Build your own ChatGPT chatbot

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Build your own ChatGPT chatbot

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Creating a GPT-Based Chatbot with iStar 2.1 Sign up on iStar 2.2 Logging in to Nava hub 2.3 Creating a new Cloudlet 2.4 Applying the Cloudlet to Kubernetes cluster 2.5 Setting up the Open AI API key
  3. Importing a Website for Chatbot Training 3.1 Example website - 3.2 Creating a new model for the website 3.3 Importing the website URL 3.4 Vectorizing the training data
  4. Training and Testing the Chatbot 4.1 Creating a default HTML page 4.2 Asking questions to the Chatbot 4.3 Training the Chatbot with vectorized data 4.4 Testing the Chatbot with different questions
  5. Conclusion

Creating a GPT-based Chatbot with iStar

In this article, we will explore the process of creating your own GPT-based chatbot using iStar. iStar is a platform that allows you to build powerful chatbots with the help of Open AI's GPT technology. By following the steps outlined below, you will be able to Create your own chatbot and integrate it with your website.

1. Introduction

Chatbots have become increasingly popular in recent years due to their ability to provide Instant responses and improve customer interaction. With advancements in Natural Language Processing (NLP) technology, chatbots can now understand and respond to human queries more accurately. In this article, we will focus on creating a GPT-based chatbot, which is powered by Open AI's state-of-the-art GPT model.

2. Creating a GPT-based Chatbot with iStar

2.1 Sign up on iStar

Before we dive into creating the chatbot, You need to sign up on the iStar platform. Simply visit the iStar website (link provided in the description) and follow the sign-up process. If you already have an account, proceed to the next step.

2.2 Logging in to Nava hub

Once you have signed up on iStar, log in to the Nava hub. This will be your main dashboard where you can manage and configure your chatbot.

2.3 Creating a new Cloudlet

To start building your chatbot, you need to create a new Cloudlet. A Cloudlet is a virtual machine that runs your chatbot. Specify the desired location (e.g., GB) and wait for the creation process to complete. This usually takes around 30 seconds.

2.4 Applying the Cloudlet to Kubernetes cluster

After the Cloudlet is created, you need to Apply it to your Kubernetes cluster. This step ensures that your chatbot is properly integrated and connected to the necessary resources.

2.5 Setting up the Open AI API key

To enable your chatbot to use Open AI's GPT technology, you need to provide your Open AI API key. Navigate to the machine learning section in the Nava hub and enter your API key in the designated field. Save the changes to proceed.

3. Importing a Website for Chatbot Training

3.1 Example website -

For training the chatbot, we will use an example website called This website focuses on CO2 emissions reduction and environmental sustainability. It provides valuable information on reducing carbon footprint and investing in eco-friendly initiatives.

3.2 Creating a new model for the website

To train your chatbot on the content of, you need to create a new model. Give the model a Relevant name, such as "billionair_org". This will allow you to identify and manage the model easily.

3.3 Importing the website URL

To import the website's content for training, copy the URL of and paste it into the designated field in iStar. Click on the "import" button and wait for the content import process to complete. Note that if you have already imported the website previously, you can skip this step.

3.4 Vectorizing the training data

After the website content is imported, the next step is to vectorize the training data. This process converts the text into numerical vectors that can be understood and analyzed by the chatbot. It is important to note that there is no need to train the model, as the training data is already available. Click on the "vectorize" button to initiate the vectorization process.

4. Training and Testing the Chatbot

4.1 Creating a default HTML page

To Interact with the chatbot on a web page, you need to create a default HTML page. This page will serve as the interface for users to communicate with the chatbot. In the iStar platform, navigate to the Hyper ID section and create an index.html file. Paste the necessary JavaScript code to enable the chatbot functionality. Save the changes to proceed.

4.2 Asking questions to the Chatbot

With the HTML page set up, you can now start asking questions to the chatbot. Use the default skin provided by iStar or customize it according to your preferences. You can interact with the chatbot by typing your questions in the chat interface.

4.3 Training the Chatbot with vectorized data

Now it's time to train the chatbot using the vectorized training data. This step ensures that the chatbot understands and provides accurate responses based on the content of The training process usually takes a few minutes to complete.

4.4 Testing the Chatbot with different questions

After the training process is finished, you can test the chatbot's performance by asking different questions related to The chatbot should provide accurate and relevant answers based on the content it has been trained on. Experiment with various queries to ensure the chatbot's effectiveness.

5. Conclusion

In conclusion, creating a GPT-based chatbot using iStar is a straightforward process that allows you to leverage the power of Open AI's GPT model. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can build a chatbot that provides accurate responses based on specific website content. With the increasing demand for interactive and informative chatbots, iStar offers a valuable platform for creating intelligent conversational agents.


  • iStar enables the creation of GPT-based chatbots powered by Open AI's GPT model.
  • The process involves signing up on iStar, creating a Cloudlet, and applying it to a Kubernetes cluster.
  • By importing a website and vectorizing the training data, the chatbot can understand and respond to specific content.
  • The chatbot's performance can be tested by asking various questions related to the imported website.
  • iStar provides a user-friendly interface for managing and configuring the chatbot.


Q: Can I use iStar to create a chatbot for any website? A: Yes, you can import any website for chatbot training using iStar. However, the quality of responses may depend on the content and relevance of the website.

Q: Is training the chatbot necessary? A: No, training the chatbot is not required. The vectorized training data is sufficient for the chatbot to provide accurate responses based on the imported website's content.

Q: Can I customize the chatbot's appearance? A: Yes, iStar provides options to customize the chatbot's skin and appearance according to your preferences.

Q: Is there a limit to the number of questions the chatbot can answer? A: The chatbot can answer a wide range of questions related to the imported website's content. However, it is recommended to test the chatbot with various queries to ensure its effectiveness.

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