Accelerating Reinforcement Learning: Combining Fast & Slow Techniques

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Accelerating Reinforcement Learning: Combining Fast & Slow Techniques

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. The Open AI Universe: A Platform for Training Machine Learning Systems
  3. How Universe Works: Programmatic Access to Machine Learning Agents
  4. Integrating Environment in Universe: Computer Games and Web Browsing Contexts
  5. The Goal of Universe: Developing General Problem-Solving Systems
  6. Technical Details of Universe: Docker Containers and VNC Protocol
  7. Current State of Universe: Fully Integrated and Reward-Based Environments
  8. The Machine Learning Approach in Universe: RL Squared
  9. Training Criteria and Process in RL Squared
  10. Results and Future Directions


In this article, we will explore the Open AI Universe, a platform designed for training machine learning systems in artificial intelligence. We will discuss the capabilities of Universe and how it provides programmatic access to machine learning agents. We will also Delve into the integration of environments, including computer games and web browsing contexts. The primary goal of Universe is to develop general problem-solving systems by exposing them to a wide variety of problems. We will explore the technical details of Universe, its current state, and the machine learning approach it employs, specifically focusing on the RL Squared algorithm. Finally, we will delve into the results achieved so far and the future directions of Universe.

The Open AI Universe: A Platform for Training Machine Learning Systems

The Open AI Universe is a platform that aims to enhance the capabilities of machine learning systems through training. It provides programmatic access to machine learning agents, allowing them to Interact with any computer program or Website that exists. The platform offers a wide variety of environments, including computer games and web browsing contexts, allowing for the training of agents in diverse tasks. By integrating different tasks and environments, Universe aims to develop systems that possess general problem-solving abilities.

The motivation behind Universe lies in the fact that humans spend a significant portion of their lives in the digital world. This rich digital world serves as a natural training ground where machine learning agents can acquire world knowledge, common Sense, and problem-solving skills. By exposing agents to this digital world and a multitude of tasks, Universe aims to bridge the gap between human-like intelligence and AI systems.

How Universe Works: Programmatic Access to Machine Learning Agents

Universe operates by providing programmatic access to machine learning agents. It runs as a process on a computer and captures the pixels from the environment, sending them to the agent. The agent, in turn, sends keyboard and mouse commands back to the environment. This interaction allows the agent to learn and adapt to different tasks and environments.

The integration of environments into Universe is diverse, ranging from computer games to web browsing contexts. By integrating computer games, Universe provides agents with the opportunity to learn from various game scenarios. This includes both simple and complex games, such as protein folding simulations and large 3D games like GTA. Additionally, Universe's integration with web browsers allows agents to perform tasks commonly carried out by humans in a web browser context, such as form filling or information retrieval.

The idea behind this wide range of environments is to expose machine learning agents to a diverse set of problems. By tackling different tasks, agents can develop a general problem-solving ability that goes beyond their specific training environments. This versatility is a key aspect of Universe's goal to Create AI systems with human-like problem-solving skills.

Integrating Environments in Universe: Computer Games and Web Browsing Contexts

Universe takes pride in its integration of various environments, including computer games and web browsing contexts. Through its platform, Universe provides access to a wide range of computer games, allowing machine learning agents to learn from gaming scenarios. These games cover a spectrum of complexity, from simple tasks like protein folding to more intricate 3D games like Grand Theft Auto.

Moreover, Universe's integration with web browsers opens up a wealth of tasks that humans regularly perform in a web browsing Context. Agents can engage in activities such as filling out forms, collecting and processing information, and mimicking human behaviors on websites. This integration ensures that machine learning agents gain exposure to tasks that are Relevant to human experiences and daily activities.

By offering this diverse set of environments, Universe enables machine learning agents to develop a broad problem-solving ability. The agents can learn to navigate various complexities, adapt to different scenarios, and Apply a range of strategies. This integration ultimately contributes to the overall goal of creating AI systems that possess human-level problem-solving skills.

The Goal of Universe: Developing General Problem-Solving Systems

The overarching goal of Universe is to develop AI systems that demonstrate general problem-solving abilities. The current landscape of machine learning algorithms lacks the common sense and general problem-solving capabilities exhibited by humans. Most algorithms need to be trained for specific tasks in order to achieve high performance. Universe seeks to bridge this gap and equip agents with a broader problem-solving skill set.

By exposing machine learning agents to a wide array of tasks and environments, Universe aims to develop agents with world knowledge, common sense, and the ability to tackle a variety of problems. The goal is to create agents that can adapt to new environments quickly, understand the tasks at HAND, and efficiently solve them. This aspiration towards general intelligence is what drives Universe and sets it apart from conventional machine learning platforms.

Technical Details of Universe: Docker Containers and VNC Protocol

To facilitate the functioning of Universe, it operates within docker containers, which are lightweight virtual machines. The use of docker containers enables easy deployment and configuration of the environment. The communication between the processes and the agent is established using the VNC (Virtual Network Computing) remote desktop protocol. This protocol allows the transmission of pixels over the network, providing the agent with visual observations of the environment.

The use of docker containers and the VNC protocol offers flexibility in configuring and using Universe in various setups. It allows for seamless integration of new games and environments, making it convenient for developers and researchers to expand the capabilities of the platform. This technical infrastructure forms the backbone of Universe and enables the training and interaction of machine learning agents in diverse environments.

Current State of Universe: Fully Integrated and Reward-Based Environments

At present, Universe boasts a significant number of fully integrated environments that are compatible with machine learning agents. These environments encompass a wide range of tasks, including computer games, web browsing contexts, and other interactive experiences. For each fully integrated environment, Universe provides all the necessary details, including the reward function, which is handled through the OpenAI Gym scoring system.

Additionally, Universe offers over a thousand integrated environments that currently do not have a specific reward function. This allows developers and researchers to explore and add their own custom reward functions, thereby expanding the range of tasks that can be tackled within Universe.

The development team behind Universe continues to work on integrating more intricate and challenging environments into the platform. By expanding the repertoire of environments, Universe aims to enhance the training capabilities and challenge the problem-solving skills of machine learning agents.

The Machine Learning Approach in Universe: RL Squared

One of the machine learning approaches employed in Universe is RL Squared. RL Squared stands for "fast reinforcement learning by slow reinforcement learning" and is a research initiative undertaken by OpenAI.

The idea behind RL Squared is straightforward: the goal is to train machine learning agents to solve problems as rapidly as humans do. To achieve this, researchers tried to emulate how humans learn from their vast experiences and apply them to new problems effectively. In RL Squared, the training process revolves around a distribution of tasks. The recurrent neural network-based agent is trained on a set of tasks from this distribution. The aim is to enable the agent to generalize its problem-solving abilities to new tasks from the same distribution.

The RL Squared algorithm allows the recurrent neural network agent to learn a general policy without memorizing the solutions to specific environments. Instead, it learns to extract valuable information from the environment, take actions to explore and understand the context, and slowly develop strategies that lead to high performance. This approach empowers the agent with adaptive problem-solving skills that translate across similar tasks.

Training Criteria and Process in RL Squared

In RL Squared, the recurrent neural network agent is trained for several episodes in one environment before moving on to the next environment. The Hidden states of the agent are reset between environments to ensure a fresh start. The agent receives observations and rewards, allowing it to understand the environment and optimize its strategy for each task.

The training process in RL Squared utilizes policy gradients or any other slow reinforcement learning algorithm to update the recurrent neural network agent. The training criteria emphasize achieving high performance on each environment without prior knowledge of the task. This encourages the agent to adapt and learn quickly in new environments.

The approach taken by RL Squared shows promising results, with the recurrent neural network agent demonstrating strong performance in solving simple reinforcement learning tasks. Although the results indicate progress, there is still room for improvement and further exploration of the RL Squared algorithm.

Results and Future Directions

The preliminary research conducted in Universe, particularly with the RL Squared algorithm, has shown promising results in training machine learning agents. The agents have exhibited strong performance on simple reinforcement learning tasks, outperforming optimal algorithms in short time horizons. Additionally, Universe has demonstrated success in maze navigation tasks, with agents leveraging their learned experiences to solve unfamiliar mazes.

However, it is important to note that there is still a long way to go in achieving the ultimate goal of developing agents with general problem-solving abilities. Continued research and development are necessary to push the boundaries of what is currently possible in machine learning and artificial intelligence.

The results achieved so far lay a solid foundation for future advancements in training algorithms and the integration of diverse environments into Universe. As the platform evolves, it holds tremendous potential for creating AI systems that possess human-like problem-solving skills, ultimately transforming the field of artificial intelligence.


  • The Open AI Universe is a platform for training machine learning systems in artificial intelligence.
  • Universe provides programmatic access to machine learning agents, allowing them to interact with any computer program or website.
  • Integrating computer games and web browsing contexts enhances the training process and develops general problem-solving abilities.
  • Universe employs docker containers and the VNC protocol for seamless communication between processes and agents.
  • The RL Squared algorithm in Universe aims to achieve fast reinforcement learning by emulating human problem-solving mechanisms.
  • RL Squared trains recurrent neural network agents to learn general policies by adapting to various tasks and environments.
  • The current state of Universe includes a wide range of fully integrated and reward-based environments.
  • Universe aims to create AI systems with human-level problem-solving skills and bridge the gap between machine learning algorithms and human intelligence.


Q: What is the Open AI Universe? A: The Open AI Universe is a platform specifically designed for training machine learning systems in artificial intelligence. It provides programmatic access to machine learning agents, allowing them to interact with different computer programs and websites.

Q: How does Universe achieve programmatic access to machine learning agents? A: Universe captures pixels from the environment, sending them to the machine learning agent. In turn, the agent can send keyboard and mouse commands to the environment, enabling interaction and learning.

Q: What types of environments are integrated into Universe? A: Universe integrates a wide range of environments, including computer games and web browsing contexts. This allows machine learning agents to learn from various tasks and scenarios.

Q: What is RL Squared? A: RL Squared is a machine learning approach employed in Universe. It stands for "fast reinforcement learning by slow reinforcement learning" and aims to train agents to solve problems as rapidly as humans do.

Q: How does RL Squared work? A: RL Squared utilizes recurrent neural networks to learn a general policy. The agent is initially trained on a set of tasks from a distribution, allowing it to learn from numerous experiences. Through policy updates and adaptation, the agent develops problem-solving skills that can be applied to new tasks.

Q: What are the future directions of Universe? A: Universe continues to expand its capabilities by integrating more intricate environments and refining its training algorithms. The goal is to develop AI systems with general problem-solving abilities and bridge the gap between current machine learning algorithms and human intelligence.

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