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Unlocking ADHD Brendan Mahan Webinar
💡Find out more at and 🔗 Link to the slides: Why do simple tasks feel hard for those with ADHD? Brendan Mahan explains how overcoming the Wall of Awful helps make harder things easier.Do you ever wonder why tasks that seem like they should be "easy" are often so hard to start? Things like: Checking the school portal?Starting or finishing work?Transitioning to a new task?When we continually struggle with these tasks, an emotional barrier develops—what Brendan Mahan calls — what Brendan Mahan calls the Wall of Awful™. This "wall" represents the accumulated emotional toll of past failures, frustration, or anxiety, making it harder to begin even the simplest of tasks. We are excited to host Brendan Mahan, M.Ed., MS, an internationally recognized expert on ADHD, Executive Function, and Anxiety—and a true StudyPro Super Hero to present: Unlocking ADHD: Why Easy Tasks are Hard and How to Help Tuesday, September 24, 9:00-10:15 AM EST**presentation from 9:00-10:00 AM, with 15 minutes for Q&A Brendan previews insights from his forthcoming book on the Wall of Awful™ and he will answer: What is the Wall of Awful?How do anxiety and executive functions affect our ability to get things done?What practical strategies can help us break through the Wall of Awful to overcome the challenges holding us back?By understanding the Wall of Awful, you’ll gain valuable insights into your child’s struggles and learn how to communicate more effectively, making those tough tasks feel just a little bit easier.
'ADHD Teens: Ready or Not, Here Comes Life!'
💡Learn more at and 🔗 Download the slides: We all know that raising a child with ADHD comes with a unique set of worries. Are they ready for college? Do they have the skills to live independently? What career path will best suit their strengths? In our March webinar, Dr. Kathleen Nadeau, a distinguished expert in the field of ADHD, will present: “ADHD Teens: Ready or Not, Here Comes Life!” Dr. Nadeau is the Founder of The Chesapeake Center, an international speaker, and the author or co-author of over a dozen books on ADHD. In her talk, Dr. Nadeau will help parents honestly assess their children’s readiness so they may best support them on their own unique ‘path of life.’ She will help parents look critically at these questions: Where is my student (really) on their path to ‘adulting?’ What should I consider when evaluating when and if my student should attend college? How can my child discover their strengths and answer ‘what do I want to do with my life?” Dr. Nadeau has done groundbreaking, award-winning work on women and girls with ADHD and has deep knowledge of ADHD across all ages and stages. She will help us to look practically and supportively at our children as they embark on the next steps on their path.
“Cognitive Coping Skills to Help Kids with Worries”
💡Find out more at and 🔗 Link to the slides: As parents, want to console our children when they share their worries. But sometimes, worries reoccur and don’t respond to our reassurance. In our March Learning from a Distance Webinar Series, Katie Lear LCMHC, RPT, RDT, therapist and author, presents: “Cognitive Coping Skills to Help Kids with Worries” In this strategy-rich talk, Katie shares 3 proven skills to help reoccurring worries: How to implement worry breaks to prevent worries from spiraling out of control. How to practice limit-setting to boost kids’ confidence in their ability to handle worries on their own. How to use blue thoughts and true thoughts to put worries in perspective.
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