AI Image Generation: Beginner's Guide

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AI Image Generation: Beginner's Guide

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Getting Started with Stable Diffusion
  3. Generating Images with Stable Diffusion
    1. Navigating the Stable Diffusion Discord Server
    2. Using the Dream Command to Generate Images
    3. Generating Multiple Images at Once
    4. Integrating Images into a GRID
    5. Changing the Size of Images
    6. Adjusting the Aspect Ratio of Images
  4. Important Commands for New Users
  5. Troubleshooting and Tips
  6. Conclusion

Getting Started with Stable Diffusion

Stable diffusion is a powerful tool that allows You to Create incredible AI-generated images with ease. If you're new to stable diffusion and unsure of Where To start, this tutorial will guide you through the process step by step.

To begin, head over to the Website and sign up for stable diffusion. It's important to note that the sign-up period is only open for the next 24 hours, so act quickly. Once you've signed up, you'll receive an email with a link to the official stable diffusion discord server.

Generating Images with Stable Diffusion

Navigating the Stable Diffusion Discord Server

Once you're in the stable diffusion discord server, explore the various channels available. To generate images, navigate to one of the dream channels. These channels are where you'll input your Prompts for the bot to create images Based on your desired concepts.

Using the Dream Command to Generate Images

The most important command to know when using stable diffusion is the "dream" command. To generate an image, simply Type exclamation point (!) followed by the word "dream". Leave a space after the command and enter your desired prompt. For example, if you want an image of Steve Harvey riding a motorcycle during a sunset, type "dream Steve Harvey riding a motorcycle during a sunset" and press enter.

Generating Multiple Images at Once

If you wish to generate multiple images at once, use the dash "n" command. After the dream command, add a space and the letter "n" followed by the desired number of images. For instance, if you want three images of Steve Harvey riding a motorcycle during a sunset, type "dream Steve Harvey riding a motorcycle during a sunset -n 3" and press enter.

Integrating Images into a Grid

By using the dash "g" command, you can instruct the bot to integrate the generated images into a grid-like pattern. After specifying the number of images, include a space and the dash "g" command. This will combine the individual images into one Cohesive grid. For example, if you want four images of a Blue bowling ball arranged in a grid, type "dream blue bowling ball -n 4 -g" and press enter.

Changing the Size of Images

To change the size of the generated images, utilize the dash "w" and dash "h" commands. These commands allow you to adjust the width and Height of the images, respectively. For instance, if you want a thunderstorm over a desert image with a width of 768 pixels, type "dream thunderstorm over a desert -w 768" and press enter. Please note that the Current measurement increment is 64, so you won't be able to set specific values outside of that increment.

Adjusting the Aspect Ratio of Images

If you want to modify the aspect ratio of the images, you can use the dash "w" and dash "h" commands together. This allows you to create images that are wider or taller than the default square Shape. For example, if you want an image of a yacht on a cloud with a width of 1024 pixels and a height twice as long as the width, type "dream yacht on a cloud -w 1024 -h 2048" and press enter. Keep in mind that altering the aspect ratio may affect the generated output, and in some cases, it may generate duplicate images.

Important Commands for New Users

The most crucial commands for new users to familiarize themselves with are the "dream" command, which is used to generate images, and the dash "n" command, which allows for the generation of multiple images. Additionally, the dash "g" command can be used to integrate images into a grid pattern. Changing the size of images using the dash "w" and dash "h" commands is also worth exploring.

Troubleshooting and Tips

If you encounter any issues during the image generation process, it's essential to check for any slow mode effects in the channels. If you want to maximize the number of images per generation, consider using the dash "n" command with a higher number. Furthermore, be aware that the bot may occasionally generate duplicate images when adjusting the aspect ratio of images.


Stable diffusion opens up a world of possibilities for creating remarkable AI-generated images. By following the steps in this tutorial and familiarizing yourself with the essential commands, you'll be well on your way to unleashing your creativity with stable diffusion.


  • Generate amazing AI-generated images using stable diffusion.
  • Sign up for stable diffusion on the stability.AI Website.
  • Join the official stable diffusion discord server to access the bot.
  • Use the "dream" command to generate images based on prompts.
  • Generate multiple images by using the dash "n" command.
  • Integrate images into a grid pattern with the dash "g" command.
  • Adjust the size and aspect ratio of images with the dash "w" and dash "h" commands.
  • Troubleshoot potential issues, such as slow mode effects and duplicate image generation.
  • Master stable diffusion to create stunning AI-powered artwork.


Q: Can I adjust the aspect ratio of the images generated by stable diffusion? A: Yes, you can use the dash "w" and dash "h" commands to modify the width and height of the images and achieve the desired aspect ratio.

Q: How many images can I generate at once with stable diffusion? A: You can generate multiple images at once by using the dash "n" command followed by the desired number of images.

Q: Are there any limitations on the size of the images generated by stable diffusion? A: The current measurement increment for adjusting the size of images is 64. You can set values in multiples of 64.

Q: What should I do if I encounter slow mode effects in the stable diffusion channels? A: If you want to generate a higher number of images per generation, it's advisable to check for any slow mode effects in the channels and adjust your prompt accordingly.

Q: Why do I sometimes get duplicate images when adjusting the aspect ratio? A: The duplicate image issue when modifying the aspect ratio is a known bug that may be fixed in future versions of stable diffusion. In the meantime, using lower resolutions can help mitigate this problem.

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