Create a Powerful GPT-4 Chatbot with Next.js 13

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Create a Powerful GPT-4 Chatbot with Next.js 13

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Building the GPT4 Chat Application
  3. Setting Up the Next.js13 Application
  4. Installing the Required Packages
  5. Setting Up the API Keys
  6. Creating the Chat Component
  7. Handling User Input
  8. Sending Messages to GPT4
  9. Displaying Chat Messages
  10. Deploying the Application to Vercel

Building the GPT4 Chat Application

In this article, we will walk through the process of building a GPT4 chat application using Next.js13. We will utilize the Versal AI SDK to Create a fully functional chat application with streaming capabilities. The application will allow users to send messages and receive responses from GPT4 in real-time. We will also deploy the application to Vercel to ensure scalability and security.


The GPT4 chat application is a powerful tool that leverages the capabilities of GPT4 and Next.js13 to provide users with an interactive chat experience. By utilizing the Versal AI SDK, we can easily implement the functionality required for a chat application with only a few lines of code.

Setting Up the Next.js13 Application

Before we begin building the GPT4 chat application, we need to set up the Next.js13 application. To do this, we will create an empty folder and use the command line to initialize a new Next.js project. We will also add additional options such as TypeScript, Tailwind CSS, and ESLint for enhanced development efficiency.

Installing the Required Packages

To build the GPT4 chat application, we need to install the necessary packages. The most important package is the Versal AI SDK, which provides the functionality to create chat applications and handle chat streaming. Additionally, we need to install the Open AI Edge package, which allows us to leverage Open AI functionality on the server-side.

Setting Up the API Keys

In order to communicate with Open AI and enable chat functionality, we need to set up the API keys. We will create an account on the Open AI platform and generate a new secret key. This key needs to be stored in a local environment variable called openAI_API_key in a .env.local file. These environment variables will be used to securely communicate with the Open AI API.

Creating the Chat Component

The chat component is a crucial part of the GPT4 chat application as it handles user input, displays chat messages, and communicates with the GPT4 API. We will create a new component called ChatComponent.tsx and integrate it into our Next.js project. The component will include a form for user input, a text area for message content, and a button to submit the message.

Handling User Input

To handle user input in the chat component, we will utilize the UseChat hook provided by the AI Package. This hook gives us access to various functionality, such as handling user input changes and submitting messages. We will use the useChat hook to update the input value and track any changes made by the user.

Sending Messages to GPT4

To send messages from the chat component to GPT4, we need to implement the handleSubmit function. This function will use the Open AI SDK to create a chat completion by sending a POST request to the GPT4 API. The request will include the user's message and any previous chat messages for Context. The response from GPT4 will be streamed back to the client-side.

Displaying Chat Messages

To display chat messages in the chat component, we will map over the messages array and create individual components for each message. Each message will have a role (user or assistant) and content. We will use conditional rendering to display the appropriate name Based on the role and format the messages properly.

Deploying the Application to Vercel

Once the GPT4 chat application is complete, we can deploy it to Vercel for production use. Vercel provides optimal infrastructure for our API route and ensures that our application runs at Scale. We will utilize the Vercel CLI to deploy our application and configure the necessary environment variables on the production environment.


  • Build a GPT4 chat application using Next.js13 and the Versal AI SDK.
  • Leverage the power of GPT4 to provide real-time responses to user messages.
  • Stream data from the GPT4 API to the client-side for an interactive chat experience.
  • Deploy the application to Vercel for scalability and security.


Q: What is the Versal AI SDK? A: The Versal AI SDK is a powerful toolkit that enables the creation of chat applications with streaming capabilities. It simplifies the process of integrating AI functionality, such as GPT4, into your application.

Q: Can I customize the behavior of GPT4 in the chat application? A: Yes, you can customize the behavior of GPT4 by including system messages in the conversation. System messages provide instructions to GPT4 on how to act and respond.

Q: How can I secure my API keys when deploying the application? A: To ensure the security of your API keys, you can store them as environment variables and configure them on your deployment platform, such as Vercel. This prevents exposing the keys in your client-side code.

Q: Can I add additional functionality to the chat application? A: Absolutely! The chat application can be extended with various features, such as user authentication, message filtering, or multi-room chat support. The possibilities are endless!

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