Building ToolJet's OpenAI plugin live!

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Building ToolJet's OpenAI plugin live!

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Tool Jet Marketplace
  3. Building a Tool Jet Plugin 3.1. Setting up Prerequisites 3.2. Creating a New Plugin 3.3. Adding UI Components 3.4. Testing the Connection 3.5. Implementing Operations
  4. Publishing Your Plugin
  5. Conclusion


In this article, we will explore the process of building a plugin for the Tool Jet Marketplace. We will start with an introduction to the marketplace and then Delve into the steps involved in creating and implementing a Tool Jet plugin. We will also cover the testing and publishing of the plugin. So let's get started!

Tool Jet Marketplace

The Tool Jet Marketplace is an integration platform that allows users to extend the functionality of Tool Jet by adding their own plugins. These plugins can be either ready-to-use integrations or custom-built by the users themselves. The marketplace aims to offer a wide range of integrations, making Tool Jet a versatile and lightweight application.

Building a Tool Jet Plugin

3.1. Setting up Prerequisites

Before we begin building a plugin, there are a few prerequisites that need to be met. These include having Node.js 18.3 and npm 8.11 installed, as well as the Tool Jet CLI. We also need to enable the Marketplace feature and Dev mode in the environment settings. Once these prerequisites are in place, we can move on to creating our plugin.

3.2. Creating a New Plugin

To Create a new plugin, we will use the Tool Jet CLI. By running the command "tooljet plugin create [plugin name]," we can generate the basic file structure for our plugin. This includes the index.ts and manifest.json files, which serve as the entry point for our plugin. We can then install our plugin and find it in the Tool Jet Marketplace.

3.3. Adding UI Components

To add a user interface to our plugin, we need to modify the operations.json file. This file defines the UI elements for the query manager. We can add components such as dropdowns, inputs, and lists to create a user-friendly interface for our plugin. These UI components are generated Based on the operations described in the operations.json file.

3.4. Testing the Connection

Once the UI components are in place, we can test the connection to the external API or service that our plugin interacts with. We can do this by implementing the test connection function, which verifies if the connection is successful. This function utilizes the API keys and other configurations provided by the user. By testing the connection, we ensure that our plugin is ready to interact with the external service.

3.5. Implementing Operations

With the connection established, we can move on to implementing the operations of our plugin. These operations define the functionality of the plugin and determine how it interacts with the user and the external service. We can define Prompts, tokens, temperatures, and other parameters specific to the API or service We Are integrating with. By implementing these operations, we make our plugin capable of performing the desired tasks.

Publishing Your Plugin

Once our plugin is built and tested, we can publish it to the Tool Jet Marketplace. To do this, we need to create a pull request (PR) against the repository. The PR will be reviewed by the Tool Jet team, and upon approval, the plugin will be published and made available to all Tool Jet users. This allows other users to discover and utilize the plugin in their own workflows.


Building a plugin for the Tool Jet Marketplace provides users with the opportunity to enhance the functionality of Tool Jet and integrate it with various external services. By following the steps outlined in this article, users can create, test, and publish their own plugins - empowering themselves and the larger Tool Jet community. So go ahead and start building your own plugin today!


  • The Tool Jet Marketplace enables users to extend Tool Jet's functionality with custom plugins.
  • Prerequisites for building a Tool Jet plugin include Node.js, npm, and Tool Jet CLI.
  • Creating a plugin involves using the Tool Jet CLI and modifying the file structure.
  • UI components are added to the plugin using the operations.json file.
  • Testing the connection ensures successful integration with external services.
  • Implementing operations defines the functionality of the plugin.
  • Plugins can be published by creating a PR against the repository.
  • Building a plugin empowers users to customize Tool Jet and integrate it with their preferred tools.
  • Start building your own plugin today and contribute to the Tool Jet community.


Q: Can I create multiple plugins for Tool Jet? A: Yes, you can create multiple plugins for Tool Jet and publish them in the marketplace.

Q: Is it difficult to test the connection to external APIs or services? A: Testing the connection can be done using the test connection function, which verifies the success of the connection. It may require API keys and other configurations specific to the external service.

Q: How long does it take for a plugin to be published? A: After creating a pull request (PR), the plugin will go through a review process. The time it takes to publish a plugin may vary, but it usually takes a week or two.

Q: Can I modify my plugin after it has been published? A: Yes, you can make modifications to your plugin even after it has been published. You can create a new PR with the changes, and they will be reviewed and published accordingly.

Q: Can I use plugins developed by others in the Tool Jet Marketplace? A: Yes, you can discover and use plugins developed by other users in the Tool Jet Marketplace. Simply install the desired plugins from the marketplace and start leveraging their functionality in your workflows.

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