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Introduction :
Résumés basés sur l'IA pour une consommation efficace de vidéos.
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Dec 15 2023
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105 users
TubeOnAI Informations sur le produit

Qu'est-ce que TubeOnAI ?

TubeOnAI est une plateforme qui télécharge automatiquement des vidéos YouTube et utilise la technologie de l'IA pour générer des résumés afin de faciliter la consommation de contenu.

Comment utiliser TubeOnAI ?

Pour utiliser TubeOnAI, créez un compte et sélectionnez vos centres d'intérêt. Abonnez-vous à des chaînes YouTube ou des podcasts, et les résumés seront automatiquement téléchargés sur votre téléphone portable. Vous pouvez lire ou écouter les résumés à votre convenance.

Fonctionnalités de base de TubeOnAI

Résumés vidéo et podcast basés sur l'IA

Lire ou écouter les résumés

Vitesses de lecture audio personnalisables

Notifications instantanées et programmées

Abonnements transparents aux chaînes YouTube et aux podcasts

Les cas d'utilisation de TubeOnAI


Économiser du temps


Apprendre plus rapidement


Rester informé


Simplifier l'apprentissage et la sélection de contenu

FAQ de TubeOnAI

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TubeOnAI Tarifs


Inscrivez-vous à notre essai gratuit et recevez 5 heures de résumés vidéo en temps réel sur votre téléphone portable.

Pro (mensuel)

Résumés illimités sans lecture audio.

Premium Audio (mensuel)

Résumés illimités et lecture audio.

Pour connaître les derniers tarifs, veuillez consulter ce lien : https://www.tubeonai.com/pricing

Analyse de TubeOnAI

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$ 0.23
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youtube video to blog post ai
tubeonai videos
google slides to notes ai

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TubeOnAI: YouTube & Podcast Summarizer

TubeOnAI: YouTube & Podcast Summarizer Available on: Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.tubeonai.app iOS: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/tubeonai/id6451212292 Website: https://tubeonai.com Upvote on Product Hunt: https://www.producthunt.com/posts/tubeonai Shoutout to all productivity enthusiasts! Do you find yourself spending hours watching YouTube videos and listening to podcasts, only to come away with a handful of key takeaways? Do you find it hard to keep up with all of your favorite Social Media Influencers? If so, you're not alone! That's where TubeOnAI comes in. Our AI-powered video and podcast summarizer can help you save time and gain insights from the content you're consuming. With TubeOnAI, you can: - Get the key points of a lengthy video or podcast in just a few minutes - Find the most relevant information, so you don't have to spend much time watching or listening to the whole thing - Access direct links to the original content, so you can easily watch or listen to the full version if you want - TubeOnAI is the perfect tool for busy professionals, students, and anyone else who wants to stay up-to-date on the latest news and trends. So what are you waiting for? View and listen to the summaries to your desired content right on your mobile app. Try TubeOnAI today and start saving time and gaining insights from the content you're consuming! 🚀 TubeOnAI - Unleashing the Power of AI in Content: - Direct YouTube Search: Seamlessly search for YouTube videos within the app for an enhanced, integrated experience. - AI-Powered Summaries: Get the essence of videos and podcasts quickly, with summaries generated by state-of-the-art AI technology. - Audio Playback: Listen to realistic AI-generated audio of the summaries, a feature exclusive to TubeOnAI. - A better Summarizer - get only the summaries you want when and where you want them; no need to find the link and copy/paste into the app to get the summary 🤖 How it Works: To get started, simply select the YouTube channels and/or podcasts you are interested in. Our video summarizer will then automatically download the video transcripts and use AI to generate summaries. The summaries will be in both text and audio. The text summaries are concise and easy to read, highlighting the most important points and key insights from each video. The audio summaries are realistic and easy to listen to, making it easy to stay up-to-date on your favorite content. The summaries are organized in a way that makes it easy to keep track of them. You can view them by channel, podcast, or date. You can also search for specific keywords or phrases. TLDR: Search for content, summarize video, consume via text and/or audio, save time and gain insights! 🤖 TubeOnAI’s Innovative Edge: - Efficient Content Consumption: Save time with accurate and insightful summaries, tailored to your interests. - Engage with Summaries: Deepen your understanding with AI-audio playback, offering a novel way to consume content. 🔍 Why TubeOnAI Stands Out: - Exclusive Audio Summaries: Experience the first-of-its-kind AI-generated audio playback of summaries. - Personalized Content Journey: Custom search and summary options tailored to your preferences. - Stay Informed Effortlessly: Keep up with trends and topics without the need to watch entire videos. 🌐 TubeOnAI’s Commitment to Enhanced Learning: - For the Busy Learner: Whether you’re a student or a professional, our app ensures you stay knowledgeable on the go. - Expand Your Knowledge Base: Dive into a wide array of topics, gaining insights without the time commitment. 🎯 Step into the Future with TubeOnAI: - Innovative User Experience: Navigating and learning from content has never been more efficient and enjoyable. - Join Our Growing Community: Be part of a user base that values efficiency, innovation, and depth in content. Experience the Next Level of Content Consumption with TubeOnAI: TLDR: TubeOnAI is not just an app; it's a new way of engaging with YouTube content. Join us in this exciting journey to transform how you interact with YouTube videos and podcasts.

Feb 09 2024

Introducing TubeOnAI: YouTube & Podcast Summarizer

TubeOnAI: YouTube & Podcast Summarizer Available on: Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.tubeonai.app iOS: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/tubeonai/id6451212292 Website: https://tubeonai.com Upvote on Product Hunt: https://www.producthunt.com/posts/tubeonai Shoutout to all productivity enthusiasts! Do you find yourself spending hours watching YouTube videos and listening to podcasts, only to come away with a handful of key takeaways? Do you find it hard to keep up with all of your favorite Social Media Influencers? If so, you're not alone! That's where TubeOnAI comes in. Our AI-powered video and podcast summarizer can help you save time and gain insights from the content you're consuming. With TubeOnAI, you can: - Get the key points of a lengthy video or podcast in just a few minutes - Find the most relevant information, so you don't have to spend much time watching or listening to the whole thing - Access direct links to the original content, so you can easily watch or listen to the full version if you want - TubeOnAI is the perfect tool for busy professionals, students, and anyone else who wants to stay up-to-date on the latest news and trends. So what are you waiting for? View and listen to the summaries to your desired content right on your mobile app. Try TubeOnAI today and start saving time and gaining insights from the content you're consuming! 🚀 TubeOnAI - Unleashing the Power of AI in Content: - Direct YouTube Search: Seamlessly search for YouTube videos within the app for an enhanced, integrated experience. - AI-Powered Summaries: Get the essence of videos and podcasts quickly, with summaries generated by state-of-the-art AI technology. - Audio Playback: Listen to realistic AI-generated audio of the summaries, a feature exclusive to TubeOnAI. - A better Summarizer - get only the summaries you want when and where you want them; no need to find the link and copy/paste into the app to get the summary 🤖 How it Works: To get started, simply select the YouTube channels and/or podcasts you are interested in. Our video summarizer will then automatically download the video transcripts and use AI to generate summaries. The summaries will be in both text and audio. The text summaries are concise and easy to read, highlighting the most important points and key insights from each video. The audio summaries are realistic and easy to listen to, making it easy to stay up-to-date on your favorite content. The summaries are organized in a way that makes it easy to keep track of them. You can view them by channel, podcast, or date. You can also search for specific keywords or phrases. TLDR: Search for content, summarize video, consume via text and/or audio, save time and gain insights! 🤖 TubeOnAI’s Innovative Edge: - Efficient Content Consumption: Save time with accurate and insightful summaries, tailored to your interests. - Engage with Summaries: Deepen your understanding with AI-audio playback, offering a novel way to consume content. 🔍 Why TubeOnAI Stands Out: - Exclusive Audio Summaries: Experience the first-of-its-kind AI-generated audio playback of summaries. - Personalized Content Journey: Custom search and summary options tailored to your preferences. - Stay Informed Effortlessly: Keep up with trends and topics without the need to watch entire videos. 🌐 TubeOnAI’s Commitment to Enhanced Learning: - For the Busy Learner: Whether you’re a student or a professional, our app ensures you stay knowledgeable on the go. - Expand Your Knowledge Base: Dive into a wide array of topics, gaining insights without the time commitment. 🎯 Step into the Future with TubeOnAI: - Innovative User Experience: Navigating and learning from content has never been more efficient and enjoyable. - Join Our Growing Community: Be part of a user base that values efficiency, innovation, and depth in content. Experience the Next Level of Content Consumption with TubeOnAI: TLDR: TubeOnAI is not just an app; it's a new way of engaging with YouTube content. Join us in this exciting journey to transform how you interact with YouTube videos and podcasts.

Dec 14 2023

A Powerful YouTube Video Summarizer AI! (Full TubeOnAI Tutorial)

I show you TubeOnAI, a YouTube Video Summarizer AI that can be used not only to save a tonne of time, but create content based on videos, podcasts and even web pages with a few simple clicks. // TubeOnAI - Try for FREE --------------------------------- Check this nifty YouTube Video Summarizer AI using my affiliate link below. It is free to try but every purchase also helps to support the channel. https://tubeonai.com/?via=wademcm Use Coupon Code WADE50 for 50% off (first 100 viewers only) 💪 Download my FREE Midjourney Cheat Sheet --------------------------------------- https://creatorimpact.com/midjourney-free-cheat-sheet/ Note: you will need to subscribe to my free Midjourney Email Newsletter to gain access. ▶️ MIDJOURNEY STYLE PACK --------------------------------------- Over 1000 Midjourney styles you can try! https://store.creatorimpact.com/b/midjourney-ai-art-style-pack 😍 MY PRODUCTS: --------------------------------- Visit my online store: https://store.creatorimpact.com 🔥 Midjourney Style Pack: https://store.creatorimpact.com/b/midjourney-ai-art-style-pack 🔥 Texture/Image Packs: https://store.creatorimpact.com/collection/image-packs 🔸 FREE YouTube Thumbnails PSDs: https://creatorimpact.com/free-youtube-psds/ 🔥 PREMIUM YouTube Thumbnails PSDs: https://store.creatorimpact.com/collection/youtube-thumbnails 🔸 FREE Facebook Cover Images PSDs: https://creatorimpact.com/free-facebook-psds/ 🔥 PREMIUM Facebook Cover Images PSDs: https://store.creatorimpact.com/collection/facebook-psd-templates ⚒ TOOLS --------------------------------------- The following are the tools I use and highly recommend. Some of these are affiliate links I earn a commission from, but this is what I use and swear by! 🦾 AI UPSCALERS --------------------------------------- Topaz FREE TRIALS available at links below! Topaz Photo AI Full Suite: https://creatorimpact.com/topazphotoai Gigapixel Upscaler: https://creatorimpact.com/gigapixelupscale 👉 DESIGN & PHOTO EDITING: --------------------------------------- 👁 Adobe Photoshop: https://creatorimpact.com/adobephotoshop 🧙 AI ART PLATFORMS: --------------------------------------- Midjourney (Excellent Images): https://www.midjourney.com Leonardo AI (Best all rounder platform!) : https://app.leonardo.ai/?via=wade Dzine AI (Insane AI Art Editing Suite, formerly Stylar AI): https://www.dzine.ai/?via=wade Alpaca Chroma (Perfect AI for Artists): http://www.alpacaml.com/?ref=creatorimpact 📺 USED FOR MY VIDEOS: --------------------------------------- 🔴 Camtasia (screen recording): https://creatorimpact.com/camtasia 📷 Camera - Canon Rebel T7i: https://amzn.to/3Qzsi28 🎙 Audio-Technica Mic: https://amzn.to/3PivRbH 🖥 WEBSITE / WORDPRESS BLOGGING --------------------------------------- 💲 Payhip - Start a FREE Online Store: https://creatorimpact.com/payhip 🌍 WebHosting Siteground:https://creatorimpact.com/siteground 🔥 Divi WordPress Theme: https://creatorimpact.com/downloaddivi ⚙ All in One SEO Premium Plugin: https://creatorimpact.com/aioseo 📩 START AN EMAIL NEWSLETTER: --------------------------------------- 📈ConvertKit: https://creatorimpact.com/convertkit // SOCIALS --------------------------------- 🔗 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/creatorimpact 🔗 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/creatorimpact/ 🔗 X / Twitter: https://twitter.com/creatorimpact // TIMESTAMPS 0:00 - Summarize a YouTube Video for Free 0:42 - What TubeOnAI can be used for 1:08 - Exploring premium features & search 6:53 - Summarizing Podcasts, Blog posts and other URLs 8:13 - Settings 8:52 - Content Types to use TubeOnAI for 9:22 - Pricing & other features 10:37 - 50% off TubeOnAI

Wade McMaster - Creator Impact
Jun 04 2024

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TubeOnAI: Résumés basés sur l'IA pour une consommation efficace de vidéos.
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