Create a Voice Assistant with OpenAI Whisper and TTS in Minutes

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Create a Voice Assistant with OpenAI Whisper and TTS in Minutes

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Building a Voice-Based Chat Assistant
  3. Setting Up Node.js
  4. Understanding the Code Structure
  5. Importing Required Modules
  6. Configuring Ffmpeg
  7. Initializing OpenAI API Client
  8. Setting Up Variables
  9. Creating a Read Line Interface
  10. Recording and Stopping
  11. Transcribing and Chatting
  12. Chat Completions Endpoint
  13. Streaming Audio
  14. Conclusion

Building a Voice-Based Chat Assistant

In this article, we will explore how to build our own voice-based chat assistant using the Whisper API. With the Whisper API, we can transcribe user input, generate chat responses, and use text-to-speech to provide speech-based interactions with the chat assistant.

1. Introduction

Are You interested in creating your own voice-based chat assistant? In this tutorial, we will walk through the process of building a chat assistant using Node.js and the Whisper API. With just a few lines of code, you can have a fully functional chat assistant that can transcribe your input, generate responses, and even speak back to you.

2. Setting Up Node.js

Before we dive into the code, we need to make sure we have Node.js installed on our computer. If you haven't already, head over to the official Node.js Website and download the latest version for your operating system. Once installed, we can proceed to set up our chat assistant.

3. Understanding the Code Structure

The code for our chat assistant consists of several functions that work together to provide a seamless user experience. Let's take a closer look at each of these functions and how they Interact with each other.

3.1 Importing Required Modules

To start, we need to import the necessary modules to run our chat assistant. These modules include dependencies for handling audio, making API calls, and interacting with the user interface.

3.2 Configuring Ffmpeg

Next, we configure Ffmpeg, which is responsible for handling audio input and output. We ensure that Node.js is aware of the Ffmpeg location on our machine by using a specific Package.

3.3 Initializing OpenAI API Client

To interact with the Whisper API and perform actions such as transcription and generating chat responses, we need to initialize an OpenAI API client. We provide our API key as an environment variable to authenticate our requests.

3.4 Setting Up Variables

Before we start the chat assistant, we set up several variables that will be used throughout the code. These variables include Prompts, model details, and chat history.

4. Creating a Read Line Interface

To enable user interaction with the chat assistant, we Create a read line interface. This interface listens for key presses and allows the user to start or stop recording audio input by pressing the enter key.

5. Recording and Stopping

When the user presses enter to start recording, the program starts capturing audio input using the microphone. The recorded audio is then written to a file. Conversely, when the user presses enter to stop recording, the program stops recording and begins the process of transcribing and chatting.

6. Transcribing and Chatting

After recording, the program transcribes the recorded audio using the Whisper API. The transcribed text is then passed to the chat completions endpoint to generate a response. Both the transcribed text and the chat response are logged to the console.

7. Chat Completions Endpoint

The chat completions endpoint takes the transcribed text as user input and sends it to the model for generating a chat response. We can customize the system message and include previous chat history for Context. The chat response is then logged to the console and stored for further interaction.

8. Streaming Audio

Finally, we use the OpenAI text-to-speech (TTS) capability to convert the chat response into speech. The response is played back to the user using a speaker and the ffmpeg tool. This allows for a fully speech-based interaction with the chat assistant.

9. Conclusion

Congratulations! You have successfully built your own voice-based chat assistant using Node.js and the Whisper API. This tutorial covered the entire process from setting up the code structure to interacting with the chat assistant. Now, you can further customize and expand upon this chat assistant to fit your specific needs.


  • Learn how to build a voice-based chat assistant
  • Utilize the Whisper API for transcribing and generating chat responses
  • Implement text-to-speech capabilities using OpenAI's TTS
  • Interactive user interface with recording and playback features
  • Customize and enhance the chat assistant to suit your requirements


Q: Can I use a different programming language instead of Node.js? A: Yes, while this tutorial uses Node.js, you can adapt the code to other programming languages that support the required modules and API calls.

Q: How do I set up the Whisper API and get an API key? A: To access the Whisper API, you will need to sign up for an OpenAI account and obtain an API key. The OpenAI documentation provides detailed instructions on how to get started.

Q: Can I use a different speech-to-text API instead of Whisper? A: Yes, if you prefer to use a different speech-to-text API, you can replace the Whisper API calls with the appropriate API endpoints.

Q: Can I customize the prompts and system messages for my chat assistant? A: Absolutely! The prompts and system messages can be modified to suit your specific use case. You can personalize the chat assistant's behavior and responses according to your requirements.

Q: Is it possible to integrate the chat assistant with other platforms or applications? A: Yes, the chat assistant can be integrated with various platforms and applications. You can explore options for integrating it with chatbots, voice assistants, or other software solutions to enhance the user experience.

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