 📩 Superhuman - The BEST Email Experience - https://go.aliabdaal.com/superhuman ✍️ Shortform - The BEST Summaries of Books - https://go.aliabdaal.com/shortform 📚 Readwise - How I remember What I Read - https://go.aliabdaal.com/readwise 🎵 Epidemic Sound - Where I Get My Music - https://go.aliabdaal.com/epidemicsound ⚙️ Notion - How I Manage My Team - https://go.aliabdaal.com/notion ⏰ Rize - How I Track Time and Stay Productive - https://rize.io/aliabdaal MY OTHER SOCIALS: 🎙 My podcast Deep Dive where I interview entrepreneurs, creators and other inspiring people - https://www.youtube.com/c/DeepDivewithAliAbdaal/ 🌍 My website / blog - https://www.aliabdaal.com/ 🐦 Twitter - https://twitter.com/aliabdaal 📸 Instagram - https://instagram.com/aliabdaal 📱  TikTok - https://www.tiktok.com/@aliabdaal 👨‍💻  Linkedin - https://www.linkedin.com/in/ali-abdaal/ 🎥  Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/aliabdaal/ WHO AM I? If we haven’t yet before - Hey 👋 I’m Ali, a doctor-turned-entrepreneur and I’ve somehow become the world’s most followed productivity expert. Through my videos here on this channel, my podcast Deep Dive and writing, I share evidence-based strategies and tools to help you be more productive and build a life you love. ⌚️Timestamps: 0:00 Introduction 1:03 Why are we even talking about this? 4:04 How to make money as a side hustle? 6:34 Side Hustle 1 11:06 Side Hustle 2 16:59 Side Hustle 3 19:27 Side Hustle 4 21:12 Side Hustle 5 22:36 Side Hustle 6 PS: Some of the links in this description are affiliate links that I get a kickback from 😜

Ali Abdaal
Sep 15 2023

6 Side Hustles Students Can Start in 2025

Make 2025 your best year ever by joining me for Productivity Spark, a free live, online masterclass on the first weekend of January! https://go.aliabdaal.com/sparkbc/yt Thanks to Trading 212 for sponsoring this video. Use the promo code ALI to get a free share worth up to £100 or visit https://www.trading212.com/promocodes/ALI. Hey friends, so side hustles literally changed my life, and in this video I explain how they can change yours and share 6 specific ideas that could work for you as well. Enjoy x 📖 Check out my New York Times bestselling book Feel-Good Productivity: Website: https://www.feelgoodproductivity.com/?utm_campaign=preorder&utm_source=youtube_long&utm_medium=video_description&utm_content=6+Side+Hustle+Ideas+for+Students+in+2023 Amazon: https://go.feelgoodproductivity.com/studentsidehustlevid 💌 Free Weekly Productivity Insights: https://www.aliabdaal.com/sunday This is not financial advice. When investing, your capital is at risk. Investments can rise and fall and you may get back less than you invested. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. Government taxes and 0.15% FX fee applies. 🍿 WATCH NEXT: How to Make Millions in Your 20s: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mBTPvvgRICQ 7 Side Hustles You Can Start in 2023: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I-dlPuqFguo 7 Habits to Become a Millionaire by 30: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JMh44cq60UE 9 Business Lessons from How I Made $1.6m in 30 Days: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qWMK16uYQbU 🔗 LINKS MENTIONED: Jack Raines: https://twitter.com/Jack_Raines Alex & Books: https://x.com/alexandbooks_ Dill Toma: https://twitter.com/DillToma Matt Brighton: https://www.youtube.com/@MattBrighton/videos Drew Birnie: https://twitter.com/drewbirnie?lang=en Chris Misterek: https://twitter.com/chrismisterek Henry: https://twitter.com/hencubed MY CREATOR COURSES 🎬 Check out my free 7 day email course on how to become a part-time YouTuber: https://aliabdaal.com/part-time-youtuber-crash-course/ 🏆 Creatorpreneur - My flagship course for scaling up your creative side-hustle → https://creatorpreneur.academy/course 🗣 Camera Confidence - My self-paced course on how to improve your creativity, career, or communication skills → https://cameraconfidence.aliabdaal.com/ MY FAVOURITE TOOLS & GEAR 📩 Superhuman - The BEST Email Experience - https://go.aliabdaal.com/superhuman ✍️ Shortform - The BEST Summaries of Books - https://go.aliabdaal.com/shortform 📚 Readwise - How I remember What I Read - https://go.aliabdaal.com/readwise 🎵 Epidemic Sound - Where I Get My Music - https://go.aliabdaal.com/epidemicsound ⚙️ Notion - How I Manage My Team - https://go.aliabdaal.com/notion ⏰ Rize - How I Track Time and Stay Productive - https://rize.io/aliabdaal MY OTHER SOCIALS: 🎙 My podcast Deep Dive where I interview entrepreneurs, creators and other inspiring people - https://www.youtube.com/c/DeepDivewithAliAbdaal/ 🌍 My website / blog - https://www.aliabdaal.com/ 🐦 Twitter - https://twitter.com/aliabdaal 📸 Instagram - https://instagram.com/aliabdaal 📱  TikTok - https://www.tiktok.com/@aliabdaal 👨‍💻  Linkedin - https://www.linkedin.com/in/ali-abdaal/ 🎥  Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/aliabdaal/ WHO AM I? If we haven’t yet before - Hey 👋 I’m Ali, a doctor-turned-entrepreneur and I’ve somehow become the world’s most followed productivity expert. Through my videos here on this channel, my podcast Deep Dive and writing, I share evidence-based strategies and tools to help you be more productive and build a life you love. ⌚️Timestamps: 0:00 Introduction 1:03 Why are we even talking about this? 4:04 How to make money as a side hustle? 6:34 Side Hustle 1 11:06 Side Hustle 2 16:59 Side Hustle 3 19:27 Side Hustle 4 21:12 Side Hustle 5 22:36 Side Hustle 6 PS: Some of the links in this description are affiliate links that I get a kickback from 😜

Ali Abdaal
Sep 15 2023

Change Your Life by Journalling in 2025

Check out Rize using this link: https://rize.io/aliabdaal or use the code ALIABDAAL to get 25% off your first 3 months MY PRODUCTIVITY APPS 👻 VoicePal: AI Writing App (iOS/Android) - Download for Free → https://go.aliabdaal.com/voicepal/ytd MY BOOK 📕 My New York Times bestselling book Feel-Good Productivity (2,000+ 5-star reviews) https://go.feelgoodproductivity.com/a... MY COURSES 🧠 My Productivity System: LifeOS → https://go.aliabdaal.com/lifeos/ytd 🤑 Grow / Monetise your YouTube Channel → https://go.aliabdaal.com/PTYA/yt CONNECT WITH ME 💌 Join LifeNotes, my weekly email where I share what I’m reading & learning: https://go.aliabdaal.com/lifenotes/yt 📸 Instagram: https://instagram.com/aliabdaal 👨‍💻 Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ali-abdaal/ 🌍 My website / blog: https://www.aliabdaal.com/ ------------ Journalling has been one of the most important habits I’ve ever developed and has had a dramatic impact on my life. In this video, I go through why I think journaling is so powerful and share the best prompts you can use to get started as well. Enjoy x 🔗 LINKS MENTIONED IN THIS VIDEO 📝 Get my list of journaling prompts here! https://aliabdaal.com/journalling-prompts-template/?utm_campaign=Journaling%20Prompts%20Hub&utm_source=youtube&utm_medium=social&utm_term=Long&utm_content=Change%20Your%20Life%20by%20Journalling%20in%202024 ⌚️TIMESTAMPS 0:00 Introduction 0:41 - Why Journalling can change your life 4:44 - Level 1 of Journalling 7:46 - Level 2 of Journalling 10:54 - Level 3 of Journalling 11:25 - Odyssey Plan (Prompt 1) 12:03 - The Wheel of Life (Prompt 2) 13:03 - 12 Month Celebration (Prompt 3) 13:28 - Fear Setting Exercise (Prompt 4) 14:26 - Solomon's Paradox (Prompt 5) PS: Some of the links in this description are affiliate links that I get a kickback from 😜li

Ali Abdaal
Sep 29 2023

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Rize: Traqueur de temps intelligent pour améliorer la concentration et développer de meilleures habitudes de travail.
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