Build and Sell API with ChatGPT

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Build and Sell API with ChatGPT

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. What is Rapid API?
  3. Creating an API using Chat GPT
  4. QR Code Generator API
  5. Setting Up the Flask API Server
  6. Testing the QR Code Generator API
  7. Deploying the API on PythonAnywhere
  8. Publishing the API on Rapid API
  9. Monetizing the API
  10. Conclusion


In today's video, we will learn how to build an API using Chat GPT and sell it on the Rapid API platform. Rapid API is a platform where developers can Create, deploy, and sell their APIs to earn recurring revenue. We will specifically focus on building an API for a QR code generator. We will utilize the power of Chat GPT, a chatbot model released by OpenAI, to generate the code for our API. So, let's get started with today's exercise!

What is Rapid API?

Rapid API is a platform that allows developers to create and deploy their APIs, which can then be sold to other users. Developers can earn recurring revenue by monetizing their APIs on this platform. The platform offers various features, including endpoints, tutorials, and pricing plans, making it convenient for developers to showcase and sell their APIs.

Creating an API using Chat GPT

To create our API, we will use Chat GPT, a powerful chatbot model developed by OpenAI. Chat GPT has the capability to generate code and perform various tasks Based on user queries. We will utilize this capability to generate the code for our QR code generator API.

QR Code Generator API

The API we will create is a QR code generator. This API will take a GET request with a URL parameter, convert it into a QR code image, and send it back as the API response. The API will have multiple pricing plans, and users can choose the plan that suits their requirements. They can then pay the creator of the API accordingly.

Setting Up the Flask API Server

To set up the Flask API server, we need to write code in Python. We will use the Flask framework to create the server. The code will handle the GET request with a URL parameter and convert it into a QR code image using a library like qrcode. We will then send the image as the API response. Once the code is generated, we can copy and paste it into our preferred code editor, such as Visual Studio Code.

Testing the QR Code Generator API

After pasting the generated code into our code editor, we can run the code by executing the file in the command prompt. This will start the server on port 5000. To test the API, we can use the testing URL provided by Chat GPT. By appending the desired URL after the base URL of our server and hitting the testing URL in a web browser, we can generate QR codes for different URLs. Each time we change the URL, a new QR code image will be downloaded.

Deploying the API on PythonAnywhere

To deploy our API on the cloud, we will use PythonAnywhere, a platform that allows us to host our applications. We can create an account on PythonAnywhere if we haven't already. Once logged in, we can follow the steps provided on the platform to set up our Flask app. We will need to copy the code from our editor and paste it into the Flask app file. After saving the file and reloading the server, we can open the app in a new tab to verify that it is working correctly.

Publishing the API on Rapid API

Once our API is live and working on PythonAnywhere, we can proceed to publish it on Rapid API. For this, we need to create an account on the platform if we haven't already. After creating an account, we can navigate to the "My APIs" section and create a new API project. Once the necessary details are filled in, we can move to the "HUB listing" page. Here, we can add our base URL, which is the URL of our API hosted on PythonAnywhere.

Monetizing the API

To monetize our API on Rapid API, we need to set up pricing plans for our users. We can provide different subscription options with varying limits on requests per hour. Users can subscribe to a plan and pay the corresponding amount set by the API creator. By setting these details, we can start earning revenue from our API on the Rapid API platform.


In this video, we learned how to create an API using Chat GPT and sell it on the Rapid API platform. We specifically focused on creating a QR code generator API using Flask and deploying it on PythonAnywhere. We also discussed publishing the API on Rapid API and monetizing it through different pricing plans. By following these steps, developers can leverage their skills and earn recurring revenue through API development.


  • Building an API using Chat GPT and deploying it on the Rapid API platform
  • Creating a QR code generator API using Flask and Python
  • Testing the API functionality and generating QR codes for different URLs
  • Deploying the API on PythonAnywhere for cloud hosting
  • Publishing the API on Rapid API for public access and monetization


  1. Can I create multiple APIs using Chat GPT?

    • Yes, You can create multiple APIs for various purposes using Chat GPT's code generation capabilities.
  2. Is Python the only language supported for creating APIs?

    • No, Rapid API supports APIs developed in various programming languages. However, in this tutorial, we focused on Python and Flask.
  3. Can I modify the pricing plans for my API on Rapid API?

    • Yes, you have the flexibility to set and modify pricing plans for your API on the Rapid API platform.
  4. Is there a limit on the number of requests my API can handle?

    • The limit depends on the pricing plan chosen by the user. Each plan may have different limits on the number of requests per hour.
  5. How do I receive payments for my API on Rapid API?

    • Rapid API provides a payment system that handles the transactional aspects between the API creator and the users who subscribe to the API.
  6. Can I update the code of my API after it is deployed?

    • Yes, you can update the code of your API even after it is deployed on PythonAnywhere. Simply make the necessary changes and redeploy the updated version.
  7. Are there any additional costs associated with hosting APIs on PythonAnywhere and publishing them on Rapid API?

    • PythonAnywhere offers both free and paid plans. The pricing of the plans depends on the resources and features you require. Rapid API also has its pricing structure for API publishers.
  8. Can I create APIs for other functionalities apart from QR code generation?

    • Absolutely! Chat GPT's code generation capabilities can be used to create APIs for various functionalities based on your requirements and creativity.

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