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Le moyen le plus facile de planifier votre entreprise, personnalisé et généré par l'IA.
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Starcycle Informations sur le produit

Qu'est-ce que Starcycle ?

Le planificateur IA de Starcycle est le moyen le plus facile de planifier votre entreprise. Répondez à quelques questions simples et nous vous guiderons sur tout ce que vous devez savoir pour concrétiser votre prochaine grande idée - 100% personnalisé pour vous, 100% généré par l'IA.

Comment utiliser Starcycle ?

Connectez-vous à Starcycle et répondez à des questions personnalisées pour obtenir des recommandations de planification d'entreprise personnalisées. Utilisez des aperçus de marché assistés par IA, des projections et des prévisions, des analyses SWOT et collaborez avec vos co-fondateurs IA pour brainstormer des idées et clarifier des concepts. Automatisez vos tâches et gérez votre entreprise avec des informations et des recommandations exploitables.

Fonctionnalités de base de Starcycle

Questions de planification d'entreprise personnalisées

Aperçus de marché assistés par l'IA, projections et prévisions

Analyses SWOT

Collaboration avec les co-fondateurs IA

Gestion automatisée des tâches

Les cas d'utilisation de Starcycle


Se lancer avec une idée d'entreprise


Gérer et développer une entreprise existante


Capturer l'élan des ventes et booster la présence en ligne


Collaborer avec une équipe

FAQ de Starcycle

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Comment fonctionne Starcycle?

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Qui peut bénéficier de l'utilisation de Starcycle?

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529: How AI Transforms Small Business Operations

Host Victoria Guido chats with Jaclyn Siu, the co-founder of Starcycle, an AI platform designed as a COO for small businesses. First, Jaclyn describes her entrepreneurial journey and what led her to Starcycle, detailing her earlier ventures, such as helping to scale a men's styling app and a software platform for authenticating high-end art. Her ultimate goal is to make the tools and experiences typically reserved for startup founders accessible to small business owners, who comprise most of the global business ecosystem. She outlines how Starcycle supports crucial phases in a business’s lifecycle—start-up, sale, or shutdown—by automating operations and documentation, easing burdens on business owners. Jaclyn also touches on the importance of personal connections and genuine curiosity in conducting user research and developing products that genuinely meet the needs of small businesses. She believes we can achieve this by being deeply rooted in empathy and strategically using technology like Starcycle. • Starcycle (https://starcycle.ai/) • Follow Starcycle on LinkedIn (https://www.linkedin.com/company/starcycleai/) or Instagram (https://www.instagram.com/jaclynsiu). • Follow Jaclyn Siu on LinkedIn (https://www.linkedin.com/in/jaclynsiu/). Visit her website: jaclynsiu.com (https://jaclynsiu.com/) • Follow thoughtbot on X (https://twitter.com/thoughtbot) or LinkedIn (https://www.linkedin.com/company/150727/). Transcript: VICTORIA: This is the Giant Robots Smashing Into Other Giant Robots podcast, where we explore the design, development, and business of great products. I'm your host, Victoria Guido. And with me today is Jaclyn Siu, Co-Founder of Starcycle, the AI COO for small businesses. Jaclyn, thank you for joining me. JACLYN: Thank you for having me. It's so fun to be here. VICTORIA: Great to be here with you as well. Before we get into learning more about Starcycle, can you tell me what's going on in your life outside of work that's exciting for you? JACLYN: This is a very big departure from what I do on a day-to-day basis, but I am a huge coffee fanatic. And so, I love sampling all different kinds of coffee beans from around the world. And this morning, actually, I just finished the last cup from this amazing roastery in Osaka, Japan. They're called Mel Coffee; shout out to Mel Coffee. That's what I spend a lot of my time outside of work doing is trying different coffee beans. VICTORIA: No, I love it. I love coffee as well. Actually, I am currently out of espresso beans. We have a fancy espresso machine maker. It's like our one big luxury in the house, and I don't have any coffee beans for it. So, I might need some recommendations from you [laughs] on what to get. JACLYN: My sympathies on the lack of coffee, but I have plenty of recommendations. We can absolutely jam on this afterwards. VICTORIA: Okay. Because you've traveled quite a bit, of all the places that you've been, where is the best cup of coffee that you've had? JACLYN: I mean, I definitely have my favorites. In New York where I am currently, I would say that honor belongs to The Coffee Project. Actually, it's a tie between The Coffee Project and Say Coffee. In Berlin, where I was based for the last seven years or so, I would say that honor goes to Bonanza Coffee. I used to go there every single day. And I attribute a lot of my success in Berlin to all the beautiful cups of coffee that they served me. In other places, I would say what comes to mind is for sure Mel Coffee in Osaka, Japan, also, Glitch Coffee in Tokyo. In Hong Kong, that would be Craft Coffee. Hong Kong is where I'm from originally, so I have a very big fondness for any local roasteries. And I am going to stop there because, otherwise, this would become a coffee podcast, and I don't think this is what we're here for [laughs]. VICTORIA: I think there's a pretty strong coffee interest in our listeners, but they can tell me if I'm wrong. No, I think that's great, and it tells us a little bit about yourself. So, you've lived in all these different places and all these backgrounds. Maybe you can tell us a little bit about how your background led you to starting Starcycle. JACLYN: Starcycle is my third company. I'm a three-time founder, advisor, investor, and mentor. I built my very first startup in my senior year of college, which was a men's personal styling app that surfaced shoppable outfits based on your calendar, style preferences, weather, and other things. And decided quite quickly early on, about a year in, that I wanted some real-world experience before understanding what it's like to run and build a company. I realized, hey, I need to know what it's like to be in one before I can build one. So, I spent the next decade-plus in the creative culture and tech spaces, everything from sales and partnerships to marketing grow...

Feb 27 2025

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Starcycle: Le moyen le plus facile de planifier votre entreprise, personnalisé et généré par l'IA.
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