Logiciels et services pour l'apprentissage machine explicatif et l'apprentissage profond
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Écoute des médias sociaux
Getting Started with ZetaForge
Zetane's CTO Patrick St-Amant walks you through getting started in ZetaForge step by step including an overview of the interface and how to set up and run your first pipeline. Visit our website to learn more: https://zetane.com/zetaforge Download ZetaForge on Github: https://github.com/zetane/zetaforge Join the ZetaForge Community on Discord: https://github.com/zetane/zetaforge
ZetaForge Hyper-fast AI Development Platform Launched at World Summit AI
Watch our Workshop presented at World Summit AI. In the session participants learned how to build a real world multi-modal product in only one hour alongside our CTO Patrick St-Amant, CPO Jonathan Magoon, ML Developer Zahra Golpayegani and our Industrial AI team. Build confidence with visual modeling and harness the power of cutting-edge AI models using ZetaForge. In the workshop our team walks through the process helping demystify pipelines and experience a more efficient way of developing robust AI-powered tools. Website: https://zetane.com/zetaforge Download ZetaForge on GitHub: https://github.com/zetane/zetaforge Join Our Discord Community: https://discord.com/invite/zetaforge Download the PowerPoint Presentation: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1L-oHiYbkBVOWzPtvQQhuHdakZUERkcP_/edit?usp=drive_link&ouid=114381443906249908963&rtpof=true&sd=true
Intro to ZetaForge: AI Helper
Our CTO Patrick St-Amant shows some tips and tricks of working with ZetaForge. You can use the AI Code assistant to improve existing blocks or help you create new blocks. ZetaForge is not a no code solution, it's full code so you have full control over the code. Visit our website to learn more: https://zetane.com/zetaforge Download ZetaForge on Github: https://github.com/zetane/zetaforge Join the ZetaForge Community on Discord: https://github.com/zetane/zetaforge
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