Create a Language Translator App with OpenAI

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Create a Language Translator App with OpenAI

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Building a Simple Translator App
  3. Using the Gadget Development Platform
    1. Creating a Gadget App
    2. Gadget's Full Stack Development Platform
    3. Front-end Development with Veet
  4. Creating the Translation Model
    1. Adding Fields to the Translation Model
    2. Establishing Relationships with the User Model
    3. Implementing CRUD Operations with the Auto-generated GraphQL API
  5. Developing the Front-end
    1. Using the Gadget Inc React Package
    2. Implementing the Translation Form
    3. Customizing Language Selection
    4. Streaming the Translation Response
    5. Saving Translations to the Database
  6. Deploying the App to Production
    1. Configuring the OpenAI Connection
    2. Deploying the App
  7. Conclusion


In this article, we will walk through the process of building a simple translator app using Gadget, a full-stack development platform. We will explore the Gadget development environment, Create a translation model, implement CRUD operations, and develop the front-end user interface. Additionally, we will deploy the app to a production environment. By the end of this article, You will have a clear understanding of how to build a functioning translator app using Gadget.

Building a Simple Translator App

To start the development process, we will first create a new Gadget app and select the AI app template. This template provides us with a pre-built chat interface powered by OpenAI. We will utilize this interface to create our translator app. By using Gadget's built-in OpenAI connection, we can make translation requests and receive responses in real-time.

Using the Gadget Development Platform

Gadget is a full-stack app development platform that simplifies the process of building and deploying applications. With Gadget, we can leverage the power of Node.js for the backend and React for the frontend. The development environment is live and hosted on the internet, eliminating the need for a separate deployment step.

Creating a Gadget App

To create a new Gadget app, we can use the command. This command initializes the full stack of our application, including a PostgreSQL database for the backend and a React frontend powered by Veet. Gadget provides a range of useful features and tools out of the box, making the development and deployment process seamless.

Gadget's Full Stack Development Platform

Gadget handles the entire app development stack, including the database, backend logic, and frontend interface. With Gadget, we can easily manage the database using PostgreSQL and leverage the power of Node.js for the backend. The frontend is powered by Veet, a React-Based framework that simplifies the development of user interfaces. Gadget's development platform allows us to build and deploy our applications live on the internet without the need for a separate deployment step.

Creating the Translation Model

To build our translator app, we need to create a translation model. This model will store the input text, translated output, and user information. By establishing a relationship with the user model, we can track the user who made each translation. Gadget provides an easy way to define models and their fields, simplifying the data modeling process.

Adding Fields to the Translation Model

Using the Gadget editor, we can easily add fields to our translation model. We start by adding the input field, which will store the text to be translated. We also add an output field to store the translated text. Additionally, we include a user field to track the user who made the translation. Gadget's data modeling capabilities allow us to customize field types, set default values, and define relationships between models.

Establishing Relationships with the User Model

To establish a relationship between the translation model and the user model, we use the belongs_to and has_many associations. This allows us to associate each translation with a user and retrieve all translations made by a specific user. Gadget's modeling system simplifies the process of defining relationships and provides the necessary database tables and columns to support these associations.

Implementing CRUD Operations with the Auto-generated GraphQL API

When we create a new model in Gadget, an auto-generated CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) GraphQL API is provided out of the box. This API allows us to perform all the necessary operations on our translation records. We can create new translations, retrieve existing records, update records, and delete them. Gadget's API scaffolding saves us time and effort in implementing basic CRUD functionality.

Developing the Front-end

The front-end of our translator app is developed using React and the Gadget Inc React package. This package provides tools and hooks for handling authentication, making API requests, and managing session data. By leveraging the Gadget Inc React package, we can build a responsive and interactive user interface.

Using the Gadget Inc React Package

The Gadget Inc React package provides useful components and hooks for developing the front-end of our app. We can easily handle authentication with built-in components such as the sign-in form and sign-out button. The package also includes hooks for making API requests and managing session data. By using these tools, we can streamline the development process and create a seamless user experience.

Implementing the Translation Form

To enable users to translate text, we implement a translation form in the front-end. This form allows users to input text, select a desired language for translation, and submit the request. By utilizing the Gadget Inc React package's useAction hook, we can call the translation create action and handle the response. The form provides real-time feedback by displaying fetching and error states.

Customizing Language Selection

To enhance the functionality of our translator app, we allow users to select their desired language for translation. By adding an input field for language selection and utilizing React's state management, users can choose a target language for translation. The selected language is then passed as a parameter to the translation request. This customization adds dynamic functionality to the app and improves user experience.

Streaming the Translation Response

To optimize the translation process and improve user experience, we implement a streaming approach for the translation response. By utilizing HTTP routes in Gadget, we can stream the translation response from OpenAI in real-time. This allows us to display the translated text as it becomes available, instead of waiting for the entire response. Implementing streaming optimizes the translation process and provides a more interactive user experience.

Saving Translations to the Database

To ensure that translations are saved to the database, we modify our HTTP route to include an onComplete callback. This callback allows us to handle the translation response and save it to the database. By utilizing Gadget's API client and the translation create action, we can pass the translated text and user information to the action. This ensures that each translation is recorded and associated with the respective user.

Deploying the App to Production

Once our translator app is complete, we can deploy it to a production environment for public use. Before deploying, it's important to set up our OpenAI connection with our own API keys. This ensures that the app will use our own OpenAI account and API credits. After configuring the connection, we can deploy the app using Gadget's built-in deployment functionality. Gadget takes care of bundling and minifying the app's assets and hosting them on a highly available CDN.

Configuring the OpenAI Connection

Before deploying to the production environment, we should configure the OpenAI connection with our own API keys. By accessing the connections page in Gadget, we can edit the OpenAI connection and enter our API keys. It's important to remove the Gadget-managed credentials flag and replace it with our own production API keys. This ensures that the app will use our own OpenAI account and API credits.

Deploying the App

Deploying the app is as simple as clicking the deploy button in Gadget's interface. This initiates the deployment process, handling the bundling, minification, and hosting of the app's assets. Within minutes, the app is deployed to a production environment and ready for use. Gadget's seamless deployment process simplifies the transition from development to production.


In this article, we have walked through the process of building a simple translator app using Gadget. We have explored the Gadget development platform, created a translation model, implemented CRUD operations, developed the front-end user interface, and deployed the app to a production environment. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can build your own translator app and leverage the powerful features of Gadget's development platform.

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