Boost Your Publishing Success with This Unique Strategy

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Boost Your Publishing Success with This Unique Strategy

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. The Rise of Low Content Paperbacks on Amazon
  3. The Problem with Repetitive Low Content Books
  4. Introducing Medium Content Books
  5. Understanding the Differences Between Low Content and Medium Content
  6. The Impact of ISBN on Low Content Books
  7. The Benefits of Medium Content Books
  8. Step 1: Finding the Best-Selling Books in Your Niche
  9. Step 2: Creating the Interior and Cover of Your Book
  10. Step 3: Publishing Your Book on the KDP Platform
  11. Conclusion

The Smart Way to Create KDP Books: A Smarter Approach to Low Content Publishing

The rise of low content paperbacks on Amazon has revolutionized the publishing industry. With minimal or no content on the interior pages, these books are easy to create and require little to no investment. However, the market has become oversaturated with repetitive low content books, making it harder for sellers to stand out. In this article, we introduce a smarter approach to low content publishing – medium content books.

1. Introduction

Low content paperbacks have gained immense popularity on Amazon due to their ease of creation and lack of investment required. However, the market is saturated with repetitive books, making it challenging for sellers to differentiate themselves. In this article, we introduce the concept of medium content books as a smarter alternative to low content books. We'll explore the differences between the two and guide You through the process of creating and publishing your first medium content book on the KDP platform.

2. The Rise of Low Content Paperbacks on Amazon

Low content paperbacks have become the most popular Type of book to sell on Amazon. These books require minimal or no content on the interior pages and are designed to be filled in by the user. Examples of low content books include notebooks, planners, journals, and similar works. The appeal of low content books lies in their simplicity and accessibility. Anyone can create and publish them, regardless of their writing or artistic skills. Additionally, low content books require little to no financial investment, making them a lucrative opportunity for aspiring publishers.

3. The Problem with Repetitive Low Content Books

While low content books offer a straightforward and low-cost publishing opportunity, the market has become oversaturated with repetitive books. A quick search on Amazon for terms like "lined journals" yields over 60,000 results. With so many sellers cutting and pasting the same type of book together, it has become increasingly challenging to stand out from the crowd. The only distinguishing factor between these books is often the cover design. To truly succeed in the low content book market, sellers need to find a way to offer something different and unique.

4. Introducing Medium Content Books

Medium content books provide a smarter approach to low content publishing. These books are similar to low content books in that they require minimal content on the interior pages. However, medium content books offer slightly more variety and engagement to the users. While you still don't need to be an author or artist to get started with medium content books, they require slightly more effort to create. By venturing into the medium content space, sellers can differentiate themselves from the sea of repetitive low content books and attract a more discerning audience.

5. Understanding the Differences Between Low Content and Medium Content

To better understand the concept of medium content books, it's important to differentiate them from low content books. Low content books have minimal or no content on the interior pages and are designed to be filled in by the user. They often include repetitive pages and lack variety. On the other HAND, medium content books also have minimal interior content but offer slightly more engagement to the user. They may include unique templates, Prompts, or interactive elements that add value and enhance the user experience. Medium content books strike a balance between low content and high content books, offering a more engaging and diverse reading experience.

6. The Impact of ISBN on Low Content Books

ISBNs, or International Standard Book Numbers, play a crucial role in the publishing industry. They serve as unique identifiers for books and are often used by retailers, libraries, and bookstores to manage inventory. In the case of low content books, Amazon's recent update no longer provides free ISBNs for these types of books. This means that sellers who choose not to have an ISBN may miss out on certain benefits, such as expanded distribution and the "look inside" feature. However, sellers have the option to purchase their own ISBNs from external sources like Belngacom, albeit at a significant cost.

7. The Benefits of Medium Content Books

Medium content books offer several benefits compared to low content books. While still requiring minimal or no content on the interior pages, medium content books provide slightly more variety and engagement for the user. They allow sellers to differentiate themselves in a saturated market and attract a more discerning audience. Medium content books also offer the opportunity to tap into new niches and demographics, expanding the potential customer base. By exploring the medium content space, sellers can tap into a growing market and set themselves apart from the competition.

8. Step 1: Finding the Best-Selling Books in Your Niche

Before diving into creating your medium content book, it's essential to research the best-selling books in your niche. Start by creating a list of medium content ideas and then search each idea on Amazon. Analyze the search results, paying Attention to the number of competing books and the level of repetition. Niche down your search by exploring specific categories and keywords until you find a niche with manageable competition. Look for books that have a consistent and significant number of monthly sales, indicating high demand in the market.

9. Step 2: Creating the Interior and Cover of Your Book

Once you've identified a niche and conducted thorough research, it's time to create the interior and cover of your medium content book. You don't need to be an artist or an author to create visually appealing and engaging designs. Canva, a free design software, offers a range of templates and graphics that you can use. Explore the Canva library for Relevant images and elements that Align with your book's theme. Experiment with different layouts and designs until you achieve a visually pleasing result. Remember to use the keywords from your research to optimize your title, subtitle, and description for search visibility.

10. Step 3: Publishing Your Book on the KDP Platform

Once you have designed your interior and cover, it's time to publish your medium content book on the KDP (Kindle Direct Publishing) platform. Register and open an account on KDP, and then navigate to the paperback publishing section. Follow the step-by-step instructions provided by KDP to upload your book files, set pricing, and input metadata such as title, subtitle, description, and keywords. By ensuring that your book is optimized for discoverability and effectively marketed, you increase your chances of success in the competitive Amazon marketplace.

11. Conclusion

Medium content books offer a smarter alternative to low content books on Amazon. By incorporating slightly more engagement and variety into your book designs, you can differentiate yourself from the sea of repetitive low content books. Conduct thorough research, find unique niches, create visually appealing designs, and optimize your book's metadata for search visibility. By following these steps and taking a smarter approach to low content publishing, you can tap into a growing market and increase your chances of success as an Amazon seller.


Q: What is the difference between low content and medium content books? A: Low content books have minimal or no content on the interior pages and are designed for users to fill in. Medium content books also have minimal interior content but offer slightly more engagement and variety to the users.

Q: Do I need to be an artist or author to create medium content books? A: No, you don't need to be an artist or author to create visually appealing and engaging medium content books. Design software like Canva offers templates and graphics that anyone can use.

Q: Can I use the graphics from Canva in my book? A: Yes, as long as you use the graphics in a unique way and make your book stand out, you can use the graphics from Canva in your medium content book.

Q: How can I ensure my medium content book is discoverable on Amazon? A: Conduct thorough research to identify the best-selling books in your niche and incorporate relevant keywords in your title, subtitle, description, and metadata. Optimize your book's design and marketing strategies for better visibility.

Q: Can I get an ISBN for my low content or medium content book? A: Amazon no longer provides free ISBNs for low content books. You have the option to purchase your own ISBN from external sources, but it comes at a significant cost. Consider the pros and cons before deciding whether to have an ISBN for your book.


  • The rise of low content paperbacks on Amazon has revolutionized the publishing industry.
  • Repetitive low content books are saturating the market, making it harder for sellers to stand out.
  • Medium content books offer a smarter approach to low content publishing.
  • Medium content books provide slightly more engagement and variety to the users.
  • Researching best-selling books and niche selection is crucial for success in the medium content market.
  • Canva is a free design software that can be used to create visually appealing book covers and interiors.
  • Optimizing title, subtitle, description, and metadata with relevant keywords is essential for discoverability.
  • The KDP platform is a popular choice for self-publishing medium content books.

Please note that the FAQ section is a sample and may not cover all possible questions and answers related to the topic.

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