Create a Mobile Menu with Bootstrap 3 in Magento

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Create a Mobile Menu with Bootstrap 3 in Magento

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Request for Bootstrap Menu
  3. Anatomy of the Bootstrap Menu
  4. Rendering the Menu in Magento
  5. Adding Bootstrap Classes
  6. Styling the Menu
  7. Centering the Menu
  8. Customizing the Menu
  9. Conclusion
  10. FAQs



Hey there, welcome back to another video! I know there has been a bit of a delay between videos, but your encouragement keeps me going. Today, I want to talk about a special request I received from one of you. The request was to Create a Bootstrap menu using the Magento navigation menu. In case you're not familiar with what a Bootstrap menu looks like, let me give you a rough sample:

[Sample Bootstrap Menu]

Request for Bootstrap Menu

So, the only change You may Notice from the last video is the addition of categories at the top. This was done to accommodate the request for a Bootstrap menu. And let me tell you, creating this menu might be a bit challenging, but I'll guide you through it step by step.

Anatomy of the Bootstrap Menu

Before we jump into the implementation, let's take a closer look at the anatomy of the Bootstrap menu. Essentially, it consists of a navigation container with a navbar header. The navbar header contains a button that triggers the dropdown menu. Each line of the "hamburger" icon is represented by a span element.

Rendering the Menu in Magento

To implement the Bootstrap menu in Magento, we'll need to modify the HTML code for the top menu. You can find this code in the following location: app/design/frontend/default/your_theme/template/page/html/topmenu.phtml. In this file, we'll add the necessary Bootstrap classes to the existing code.

Adding Bootstrap Classes

To start, we'll wrap the entire menu code with a nav tag. This will serve as the container for the Bootstrap menu. Additionally, we'll need to replace some of the existing Magento classes with the corresponding Bootstrap classes. Don't worry, I'll provide the code for you to copy and paste, but you can also find it on the official Bootstrap Website.

Styling the Menu

Now that we have the basic structure in place, it's time to style the menu. Initially, the styling may not look perfect, but we can easily fix it. We'll navigate to the CSS file located at skin/frontend/default/your_theme/css/styles.css. Here, we'll make some adjustments to Align the menu items properly by removing the "float: left" property.

Centering the Menu

Another issue we need to address is the menu stretching across the entire screen. To fix this, we'll consider the use of margins and set a maximum width for the menu. By doing this, we can center the menu on the page for a more visually pleasing layout.

Customizing the Menu

Now that we have the basic Bootstrap menu up and running, you have the freedom to customize it further. If you're familiar with CSS, you can play around with the styling of the menu items, such as changing the background color or adding additional effects.


Congratulations! You've successfully implemented a Bootstrap menu in Magento. I hope this tutorial has been helpful in getting your navigation bar up and running for a mobile-friendly site. If you have any questions or run into any issues, feel free to reach out to me. I'm here to help.


Q: Can I use this Bootstrap menu in any Magento theme? A: Yes, you can Apply this Bootstrap menu to any Magento theme by modifying the corresponding HTML and CSS files.

Q: Do I need prior knowledge of Bootstrap to implement this menu? A: It would be beneficial to have a basic understanding of Bootstrap, but I'll guide you through the process so you don't need to be an expert.

Q: Can I customize the appearance of the menu items? A: Absolutely! Once the basic menu is set up, you can use CSS to customize the appearance to match your desired design.

Q: Will this menu be responsive for mobile devices? A: Yes, the Bootstrap menu is designed to be responsive, so it will adapt to different screen sizes, including mobile devices.

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