Build Custom Dataset: Supercharge GPT Neo & GPT-J-6B

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Build Custom Dataset: Supercharge GPT Neo & GPT-J-6B

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Understanding Custom Data Set Creation
  3. Downloading and Analyzing the Quotes Data Set
  4. Preparing the Data for GPT-Neo
  5. Importing the Required Libraries
  6. Loading and Structuring the Data
  7. Cleaning and Organizing the Data
  8. Generating the Final Data Set
  9. Splitting the Data Set into Train and Test Sets
  10. Converting the Data Frames to CSV Files
  11. Conclusion


In this article, we will Delve into the process of creating a custom data set for fine-tuning GPT-Neo, a powerful language model. We will specifically focus on creating a data set for an AI quote generator using the Kaggle quotes data set. By following the steps outlined in this article, You will learn how to prepare the data in the proper format and train GPT-Neo to generate insightful and Meaningful quotes Based on different categories.

Understanding Custom Data Set Creation

Before we dive into the details, let's discuss the significance of custom data set creation for fine-tuning language models like GPT-Neo. Larger language models have the AdVantage of learning from smaller data sets and performing better with limited input. By creating a custom data set, we can provide specific data that aligns with our desired outcomes, enabling the language model to generate accurate and contextually Relevant content.

Downloading and Analyzing the Quotes Data Set

To begin the process, we need to download the quotes data set from Kaggle. This data set contains a vast collection of quotes, including authors, category tags, and popularity information. By examining the structure of the data set, we can identify the key elements we will be working with in this article.

Preparing the Data for GPT-Neo

To make the data set compatible with GPT-Neo, we need to go through several steps. In this section, we will import the necessary libraries, load and structure the data, clean any irregularities, and prepare the data set in the required format for GPT-Neo.

Importing the Required Libraries

To manipulate and preprocess the data, we will need to import various libraries such as JSON, arg_parse, os, numpy, scilearn, and pandas. These libraries provide the necessary tools and functions to handle the data and prepare it for training GPT-Neo.

Loading and Structuring the Data

Using the JSON import, we will load the quotes data set and Create a category dictionary. This dictionary will serve as the structure for our custom data set, with each category having a list of quotes attributed to it. We will iterate through the data set, checking if a category is already present in the dictionary. If it exists, we append the quote to the corresponding list. Otherwise, we create a new list and insert it into the dictionary.

Cleaning and Organizing the Data

In this step, we will clean up the data by eliminating any empty entries and irregularities within the JSON file. By removing inconsistencies, we ensure that our data set is reliable and accurate. We will also print the keys of the category dictionary to have an overview of the available categories for generating quotes.

Generating the Final Data Set

In this section, we will create a list to store the final state of our inputs. We will iterate through the quotes, organizing them based on their categories. Using a custom function, we build the sentences by adding the necessary tokens such as "end of text" (EOS) and "beginning of sentence" (BOS). These tokens are crucial for GPT-Neo to predict the next word accurately.

Splitting the Data Set into Train and Test Sets

To evaluate the performance of the fine-tuned GPT-Neo model, we split the data set into a training set and a testing set. The train_test_split function from scilearn is used for this purpose, with a test size of 20%. This division allows us to assess the model's ability to generalize and generate high-quality quotes for unseen data.

Converting the Data Frames to CSV Files

To feed the data set into the fine-tuning repository, we need to save the data frames as CSV files. We convert the data frames into train.csv and validation.csv files, ensuring that the "text" column is labeled correctly. This formatting is essential for the fine-tuning program to recognize and utilize the data set effectively.


In this article, we have explored the process of creating a custom data set for fine-tuning GPT-Neo using the Kaggle quotes data set. We have covered the steps involved in downloading, analyzing, and preparing the data in the proper format for GPT-Neo. With a well-structured and cleaned data set, We Are now ready to fine-tune the GPT-Neo model and generate quotes based on different categories. By following the instructions and guidelines provided, you can customize your own data sets and unleash the full potential of GPT-Neo for various applications.


  • Learn how to create a custom data set for fine-tuning GPT-Neo
  • Explore the Kaggle quotes data set and understand its structure
  • Import the necessary libraries and preprocess the data
  • Clean and organize the data to ensure accuracy and reliability
  • Generate the final data set in the proper format for GPT-Neo
  • Split the data set into train and test sets for evaluation
  • Convert the data frames to CSV files for fine-tuning the model


Q: What is GPT-Neo? A: GPT-Neo is a language model that utilizes machine learning to generate human-like text based on the input provided. It has the ability to understand context, sentence structure, and generate coherent content.

Q: Can I use a different data set for fine-tuning GPT-Neo? A: Yes, you can use any data set of your choice to create a custom data set for fine-tuning GPT-Neo. Just make sure the data is in the proper format and follows the required guidelines.

Q: How accurate are the generated quotes? A: The accuracy of the generated quotes depends on the quality of the data set and the fine-tuning process. By following the steps outlined in this article and providing relevant and meaningful data, you can achieve high-quality and contextually relevant quotes.

Q: Can GPT-Neo be fine-tuned for other applications? A: Yes, GPT-Neo can be fine-tuned for various applications such as text generation, summarization, and question answering. The process involves creating a custom data set specific to the desired application and following the fine-tuning guidelines.

Q: Is fine-tuning GPT-Neo a complex process? A: While the process of fine-tuning GPT-Neo requires some technical knowledge and understanding of machine learning concepts, the step-by-step instructions provided in this article make it accessible for users with intermediate programming skills.

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