Build an AI-Powered Flutter Chrome Extension with OpenAI

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Build an AI-Powered Flutter Chrome Extension with OpenAI

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Building an AI-powered Chrome Extension
  3. Fetching the Content of the Current Tab
  4. Creating the Summary API Client
  5. Implementing the Get Summary Function
  6. Testing the Chrome Extension


In this article, we will explore the process of building an AI-powered Chrome extension that can help users summarize the content of their current tabs. We will combine the power of Flutter, OpenAI, and Cloud Functions to Create a seamless and efficient summarization experience. By following this step-by-step guide, You will learn how to develop a Chrome extension that fetches the content of the current tab, sends a request to a backend service for summarization using a large language model, and displays the summary within the extension user interface. Let's dive in and start building this exciting project!

Building an AI-powered Chrome Extension

To build our AI-powered Chrome extension, we will follow a series of steps that involve front-end development, Chrome extension development, and integration with a backend summarization service. Here's an overview of the process:

  1. Front-end Development with Flutter

    • Creating the UI with Flutter
    • Interacting with the Chrome API using Dart and JS interop
  2. Chrome Extension Development

    • Setting up the Chrome manifest.json file
    • Configuring permissions and action handlers
    • Customizing the extension's appearance and functionality
  3. Backend Summarization Service

    • Setting up a Cloud Function on Google Cloud
    • Using lang-chain and OpenAI to summarize the content
  4. Integration and Testing

    • Connecting the Chrome extension to the backend service
    • Testing the functionality of the extension

Now that we have a clear plan, let's dive into the implementation details of each step.

Fetching the Content of the Current Tab

To fetch the content of the current tab, we will leverage the Chrome API and a Dart library called "JS" for interop with JavaScript code. By using the chrome.tabs API, we can access the data of the current tab. In our Chrome extension, we will create a function that calls the chrome.tabs.query method, passing the necessary query options to filter the results and retrieve the URL of the current tab. We will then use the retrieved URL to fetch the content of the page. The fetched data will be sent to a summarization backend service for processing. Let's implement this functionality and ensure that we can successfully fetch the URL of the current tab.

Creating the Summary API Client

In order to Interact with the summarization backend service, we will create a Summary API client in Dart. This client will use the HttpClient class from the dart:io Package to send HTTP requests to the cloud function URL. The client will have a method called getSummary, which will take the URL of the current tab as input. Inside this method, we will use the HttpClient to send a GET request to the summarization endpoint and retrieve the summary generated by the AI model. The summary will then be displayed within the Chrome extension user interface. Let's create the Summary API client and set up the necessary HTTP communication.

Implementing the Get Summary Function

With the Summary API client in place, we can now implement the getSummary function in the Chrome extension. This function will fetch the URL of the current tab using the chrome.tabs API, call the getSummary method of the Summary API client, and wait for the response. Once the summary is returned, it will be displayed within the extension user interface. We will also handle any potential errors or loading states in the process. Let's implement the getSummary function and ensure that we can successfully fetch and display the summary of the current tab's content.

Testing the Chrome Extension

With all the major functionalities implemented, it's time to test our AI-powered Chrome extension. We will load the extension in the Chrome browser, open a tab with some content, and click the "Summarize" button to trigger the summarization process. We will check if the summarization request is sent to the backend service, and observe the summary being displayed within the Chrome extension user interface. We will also ensure that the extension handles loading states and errors gracefully. Let's test our Chrome extension and validate its functionality and performance.


In conclusion, we have successfully built an AI-powered Chrome extension that can summarize the content of the current tab. By combining the power of Flutter, OpenAI, and Cloud Functions, we have created a seamless user experience for content summarization. Throughout the development process, we covered front-end development with Flutter, Chrome extension development using the Chrome API, and integration with a backend summarization service. We also tested the extension to ensure its functionality and performance. The possibilities for further enhancing this Chrome extension are endless. Feel free to explore additional features and improvements Based on your needs and preferences. Enjoy using your AI-powered Chrome extension and simplify your content summarization tasks!


  • Build an AI-powered Chrome extension for content summarization
  • Combine Flutter, OpenAI, and Cloud Functions for seamless summarization
  • Fetch the content of the current tab and send it to a backend service
  • Use lang-chain and OpenAI to summarize the content
  • Display the summary within the Chrome extension user interface
  • Test and validate the functionality and performance of the extension
  • Customize and enhance the extension based on personal preferences

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Q: Can I customize the appearance of the Chrome extension? A: Yes, you can customize the appearance of the Chrome extension by modifying the manifest.json file. You can specify the icon, name, description, and other visual elements of the extension.

Q: Can I improve the quality of the generated summaries? A: Yes, you can enhance the quality of the generated summaries by fine-tuning the OpenAI language model or using other language models that better suit your specific needs.

Q: How can I handle errors in the Chrome extension? A: To handle errors in the Chrome extension, you can implement error handling logic in the code. For example, you can display error messages to the user or provide fallback options in case the summarization process fails.

Q: Can I summarize content from different languages? A: Yes, you can summarize content from different languages by using language-specific models or by preprocessing the text to ensure compatibility with the language model used for summarization.

Q: Is there a limit to the length of the content that can be summarized? A: Yes, there might be limitations on the length of the content that can be summarized, depending on the language model and the summarization service used. Chunking the content into smaller parts can help overcome these limitations.

Q: Can I use the Chrome extension offline? A: The Chrome extension requires an internet connection to send requests to the backend service and retrieve the summaries. It is not designed for offline usage.

Q: Can multiple users use the Chrome extension simultaneously? A: Yes, multiple users can use the Chrome extension simultaneously. The extension can handle concurrent requests and provide summaries for each user's current tab independently.

Q: How often should I update the language model used for summarization? A: It is recommended to periodically update the language model used for summarization to benefit from any improvements or updates provided by the model developers. Regularly checking for model updates ensures the best possible summarization results.

Q: Are there any privacy concerns when using the Chrome extension? A: Privacy concerns can arise when using any extension that interacts with user data. It is essential to handle user data with care and ensure compliance with privacy regulations. Implementing secure communication protocols and providing transparency about data handling practices can mitigate privacy concerns.

Q: Can I use the Chrome extension on mobile devices? A: Chrome extensions can only be installed and used on desktop versions of the Chrome browser. The mobile versions of Chrome do not support extensions.

Q: Can I deploy the summarization backend service on a different cloud provider? A: Yes, you can deploy the summarization backend service on a different cloud provider, as long as the provider offers the necessary capabilities for running the backend service.

Q: Can I further customize the summarization process based on specific requirements? A: Yes, you can further customize the summarization process based on your specific requirements. You can apply additional pre-processing, post-processing, or filtering techniques to fine-tune the summarization results according to your needs.

Q: Can I use the Chrome extension for summarizing content from websites with authentication requirements? A: The Chrome extension can fetch the content of websites with authentication requirements as long as the extension has the necessary permissions and authentication tokens to access the authenticated pages.

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