Boost Low-Code Development with AI

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Boost Low-Code Development with AI

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. About Out Systems
  3. AI in Software Development
    • The Future of Coding with AI
    • AI Mentor System
    • AI within Applications
  4. AI in Application Lifecycle Management
    • Architecture Mentor
    • Maintainability Mentor
    • Performance Mentor
    • Security Mentor
  5. Future of App Creation: Project Morphus
  6. Advantages of Out Systems AI Capabilities
  7. Using Out Systems with Generative AI
  8. Conclusion


In this article, we will explore the role of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in software development and how it is transforming the industry. We will specifically focus on Out Systems, a leader in low-code application development, and their AI-powered solutions. AI is revolutionizing the way applications are built, and Out Systems is at the forefront of this innovation. We will discuss the various AI capabilities offered by Out Systems, including their AI Mentor System and the use of generative AI. We will also Delve into the future of app creation with Project Morphus. So let's dive in and discover the exciting world of AI in software development.

About Out Systems

Out Systems is a global company that offers a high-performance low-code development platform. Their mission is to empower organizations to innovate through software. With their powerful platform, organizations can build a wide range of applications, from customer experiences to Core systems. Out Systems has a strong focus on enabling customers to develop unique and innovative software that meets their specific business needs. They have a global presence and a large community of developers and partners who contribute to the success of their platform.

AI in Software Development

As technology advances at an unprecedented pace, organizations are looking for ways to leverage AI in software development. AI has the potential to reshape coding and transform the role of low-code development in an AI-powered world. Out Systems recognizes the importance of AI in software development and has been investing in AI for the past five years. They have established a Center of Excellence and a research center dedicated to AI-driven software development. Out Systems is a recognized leader in AI-driven software development and has filed patents and published research papers in this field.

The Future of Coding with AI

The demand for software engineering positions is projected to exceed the supply, with over one million open positions predicted by 2026 in the United States alone. This presents a challenge for organizations that need to develop software with limited resources. Out Systems aims to address this challenge by bringing the power of AI to software development. They envision a future where AI-assisted development enables organizations to achieve more with their Current team of developers. The goal is to empower developers with AI Tools that guide and support them throughout the software development life cycle, ensuring high-quality standards and productivity.

AI Mentor System

The AI Mentor System is a set of AI-Based development capabilities offered by Out Systems. It acts as a virtual Tech lead, guiding development teams in every aspect of the software development life cycle. The system consists of five mentors: Code Mentor, Architecture Mentor, Maintainability Mentor, Performance Mentor, and Security Mentor. The Code Mentor assists developers in removing barriers to progress and increasing productivity. It helps developers by providing logic suggestions, code completion, and AI-powered data querying. The other mentors focus on architecture, maintainability, performance, and security. They ensure that the applications developed using Out Systems meet critical standards and best practices.

AI within Applications

Out Systems enables customers to bring AI capabilities to their applications. They provide an ecosystem of connectors and AI services that customers can easily access from within their platform. With these connectors, customers can leverage generative AI for various use cases such as content generation, customer support automation, thematic search, and process automation. Out Systems' connector to Azure open AI allows customers to integrate state-of-the-art AI models directly into their applications. This integration enables businesses to transform by leveraging AI within their applications, connecting them to AI services, and using AI-powered features such as computer vision.

AI in Application Lifecycle Management

In addition to AI within applications, Out Systems also offers AI capabilities for application lifecycle management (ALM). These capabilities focus on ensuring that the applications developed using Out Systems meet the highest quality standards throughout their lifecycle. Out Systems provides mentors for architecture, maintainability, performance, and security to support developers and teams in building robust and secure applications.

Architecture Mentor

The Architecture Mentor scans the code and ensures that it meets critical architecture standards. It identifies issues such as inappropriate architectures, public entities, Read-only persistence entities, and lack of logic isolation. By flagging these issues, the Architecture Mentor helps developers maintain a solid architecture for their applications.

Maintainability Mentor

The Maintainability Mentor focuses on maintaining the agility to evolve applications. It identifies technical debt, duplicated code, and unused code. By addressing these issues, the Maintainability Mentor ensures that applications can be easily maintained and evolved by development teams.

Performance Mentor

The Performance Mentor scans the code for performance issues that could impact the application's speed and responsiveness. It flags potential issues such as inefficient CSS stylesheets, unlimited records in aggregates, and suboptimal database queries. By addressing these performance issues, developers can ensure that their applications deliver a smooth and efficient user experience.

Security Mentor

The Security Mentor is responsible for identifying security vulnerabilities in the application code. It scans for potential issues such as code injection, mishandling of authorizations, and insecure usage of sensitive functions. By detecting and flagging these vulnerabilities, the Security Mentor helps developers build secure applications and protect against potential threats.

Future of App Creation: Project Morphus

Out Systems is constantly innovating to Shape the future of app creation. Their latest project, Project Morphus, is based on generative AI and aims to revolutionize the way applications are created. Project Morphus introduces a web-based IDE (Integrated Development Environment) that accelerates app creation by offering 100x productivity, super-fast iterations, and zero training. With this IDE, change becomes the new build, allowing developers to focus on creativity and innovation. Project Morphus leverages generative AI to bootstrap application creation, suggest alternative UI displays, and provide a new approach to software development that eliminates the need for extensive training.

Advantages of Out Systems AI Capabilities

Out Systems' AI capabilities offer several advantages for software development:

  1. Productivity Enhancement: The AI Mentor System, with its Code Mentor and other mentors, accelerates development and removes barriers to progress, increasing developer productivity. The AI-powered suggestions and assistance provided by the mentors allow developers to build applications more efficiently.

  2. Quality Assurance: The AI Mentor System ensures that the applications developed using Out Systems meet critical standards for architecture, maintainability, performance, and security. By flagging issues and providing suggestions for improvement, the mentors guarantee the quality and robustness of the applications.

  3. Efficient Data Querying: Out Systems leverages generative AI and natural language processing to enable developers to query data using natural language. This simplifies the data querying process and reduces the need for extensive SQL knowledge. Developers can write queries in plain language, and the AI-powered system translates them into efficient database queries.

  4. Secure Development: The Security Mentor scans the code for potential security vulnerabilities, such as code injection and mishandling of authorizations. By detecting these vulnerabilities early on, developers can build secure applications and protect against potential threats.

  5. Future-Proofing: With Out Systems' AI capabilities, organizations can future-proof their applications. The AI Mentor System helps developers build applications using the latest technology trends, such as AI services and generative AI. This ensures that applications built today are ready to embrace future technological advancements.

Using Out Systems with Generative AI

Out Systems allows users to leverage the power of generative AI within their applications. They offer a connector to Azure open AI, enabling customers to connect with state-of-the-art AI models and services. This integration empowers users to build applications that leverage generative AI for various use cases, such as content generation, customer support automation, and process automation. The combination of Out Systems' low-code development platform and generative AI capabilities opens up new possibilities for innovation and automation.


AI is transforming the world of software development, and Out Systems is leading the way with their AI-powered solutions. Their AI Mentor System, generative AI capabilities, and Project Morphus are revolutionizing the way applications are built, enhancing productivity, and ensuring high-quality standards. With Out Systems, organizations can leverage AI to Create unique and innovative applications that meet their specific business needs. The future of software development is here, and Out Systems is at the forefront of this exciting transformation.

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