Build a Whale Alert Twitter Bot with Moralis and Python

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Build a Whale Alert Twitter Bot with Moralis and Python

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Building a Twitter Bot 2.1 Creating a Twitter Developer Account 2.2 Creating a New Twitter App 2.3 Obtaining API Keys 2.4 Connecting to the Twitter API 2.5 Sending Tweets
  3. Using Morales Streams 3.1 Creating an Account 3.2 Creating a Morales Stream 3.3 Setting Up Webhooks 3.4 Filtering Transactions 3.5 Handling Responses
  4. Building the Twitter Bot with Morales Streams 4.1 retrieving Transaction Information 4.2 Formatting Data 4.3 Publishing Tweets
  5. Conclusion

Building a Twitter Bot with Morales Streams

Are You interested in creating a Twitter bot that can generate automatic tweets? In this tutorial, we will guide you through the process of building a powerful Twitter bot that can publish tweets Based on real-time information from the blockchain. With just a few simple Python scripts and the Morales Streams platform, you will be able to Create a customized Twitter bot that can generate tweets automatically. So, let's get started and build your own Twitter bot!


In today's digital age, social media platforms like Twitter have become powerful tools for information dissemination and engagement. Twitter bots are automated accounts designed to perform specific tasks, such as sending tweets, retweeting content, or replying to messages. These bots can be used for various purposes, including news updates, marketing campaigns, or even humorous interactions. In this tutorial, we will focus on building a Twitter bot that can generate automatic tweets based on real-time information from the blockchain.

Building a Twitter Bot

2.1 Creating a Twitter Developer Account

To create a Twitter bot, you will need a Twitter Developer Account. If you don't have one already, you can easily request access to the Twitter API by following a simple process. Just visit the link provided in the video description, and you'll be able to request access to the Twitter API in a few minutes.

2.2 Creating a New Twitter App

After obtaining access to the Twitter API, you can proceed to the Twitter Developer Portal, where you can create a new Twitter app. This app will serve as the platform for your Twitter bot. Simply click on "Create App" to get started. If you already have an app, you can create a new one for this tutorial.

2.3 Obtaining API Keys

Once you've created a new app, you will be provided with API keys. These keys are essential for accessing and interacting with the Twitter API. Make sure to keep them secure and not share them with anyone. In this tutorial, we will use these API keys to connect to the Twitter API and authorize our Twitter bot.

2.4 Connecting to the Twitter API

To connect to the Twitter API, we will use a Python library called Twippy. You can easily install this library using the command pip install twippy. Once installed, we can import the library and set up the necessary authentication using our API keys. With just a few lines of code, we will be able to connect to the Twitter API and start building our bot.

2.5 Sending Tweets

With the Twippy library and the Twitter API connection set up, we can now start sending tweets. We will create a simple function that takes a tweet as input and uses the update_status function from the Twippy library to publish the tweet. You'll be surprised how easy it is to send tweets with just a few lines of code.

Using Morales Streams

3.1 Creating an Account

To leverage the power of real-time information from the blockchain, we will use the Morales Streams platform. If you don't have a Morales account yet, you can easily create one by visiting the Morales Website. Creating an account is free and straightforward.

3.2 Creating a Morales Stream

Once you have your Morales account, you can start creating a Morales Stream. Morales Streams allows us to listen to various events happening on the blockchain and retrieve real-time data. In this tutorial, we will create a stream to listen to all transactions related to the Twitter USD token.

3.3 Setting Up Webhooks

To receive real-time updates from the Morales Stream, we need to set up webhooks. Morales Streams uses webhooks to send data to a specific URL where we can process it. We will set up a simple Flask server to handle these webhook requests and retrieve the data.

3.4 Filtering Transactions

To make our Twitter bot more targeted, we will filter the transactions we receive from the Morales Stream. We Are only interested in whale transactions, which involve a considerable amount of money. We will set up a filter to only retrieve transactions that are equal to or greater than one million dollars.

3.5 Handling Responses

Once we receive a transaction that meets our criteria, we will need to handle the response and extract the Relevant information. We will develop a function that takes the response data and formats it in a way that can be easily understood and published as a tweet.

Building the Twitter Bot with Morales Streams

4.1 Retrieving Transaction Information

To retrieve the necessary transaction information for our tweets, we will use the Morales Stream response. We will extract the sender, receiver, value, token name, and transaction hash. This information will allow us to create Meaningful and informative tweets for our Twitter bot.

4.2 Formatting Data

Next, we will format the extracted data to make it more visually appealing. We will use Python's STRING manipulation techniques to shorten the sender and receiver addresses and format the value to display as a dollar value.

4.3 Publishing Tweets

Now that we have the formatted data, we can create the tweet message and publish it using the send_tweet function we created earlier. The tweet will contain details about the whale transaction, including the sender, receiver, value, and a link to the transaction on Etherscan.


In conclusion, building a Twitter bot with real-time information from the blockchain is a powerful tool for engaging with your audience and staying updated on important events. By combining the Twitter API with the Morales Streams platform, you can create a customized Twitter bot that publishes automatic tweets based on specific criteria. Whether you're interested in sharing whale alerts, market updates, or other valuable information, building a Twitter bot with real-time data integration is both accessible and impactful. Start building your Twitter bot today and take your online presence to the next level!


  • Building a powerful Twitter bot
  • Leveraging real-time information from the blockchain
  • Creating a Twitter Developer Account
  • Obtaining API keys
  • Connecting to the Twitter API
  • Sending tweets automatically
  • Using Morales Streams for real-time data retrieval
  • Creating a Morales Stream
  • Setting up webhooks for data retrieval
  • Filtering transactions for targeted information
  • Handling responses and formatting data
  • Publishing informative and engaging tweets
  • Enhancing audience engagement and online presence


Q: Can I create multiple Twitter bots? A: Yes, you can create multiple Twitter bots for different purposes or accounts by repeating the process outlined in this tutorial.

Q: Can I customize the formatting of the tweets? A: Absolutely! You can customize the formatting of the tweets by modifying the string concatenation and formatting techniques used in the code.

Q: Is it possible to filter transactions based on other criteria? A: Yes, Morales Streams allows you to filter transactions based on various criteria, such as specific token contracts, specific addresses, or transaction types.

Q: Can I add additional functionality to my Twitter bot? A: Yes, you can extend the functionality of your Twitter bot by integrating other APIs or adding more complex logic to handle specific events or criteria.

Q: Are there any limitations or restrictions for using the Twitter API? A: Yes, Twitter has certain limitations and restrictions on API usage, including rate limits and guidelines on proper API usage. Be sure to review and adhere to Twitter's API policies and guidelines to avoid any issues.

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