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Plateforme d'optimisation de la santé alimentée par l'IA avec des conseils personnels
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Jul 30 2024
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Thumos Care Informations sur le produit

Qu'est-ce que Thumos Care ?

Thumos Care est une plateforme d'optimisation de la santé alimentée par l'IA qui fournit des conseils personnalisés d'experts en Santé, Esprit, Nutrition, Exercice et Sommeil. Il garantit la confidentialité, la sécurité et démocratise l'accès aux soins de santé.

Comment utiliser Thumos Care ?

Pour utiliser Thumos Care, commencez par vous inscrire et fournir des informations sur vos objectifs de santé. Interagissez avec des experts alimentés par l'IA dans divers domaines pour optimiser votre parcours de santé.

Fonctionnalités de base de Thumos Care

Conseils personnalisés en Santé, Esprit, Nutrition, Exercice et Sommeil

Conforme à la HIPAA et sécurisé par Delve

Démocratisation de l'accès aux soins de santé

Les cas d'utilisation de Thumos Care


Recevoir des conseils de santé personnalisés basés sur vos besoins individuels


Discuter des problèmes de santé en privé avec des experts


Optimiser votre parcours de santé grâce à des recommandations alimentées par l'IA

FAQ de Thumos Care

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Comment Thumos Care démocratise-t-il la santé ?

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424: Democratizing Good Health: The Vision of Thumos Care | Shan Rizvi & Dr. Maryam Baqir

Shan Rizvi and Dr. Maryam Baqir discuss their new venture, Thumos Care, an AI-powered health optimization platform. They aim to bridge the gap between the healthcare industry and the wellness industry by providing individuals with a clear understanding of their current health status and future trajectory. The platform offers personalized health analysis and recommendations based on medical expertise and scientific evidence. The goal is to democratize good health and help individuals maximize their potential in all aspects of life. The conversation explores the potential of using AI and personalized health data to improve longevity and overall well-being. Shan and Maryam discuss the concept of 'aging well' and the importance of finding purpose and meaning in life. They highlight the role of technology, such as smart contact lenses and Neuralink, in enhancing human capabilities and optimizing health. The conversation also touches on the challenges faced in developing the Thumos Care platform and the need for creativity, determination, and self-confidence. The speakers outline their plans for marketing and improving the product in the coming months. Thumos Care is at https://www.thumoscare.com/ Keywords: Thumos Care, AI-powered health optimization platform, healthcare industry, wellness industry, health analysis, personalized recommendations, preventive medicine, aging, comorbidities, scaling the unscalable, maximizing potential, AI, personalized health data, longevity, aging well, purpose, meaning, technology, smart contact lenses, Neuralink, challenges, creativity, determination, self-confidence, marketing, improvement -Thumos Care is an AI-powered health optimization platform that provides individuals with a clear understanding of their current health status and future trajectory. -The platform offers personalized health analysis and recommendations based on medical expertise and scientific evidence. -The goal of Thumos Care is to democratize good health and help individuals maximize their potential in all aspects of life. -By addressing root causes and focusing on preventive measures, individuals can improve their overall health and reduce the risk of comorbidities. AI and personalized health data have the potential to improve longevity and overall well-being. -Finding purpose and meaning in life is crucial for aging well. -Technology, such as smart contact lenses and Neuralink, can enhance human capabilities and optimize health. -Developing Thumos Care platform requires creativity, determination, and self-confidence. -Marketing and continuous improvement are key to the success of the product. 00:00 Introduction and Background 01:02 Thumos Care: An AI-Powered Health Optimization Platform 08:52 Personal Interest in Health and Aging 37:57 Smart Contact Lenses and Augmented Reality 41:31 Aging Well: Finding Purpose and Meaning 42:30 The Role of Technology in Enhancing Human Capabilities 46:45 Taking Control of Your Health and Aging Well 49:21 The Uncertainty of the Future and the Importance of Being Prepared 51:46 Overcoming Challenges in Developing Thumos Care Platform 01:06:33 Using Thumos Care Platform: Web App and Future Plans

The Armen Show
Apr 10 2024

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Thumos Care: Plateforme d'optimisation de la santé alimentée par l'IA avec des conseils personnels
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