Clone Any Website with a Free Chrome Extension

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Clone Any Website with a Free Chrome Extension

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Understanding the Chrome Extension
  3. Cloning a Website for Offline Viewing
    1. Installing the Web Page Cloner Extension
    2. Selecting Pages to Clone
    3. Downloading the Cloned Pages
  4. Making Edits to the Cloned Website
    1. Opening the Cloned Website in Notepad
    2. Modifying Text Content
    3. Saving the Changes
  5. Limitations of Cloning Images
  6. Alternative Methods for Editing Websites
  7. Uploading the Cloned Website to a Live Domain
    1. Accessing the File Manager
    2. Deleting Default Files
    3. Uploading the Cloned Website Files
    4. Renaming Pages
  8. Testing the Cloned Website
  9. Conclusion
  10. Additional Resources

Cloning Websites with a Chrome Extension

Have You ever wanted to clone a website for offline viewing or make edits to it? With the help of a free Chrome extension called Web Page Cloner, you can easily clone any website and even make necessary modifications. In this tutorial, we will guide you through the process of cloning a website, editing its content, and uploading it to a live domain.

1. Introduction

In this digital age, having the ability to clone and modify websites can be incredibly useful. Whether you need to view a website offline or make changes for personal or professional purposes, the Web Page Cloner Chrome extension offers a straightforward solution. By following a few simple steps, you can have a replica of any website live on your local computer and even make edits to it.

2. Understanding the Chrome Extension

Before we dive into the process, let's take a moment to understand what the Web Page Cloner Chrome extension can do. This extension allows you to clone web pages and download them as HTML files. Once downloaded, you can open these files on your local computer using any text editor. This gives you the flexibility to modify the content, styles, and structure of the cloned website.

3. Cloning a Website for Offline Viewing

3.1 Installing the Web Page Cloner Extension

To begin the cloning process, you will need to install the Web Page Cloner extension from the Chrome Web Store. Simply search for "Web Page Cloner" or visit to access the store. Once you find the extension, click on "Add to Chrome" to install it. You may need to confirm the installation and allow necessary permissions.

3.2 Selecting Pages to Clone

Once the extension is added to Chrome, you will see a small icon appear in the browser toolbar. Navigate to the live website you want to clone and click on the icon. The extension will highlight all the pages on the website. Select the pages you wish to clone, such as the homepage, about page, services page, and contact page.

3.3 Downloading the Cloned Pages

After selecting the desired pages, click the "Start Downloading" button in the extension pop-up. The extension will begin downloading the web pages as HTML files to your computer. Once the download is complete, you will have a local copy of the cloned website.

4. Making Edits to the Cloned Website

Now that you have successfully cloned the website, it's time to make any necessary edits. By opening the cloned web pages in a text editor, you can modify the content, update the branding, or even change the overall design.

4.1 Opening the Cloned Website in Notepad

To open the cloned files, locate them on your computer and right-click on one of the HTML files. Choose an option to open the file with a text editor. While it is recommended to use a code editor like Notepad++, you can use the default Notepad application for this tutorial.

4.2 Modifying Text Content

Once the file is open in the text editor, you can make changes to the text content. For example, you can replace the text "Who Are We" with "I Am Dabs" to personalize the website's intro. Use the find function (Ctrl + F) to easily locate specific text within the file and make the necessary modifications.

4.3 Saving the Changes

After making the desired edits, save the file. In the text editor, click on the "File" menu and choose the "Save" option. Your changes will be saved to the cloned web page.

5. Limitations of Cloning Images

It's important to note that when cloning a website with the Web Page Cloner extension, the images used on the cloned website will still be linked to the original website. This means that any changes made to the cloned website will not affect the images unless you have a method to clone the images as well.

6. Alternative Methods for Editing Websites

If you require the ability to modify images and make more extensive changes to a website, there are alternative methods available. These methods often involve using specific tools and tutorials to clone websites completely, allowing you to change images and customize various settings. Additionally, if you prefer to work within a content management system like WordPress, there are tutorials available that Show you how to integrate the cloned website into WordPress.

7. Uploading the Cloned Website to a Live Domain

Once you have made the necessary edits to the cloned website, you can upload it to a live domain to make it accessible to others. This section will guide you through the process of uploading the cloned website files to your web hosting account and making it live.

7.1 Accessing the File Manager

First, access the file manager for your hosting account. If your hosting provider offers a control panel, navigate to the file manager from there. Look for a directory named "public_html" or "public_www" as this is where the files for your live website should be uploaded.

7.2 Deleting Default Files

Before uploading the cloned website files, it's important to remove any default files that may be occupying the root directory of your domain. Look for a file named "default.php" or any other default file and delete it to ensure a clean slate for your cloned website.

7.3 Uploading the Cloned Website Files

Using the file manager, upload the cloned website files (HTML files) to the appropriate directory, which is typically the "public_html" or "public_www" folder. You can either drag and drop the files or use the upload button within the file manager interface.

7.4 Renaming Pages

To ensure proper navigation and functionality of your cloned website, consider renaming the downloaded HTML files to match the corresponding page names. For example, rename "download.html" to "contact.html" if it represents the contact page on the live website.

8. Testing the Cloned Website

After successfully uploading the cloned website files, navigate to your live domain in a web browser. Refresh the page, and you should see the cloned website loading, reflecting the changes you made. Explore the site to ensure that all pages and functionality work as expected.

9. Conclusion

Cloning websites using the Web Page Cloner Chrome extension provides a convenient way to view and modify websites for offline use and customization purposes. With a simple installation process and easy-to-follow steps, anyone can clone a website, make edits to the content, and upload it to a live domain. Remember to comply with copyright laws and only use this method for personal or authorized purposes.

10. Additional Resources

If you want to explore more topics related to website cloning and customization, be sure to check out the additional resources below:

  • [Link to Tutorial Playlist]
  • [Link to Website Cloning Tools]
  • [Link to WordPress Integration Tutorials]


  • Clone any website for offline viewing
  • Make modifications to cloned websites
  • Use the Web Page Cloner Chrome extension for cloning
  • Edit cloned websites using a text editor
  • Upload cloned website files to a live domain
  • Limitations with cloning images
  • Alternative methods for extensive website editing


Q: Can I clone any website with the Web Page Cloner extension?
A: The Web Page Cloner extension allows you to clone most websites, unless they have specific security measures in place to prevent cloning. It works best for static websites without dynamic content.

Q: Can I modify images on a cloned website using the extension?
A: No, the Web Page Cloner extension only clones the HTML content of a website. Images and other media files are not cloned unless you use additional methods or tools specifically designed for cloning images.

Q: Are there copyright considerations when cloning websites?
A: Yes, it's important to respect copyright laws when cloning websites. Only clone websites for personal use or with proper authorization from the website owner. Avoid using cloned websites for commercial purposes without permission.

Q: Can I integrate a cloned website into a content management system like WordPress?
A: Yes, there are tutorials available that explain how to integrate cloned websites into WordPress. This allows you to leverage the features and flexibility of WordPress while still using the cloned website's content and design.

Q: What if I encounter issues during the cloning or editing process?
A: If you encounter any issues or need further assistance with cloning or editing a website, feel free to leave a comment in the section below the tutorial video. The author of the tutorial or fellow viewers may be able to help you troubleshoot and resolve any problems you encounter.

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