Create AI-powered ChatGPT Android App with Kotlin

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Create AI-powered ChatGPT Android App with Kotlin

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Setting Up the Project
  3. Designing the App
  4. Handling User Input
  5. Making API Calls
  6. Configuring OK HTTP
  7. Obtaining OpenAI API Key
  8. Sending API Requests
  9. Handling API Responses
  10. Testing the App
  11. Conclusion


Welcome back to Vendor Arctic! In this tutorial, we will guide You through the process of developing a Chat GPT Android app. Chat GPT is an AI Bot released by OpenAI that allows users to have interactive conversations. However, due to heavy traffic, the OpenAI Chat GPT API can sometimes become unavailable. Therefore, We Are going to Create our own Android app that can harness the power of OpenAI and provide a seamless chat experience. So let's dive in and get started with today's video!

Setting Up the Project

To begin, we need to create a new project in Android Studio. This project will serve as the foundation for our Chat GPT app. We will start with an empty activity and choose Kotlin as the programming language. Once the project setup is complete, we can proceed with the app design and development.

Designing the App

In this section, we will focus on creating a simple and user-friendly design for our app. We will open the activity_main.xml file and add the necessary elements such as an EditText for user input, a button for submitting the question, and a TextView to display the response. We will also Apply some basic styling to enhance the appearance of the app. While design may not be our strongest suit, our focus will primarily be on the functionality of the app.

Handling User Input

With the app's design in place, our next step is to handle user input. We will initialize all the elements declared in the activity_main.xml file by using the findViewByID function. This will allow us to access and manipulate these elements within our MainActivity.kt file. We will also set an onClickListener on the button to trigger an action when the user clicks on it. Initially, we will display a toast message showing the question entered by the user.

Making API Calls

The Core functionality of our app lies in making API calls to the OpenAI Chat GPT API. In this section, we will focus on configuring the OK HTTP library for handling HTTP requests. We will add the required dependency in the build.gradle file and also request the necessary internet permission in the AndroidManifest.xml file. We will then proceed to the OpenAI Website to obtain an API key, which we will use to authenticate our API requests.

Configuring OK HTTP

OK HTTP is a popular library for making API calls in Android apps. In this section, we will explore how to configure OK HTTP and make use of its functionalities. We will refer to the OK HTTP documentation to find the Relevant code snippets and import the required libraries. Once the configuration is complete, we will be able to use OK HTTP to send GET and POST requests to the OpenAI API.

Obtaining OpenAI API Key

Before we can make API calls to the Chat GPT API, we need to obtain an API key from OpenAI. We will visit the OpenAI website and create an account if needed. Once logged in, we can navigate to the API settings and generate an API key. The API key provides us with the necessary authorization to Interact with the Chat GPT API. We will store this API key securely and use it in our app to authenticate our requests.

Sending API Requests

With the OpenAI API Key in HAND, we can now proceed to send API requests from our app. We will create a function called "getResponse" that will handle all the necessary steps for making an API call. This function will accept a question as a parameter and utilize the OK HTTP library to send a POST request to the OpenAI API. We will format the request body in JSON format, including the required parameters such as the model, prompt, and max tokens.

Handling API Responses

Once we have sent an API request, we need to handle the response received from the OpenAI API. We will implement a callback function that will be triggered upon receiving a response or encountering an error. If the API call fails, we will log the error for debugging purposes. If the API call is successful, we will extract the response text from the JSON body and display it in the TextView of our app. We will also handle cases where the API response or body is null to ensure proper functionality.

Testing the App

With all the implementation steps completed, it's time to test our Chat GPT app. We will run the app in an emulator and simulate user interactions. We will enter different questions and observe the responses received from the OpenAI API. We will ensure that the app functions correctly, displays the responses in the TextView, and handles errors gracefully. By thoroughly testing our app, we can identify and resolve any issues or bugs that may arise.


In conclusion, we have successfully developed a Chat GPT Android app using Kotlin and the OK HTTP library. Our app allows users to have interactive conversations with the Chat GPT AI bot powered by the OpenAI API. We have covered all the necessary steps, from setting up the project to making API calls and handling responses. With further enhancements and refinements, our app can provide a seamless chat experience for users. We hope you have learned something new from this tutorial and encourage you to leave any questions or comments in the comment section below. Don't forget to share this video with your friends. Thank you for watching, and we'll see you in the next one!


  • Developed a Chat GPT Android app with Kotlin and OK HTTP
  • Created a simple and user-friendly app design
  • Handled user input and displayed toast messages
  • Configured OK HTTP for making API calls
  • Obtained an API key from OpenAI for authentication
  • Sent API requests to the OpenAI Chat GPT API
  • Handled API responses and displayed them in the app
  • Tested the app thoroughly in an emulator
  • Ensured app functionality and error handling
  • Provided a seamless chat experience for users


Q: What is Chat GPT? A: Chat GPT is an AI bot released by OpenAI that allows users to have interactive conversations.

Q: Why create our own Android app for Chat GPT? A: The OpenAI Chat GPT API can sometimes become unavailable due to heavy traffic. By creating our own Android app, we can ensure a seamless chat experience for users.

Q: How do I obtain an API key from OpenAI? A: To obtain an API key from OpenAI, you need to visit the OpenAI website, create an account or log in if you already have one, and generate an API key in the API settings.

Q: What libraries did you use for making API calls? A: We used the OK HTTP library, which is a popular choice for making API calls in Android apps.

Q: How can I test the app? A: You can run the app in an emulator and simulate user interactions. Enter different questions and observe the responses received from the OpenAI API. Make sure to test for correct functionality and error handling.

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