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Trump Can’t Even Explain WHY He Put Tariffs On Canada And Mexico

*Go to my sponsor https://venice.ai/ringoffire and use code RINGOFFIRE to enjoy private, uncensored AI. Using my code will get you 20% off a pro plan. Donald Trump is struggling to put together a coherent message for the public about why he even put 25% tariffs on Canada and Mexico in the first place. In just the last month, Trump has offered FIVE completely different reasons for the tariffs, each time telling us that THIS was the real reason. Not only does he have no clue what he is doing, but he has no clue why he is even doing it. Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins explains what’s happening. Link – https://www.vox.com/politics/402530/trump-tariffs-canada-mexico-explanation Subscribe to stay connected to our stories: https://www.youtube.com/theringoffire Support us by becoming a member on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYWIEbibRcZav6xMLo9qWWw/join Or Support us on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/TheRingofFire Buy Ring of Fire merch: https://www.buyrof.com/ Find us on social media! Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/RingofFireRadio Twitter: https://twitter.com/RingofFireMedia Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ringoffirenetwork/ TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@ringoffiremedia *This transcript was generated by a third-party transcription software company, so please excuse any typos. Donald Trump has given us multiple reasons in just the last few weeks as to why he had to put the tariffs on Canada, Mexico, and of course China. The only problem we have is that all five of the official reasons that he is given are basically either contradictory or have no basis in reality whatsoever. So let's take a look. Vox actually did a phenomenal job this week of laying out the five reasons Trump has given us. So let's go through them one by one. Obviously the big one is that we gotta stop the flow of illegal drugs. And of course people coming into the country, that is why we're doing the tariffs, except that's also not true. You see, Canada is actually really like virtually non-existent in the flow of drugs into the United States. Mexico is actually doing even more than the United States is investing more time and resources into stopping drugs coming into our country than we are. So that doesn't make any sense. So the first reason to stop the flow of illegal drugs, not based in reality whatsoever, but okay, let's move on. Maybe he's got a better reason, right? Reason number two, the tariffs are meant to force companies to relocate production to the United States. You know, 'cause we gotta close the trade deficit. He says, he announced this week, he said if companies move to the United States, there are no tariffs. The USA has major deficits with Canada, Mexico, and China and almost all countries owes $36 trillion. And we're not going to be the stupid country any longer Make your product in the USA and there are no tariffs. Nope, we're definitely still the stupid country. Um, and you of course are leading the way along with Elon Musk here. But that doesn't change how much we owe other countries. And, uh, it, it's really not gonna do a lot to ease the trade deficit be because we're, we're, we're not just kind of importing all these goods because American manufacturers move to these countries. It it's goods that we can't produce here as efficiently or as cost effectively as they can in other countries. So it's just cheaper to buy them from other countries and bring 'em here. So that one doesn't make any sense. And then the third one of course is because as he told us last week, some idiot, you know, five years ago some dumb signed this U-S-M-C-A trade deal. Yeah, it was actually him that did it. And he is like, you know what fool would sign this. Well, we know what fool did and he's mad about that. Like we got taken advantage of. So the tariffs are so that we can, you know, rework that deal. However, also doesn't make sense considering the fact that that deal is up for renegotiation next year. So really, really no need for that. Right? But, okay, what about the other one? Uh, the tariffs are meant to coerce Canada into becoming the 51st state because as Trump has said, Canada should become our cherished 51st state, much lower taxes and far better military protection for the people of Canada and no tariffs.

The Ring of Fire
Mar 06 2025

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