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Outils pour le référencement local des entreprises
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Outils de référencement local, logiciels et services de citation

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Utilisez les outils et logiciels de référencement local de Whitespark pour améliorer le classement de recherche local de votre entreprise et générer plus de conversions à partir de Google.

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💥 How To Remove Negative Google Reviews (THIS WORKS!)

How do I remove a bad Google review? This is one of the most common questions business owners have about their Google Business Profiles. The old way we all know is this: Click "..." next to the review and report it by selecting which Google guideline it's breaking. However, there's a new way: Google now has a dedicated form for reporting reviews. In this video, I take you through the review removal process using this new tool and give you some pro tips. ________________________________________________________________________ Report your reviews for removal here: sprk.it/remove-review ________________________________________________________________________ PS: Whitespark can help you ⬇️ 🚨 Get notified when Google updates your GBP and reject unwanted changes https://whitespark.ca/local-platform/?revgems=remove-negative-reviews-yt-video 🚀 Increase your local rankings and conversions https://whitespark.ca/seo-services/?revgems=remove-negative-reviews-yt-video 📈 Track rankings across different zip/post-codes https://whitespark.ca/local-rank-tracker/?revgems=remove-negative-reviews-yt-video ⭐️ Get more reviews https://whitespark.ca/reputation-builder/?revgems=remove-negative-reviews-yt-video 🧹 Clean up and build citations https://whitespark.ca/listings-service/?revgems=remove-negative-reviews-yt-video 🔍 Find citation opportunities https://whitespark.ca/local-citation-finder/?revgems=remove-negative-reviews-yt-video ________________________________________________________________________ 🤑 Refer to Whitespark and earn big! 🤑 https://whitespark.ca/referral-program/?revgems=remove-negative-reviews-yt-video ________________________________________________________________________ Follow us ❤️ 📰 Newsletter: https://insider.whitespark.ca/subscribe?revgems=remove-negative-reviews-yt-video 🌐 Website: https://whitespark.ca/?revgems=remove-negative-reviews-yt-video 🎵 TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@darrenshawseo 📋 Twitter: https://twitter.com/DarrenShaw_ https://twitter.com/whitespark 📑 LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/darrenshawwhitespark/ https://www.linkedin.com/company/whitespark/ 📷 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/whitespark/ 👍 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/whitespark.ca ________________________________________________________________________ Timestamps: 0:13 The old way to report a review 1:13 The new way to report reviews via Google's form 2:21 Summary ________________________________________________________________________ Transcript: So one of the most common questions that business owners have is “How do I get rid of a negative review on my Google Business Profile?” There is a way, and there's actually a new way that a lot of people don't know about it. I'm going to tell you about that right now. The traditional way that people would get rid of a negative review is you click this little “...” on the review and you can click “Report review”. You can report it for any of the many reasons why review content might violate Google's guidelines. And Google will guide you through all the different ways. Sometimes you can just say “Off-topic” and Google’s reviewers/algorithm will just be like OK and remove the review. It’s great when that happens. In this case here this review is off topic because this person never actually had an experience with the business. So, I'm going to say “Off-topic: Review doesn't pertain to an experience at or with this business.” Send report. Sweet. That is the old way of reporting reviews. You can definitely still do it, but there's a new way that a lot of people don't know about. Google has a dedicated form for reporting reviews now and it is at this URL right here: sprk.it/remove-review This workflow is dedicated to reporting reviews for removal. First, you have to be logged into the account that you manage the Google Business Profile from. Then you scroll through to find the business that you want to report the review for. Then it's going to ask you what you want to do. I want to report a new review for removal. Continue. Next, you scroll through the list and find the review that you want to report. So here's the one that I want to get rid of. I click the report button and then it again gives you the options of what you want to report this for. What is the problem with this review? So again I'm going to choose “Off-topic”. And then click “Submit”. Done. (I actually like to report almost all of my negative reviews as “off-topic”. You never know. Sometimes Google just removes it.) This is not a guarantee that Google is going to remove the review for you, but it's very helpful to know the process and the methodology to get a review removed. I hope that's very helpful for you. And if you have any negative reviews on your Google Business Profile, it's worth it to report them. Take a pass through, run them through this new tool and report any of these reviews that you'd like to try to get removed, and sometimes Google will do it.

Mar 20 2023

⚡ Google Business Profile Video Verification [SOLVED] A Step-by-Step Guide

THIS is the only guide to Google Business Profile Verification you will ever need! The Whitespark Google Business Profile got unverified, and I went deep into the rabbit hole of figuring out Google's new video verification process. I will teach you all the requirements for GBP verification, I will outline the steps you need to take for successful video verification, and I will show you exactly what it took to finally get Whitespark's GBP reverified. As a bonus, you'll get my ULTIMATE STEP-BY-STEP CHECKLIST - watch the video to see how you can get your copy! ________________________________________________________________________ PS: Whitespark can help you ⬇️ 🚨 Get notified when Google updates your GBP and reject unwanted changes https://whitespark.ca/local-platform/?revgems=video-verification-yt-video 🚀 Increase your local rankings and conversions https://whitespark.ca/seo-services/?revgems=video-verification-yt-video 📈 Track rankings across different zip/post-codes https://whitespark.ca/local-rank-tracker/?revgems=video-verification-yt-video ⭐️ Get more reviews https://whitespark.ca/reputation-builder/?revgems=video-verification-yt-video 🧹 Clean up and build citations https://whitespark.ca/listings-service/?revgems=video-verification-yt-video 🔍 Find citation opportunities https://whitespark.ca/local-citation-finder/?revgems=video-verification-yt-video ________________________________________________________________________ 🤑 Refer to Whitespark and earn big! 🤑 https://whitespark.ca/referral-program/?revgems=video-verification-yt-video ________________________________________________________________________ Follow us ❤️ 📰 Newsletter: https://insider.whitespark.ca/subscribe?revgems=video-verification-yt-video 🌐 Website: https://whitespark.ca/?revgems=video-verification-yt-video 🎵 TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@darrenshawseo 📋 Twitter: https://twitter.com/DarrenShaw_ https://twitter.com/whitespark 📑 LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/darrenshawwhitespark/ https://ca.linkedin.com/company/whitespark 📷 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/whitespark/ 👍 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/whitespark.ca/ _____________________________________________________________________ Timestamps 🕥 0:00 Intro 1:48 Video Verification Step-by-Step Checklist 10:27 Live Demo of the Video Verification 16:09 Unexpected turn of events 17:36 Successfully verified!!

Dec 21 2023


Google Meu Negócio 2024: Nesse vídeo eu vou compartilhar com você 21 fatores de ranqueamento do Google Meu Negócio atualizados em 2024 para te ajudar a colocar qualquer empresa nas primeiras posições das pesquisas do Google e Google Maps. Além de mostrar os fatores de ranqueamento, eu também mostro como aplicar alguns deles na prática. Segue a lista dos *21 principais fatores do GMN em 2024*: 1 - Categoria principal do Google Meu Negócio 2 - Palavras-chave no título do GMN 3 - Proximidade do endereço x ponto de pesquisa (distância do pesquisador-empresa) 4 - Endereço físico na cidade de pesquisa 5 - Remoção de listas spam 6 - Nota alta no Google Meu Negócio (por exemplo, 4-5) 7 - Categorias adicionais do GMN 8 - Quantidade de avaliações nativas do Google (com texto) 9 - GMN verificado 10 - Proximidade do Endereço ao Centróide (Centro da cidade) 11 - Palavras-chave no título da página de destino GMN 12 - Completude do Perfil da empresa no Google 13 - Fluxo sustentável de avaliações ao longo do tempo 14 - Página dedicada para cada serviço 15 - Palavras-chave nos cabeçalhos da página de destino GMN (H1, H2 etc.) 16 - Posicionamento adequado do pino do mapa 17 - Relevância da palavra-chave geográfica (cidade/bairro) no conteúdo do domínio 18 - Links internos em todo o site 19 - Quantidade de links de entrada para o domínio de domínios relevantes localmente 20 - Recenticidade das avaliações 21 - Quantidade de links de entrada para o URL da página de destino Google Meu Negócio de domínios relevantes localmente --- Vídeo sobre a ferramenta mktlocal.io: https://youtu.be/mI6AN4qkENg *Link dos planos (mktlocal.io): https://app.mktlocal.io/assinar *Link do login (mktlocal.io): https://app.mktlocal.io/auth/login --- Link da pesquisa: https://whitespark.ca/local-search-ranking-factors --- 🏆Nesse curso você vai aprender como dominar o Google Meu Negócio e ficar nas três primeiras posições do Google: ⬇️ https://mktlocal.com.br/dominando-google-meu-negocio/ --- 📊Você precisa de alguém para cuidar do seu Google Meu Negócio ou google Ads? Entre em contato por esse WhatsApp para mais informações: ⬇️ https://bit.ly/WhatsApp-MKTLOCAL --- 📌Entre no Meu Canal do Telegram para Receber Informações exclusivas do meu dia a dia como vendedor de google Meu Negócio, Dicas de Ranqueamento e ter acesso a todos os vídeos que eu posto aqui no Youtube com antecedência: ⬇️ https://bit.ly/mktlocal-telegram -- ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Se nossa canal/empresa já te ajudou de alguma forma, deixe um comentário pra gente lá no Google. Isso nos motiva a continuar na nossa caminhada de criação de conteúdo gratuito aqui no Youtube e outras plataformas da internet: ⬇️ https://bit.ly/avalie-nos-no-google5 --- 📲Onde me encontrar: Instagram: @mkt.local Facebook: @mktlocaloficial WhatsApp: (11) 95176-3382 Nosso site: https://bit.ly/mktlocal-com-br

Mkt Local - Rodrigo Araújo
May 15 2023

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