Create Natural Sounding AI Voice Using ChatGPT and Python

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Create Natural Sounding AI Voice Using ChatGPT and Python

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Version and Source Control
    1. GitHub Repository
    2. Protecting and Controlling Code
    3. Introduction to Git
  3. Improving Python Code
    1. Transforming Linear Code into Functions
    2. Introduction to Functions
    3. Defining and Calling Functions
  4. Introduction to Google Text-to-Speech
    1. Overview of Google Text-to-Speech
    2. Incorporating Google ChatGPT Prompts and Answers
    3. Converting Text to Speech with GTTS
  5. Creating MP3 Files with Text-to-Speech
    1. Setting up GTTS and Language
    2. Saving MP3 Files
    3. Adding MP3 Creation Functionality
  6. Exploring Different Text-to-Speech Transformations
    1. Creating a New File for Text-to-Speech
    2. Implementing User Input
    3. Generating a Transformed MP3
  7. Committing and Pushing Changes to GitHub
    1. Managing Repository Changes
    2. Creating a Pull Request
    3. Merging and Deleting Branches
  8. Conclusion


Welcome back to another episode of "Coding with Capo." In this special series presented by Cisco U, we will be exploring various coding concepts and techniques. In today's exciting episode, we will Delve into version and source control using Git. Additionally, we will enhance our Python code by introducing functions.

But wait, there's more! We will also explore the fascinating world of Google Text-to-Speech (TTS). In just a few lines of code, we will be able to transform text into speech and make our computers talk. Are You ready for some coding adventure? Let's dive in!

Version and Source Control

GitHub Repository

To ensure proper version and source control, it is essential to have a GitHub repository. We will use GitHub to store and manage our code. If you haven't already, make sure to set up a GitHub repository for your project.

Protecting and Controlling Code

Once our code is in a GitHub repository, it is crucial to protect and control it. We will learn how to make a new branch and synchronize changes to keep our code up to date. Branching plays a vital role in version and source control, allowing us to experiment and make changes without affecting the main codebase.

Introduction to Git

Git is a distributed version control system that provides robust features for managing code repositories. We will explore fundamental Git commands to fetch changes, switch branches, and synchronize our code.

Improving Python Code

Transforming Linear Code into Functions

While our Current Python code works, it can be optimized and made more modular. We will transform our linear code into functions, enabling us to organize and reuse our code more effectively. Functions allow us to encapsulate specific tasks and make our code more readable.

Introduction to Functions

In this section, we will dive deeper into functions and their benefits. We will learn how to define functions, pass arguments, and return values. Functions play a crucial role in structuring our code and improving its readability.

Defining and Calling Functions

After understanding the concept of functions, we will define our own function for today's episode. We will encapsulate our existing code within this function. Additionally, we will explore how to call functions and utilize their output.

Introduction to Google Text-to-Speech

Overview of Google Text-to-Speech

Google Text-to-Speech (GTTS) is a powerful tool that allows us to convert text into speech. In this section, we will explore the capabilities of GTTS and the various applications it offers. Get ready to make your computer talk!

Incorporating Google ChatGPT Prompts and Answers

To make our text-to-speech more interactive, we will integrate Google ChatGPT prompts and answers. This integration will enable us to generate dynamic text and transform it into speech using GTTS.

Converting Text to Speech with GTTS

In just a few lines of code, we will harness the power of GTTS to convert our text prompts and answers into speech. This process will allow us to hear the responses generated by Google ChatGPT in a human-like voice.

Creating MP3 Files with Text-to-Speech

Setting up GTTS and Language

Before we start creating MP3 files, we need to set up GTTS and specify the language. We will install the necessary libraries and configure the language settings for our text-to-speech transformations.

Saving MP3 Files

We will learn how to save the generated speech as MP3 files. By utilizing GTTS, we can save the speech output for future reference or playback. This functionality enhances the user experience by providing audio responses to text-Based queries.

Adding MP3 Creation Functionality

To automate the process of creating MP3 files, we will Create a function that takes the text input and generates an MP3 file as output. This function encapsulates the necessary steps and simplifies the process for future transformations.

Exploring Different Text-to-Speech Transformations

Creating a New File for Text-to-Speech

In this section, we will create a new file dedicated to text-to-speech transformations. This file will allow us to experiment with different inputs and generate personalized MP3 files on the fly.

Implementing User Input

To make our text-to-speech transformations more versatile, we will incorporate user input. Users will be able to specify the text they want to transform into an MP3 file, expanding the functionality of our program.

Generating a Transformed MP3

With the introduction of user input, we will generate MP3 files based on the text provided by the user. This feature adds an interactive element to our program, allowing users to hear their chosen text in a synthesized voice.

Committing and Pushing Changes to GitHub

Managing Repository Changes

Once we have made significant changes to our code, it is important to commit and push those changes to our GitHub repository. We will learn the proper workflow for managing and documenting these changes.

Creating a Pull Request

To ensure the integrity of our codebase, we will create a pull request to review and merge our changes. Pull requests allow for collaboration and code reviews, ensuring that the changes adhere to the project's standards.

Merging and Deleting Branches

After the changes have been reviewed and approved, we will merge the pull request and integrate our code into the main branch. Once merged, we can safely delete the branch created for the changes, keeping our repository organized.


Congratulations on completing another exciting episode of "Coding with Capo"! In this episode, we explored version and source control using Git, enhanced our Python code with functions, and ventured into the realm of Google Text-to-Speech. We learned how to create MP3 files from text and even implemented personalized text-to-speech transformations.

Keep experimenting, learning, and having fun with Python. The possibilities are endless, and with just a few lines of code, you can achieve remarkable outcomes. Stay tuned for more exciting coding adventures in future episodes. See you next time!


  • Learn version and source control using Git
  • Improve Python code by implementing functions
  • Explore Google Text-to-Speech capabilities
  • Convert text prompts and answers into speech
  • Create MP3 files from transformed text
  • Incorporate user input for personalized text-to-speech transformations
  • Commit and push code changes to a GitHub repository


Q: What is version control, and why is it important? A: Version control is a system that allows developers to track and manage changes to their codebase over time. It enables collaboration, keeps a history of changes, and facilitates easy rollback if needed.

Q: Can GTTS generate speech in multiple languages? A: Yes, GTTS supports multiple languages. By specifying the desired language code, you can generate speech in different languages.

Q: How can I ensure the speech output is clear and easy to understand? A: While GTTS provides good default settings, you can experiment with the speech rate, volume, and other parameters to enhance the clarity and quality of the speech output.

Q: Do I need a GitHub account to implement version control? A: Yes, you need a GitHub account to create and manage repositories. Setting up a GitHub account is free and provides access to essential features for version control.

Q: Can I customize the voice used by GTTS? A: GTTS provides a default voice for each language, but customization options for voice selection are limited. However, you can adjust parameters such as speed and pitch to personalize the speech output.

Q: Is it possible to integrate GTTS with other text generation tools? A: Yes, GTTS can be integrated with various text generation tools and APIs. By combining the power of GTTS with other tools, you can create dynamic and interactive speech experiences.

Q: How can I optimize my Python code further? A: Apart from implementing functions, you can explore other Python optimization techniques such as using list comprehensions, optimizing loops, and reducing duplicate code. Planning and organization are also key aspects of writing efficient code.

Q: Can I use GTTS for commercial applications? A: GTTS is a free and open-source tool, but it's essential to review and comply with its licensing terms for commercial use. Consult the official documentation and license terms for more information.

Q: Are there any alternatives to GTTS for text-to-speech transformations? A: Yes, there are several alternative libraries and APIs available for text-to-speech conversions, such as pyttsx, Amazon Polly, and Microsoft Azure Speech Service. You can explore these options to find the one that best suits your needs.

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