Create Stunning ChatGPT Web App with Dall-E

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Create Stunning ChatGPT Web App with Dall-E

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Building a Web App with GPT and Chat GPT
  3. The Power of OpenAI's Text Completion API
  4. Creating the API Key
  5. Using the Text Completion API
  6. Implementing the Request Button
  7. Handling the Response
  8. Displaying the Prompt and the Completion
  9. Adding Styling to the Web App
  10. Uploading the Web App Online
  11. Conclusion

Building a Web App with GPT and Chat GPT

In this tutorial, we will learn how to build a web app using GPT and Chat GPT. The OpenAI Text Completion API will be used to generate text completions Based on a user's prompt. We will guide You through the process of creating an API key, making requests, and handling the responses. Additionally, we will Show you how to display the prompt and the completion on the web app. By the end of this tutorial, you will have a fully functional chat GPT-like web app that you can customize and extend according to your needs.


Have you ever wanted to Create your Own Chat GPT? With OpenAI's powerful language model and the Text Completion API, you can build a web app that allows users to generate text completions based on their Prompts. This tutorial will walk you through the process step by step, from creating an API key to handling the responses. Let's dive in and see how to build your own chat GPT-like application!

The Power of OpenAI's Text Completion API

OpenAI's Text Completion API is a powerful tool that allows you to generate text completions based on a prompt. Whether you want to Continue a story, answer a question, or simply generate creative text, this API can provide you with high-quality and diverse completions. By leveraging the language model capabilities of OpenAI, you can create a wide range of applications that rely on text generation.

Creating the API Key

Before we can start building our web app, we need to create an API key. This key will grant us access to OpenAI's Text Completion API and allow us to make requests. Follow the steps outlined in the documentation to create your API key and keep it safe. Once you have your API key, we can proceed to the next step.

Using the Text Completion API

To use the Text Completion API, we need to make POST requests to the specified endpoint. These requests will include parameters such as the model, prompt, tokens, and temperature. By properly configuring these parameters, we can control the behavior of the completion generation. The API will return a response that contains the completion choices, which we can then handle in our web app.

Implementing the Request Button

In our web app, we will provide a user interface where users can enter their prompt and configure the parameters for the text completion. One essential element is the request button, which, when clicked, will trigger the API request. By using JavaScript and the Fetch API, we can retrieve the values entered by the user and construct the request body. We will then send this request to the Text Completion API and handle the response.

Handling the Response

Once we receive the response from the Text Completion API, we need to handle it appropriately. We can parse the JSON data and extract the completion text. By using JavaScript DOM manipulation, we can dynamically add the prompt and the completion to the web app. This way, users will see their original prompt and the generated completion side by side.

Displaying the Prompt and the Completion

To enhance the user experience, we can style the prompt and the completion elements of our web app. By adding CSS classes and applying styling rules, we can make the text more visually appealing and distinguish it from the rest of the content. Additionally, we can display the completion in a container that scrolls horizontally, allowing users to view long completions without overwhelming the page.

Adding Styling to the Web App

To make our web app visually appealing, we can Apply CSS styles to various elements. By modifying the font, colors, spacing, and layout, we can create a more user-friendly and engaging interface. Experiment with different styles and find a design that suits your needs and preferences.

Uploading the Web App Online

Once our web app is ready, we can upload it online for others to use. By deploying it to a web server or hosting service, we can make it accessible to a wider audience. Additionally, we can share the code and allow others to customize and build upon our web app. Consider publishing your web app and encourage others to try it out and provide feedback.


In this tutorial, we learned how to build a web app using GPT and Chat GPT. With OpenAI's Text Completion API, we were able to generate text completions based on user prompts. By implementing JavaScript DOM manipulation and using the Fetch API, we were able to make requests and handle responses. We also added styling to the web app to improve the user experience. Finally, we discussed the option of uploading the web app online to share it with others. Now it's your turn to explore the possibilities of text generation and create your own unique applications. Happy coding!


  • Build a web app using GPT and Chat GPT
  • Leverage OpenAI's Text Completion API for text generation
  • Create an API key to access the Text Completion API
  • Construct request bodies and handle API responses
  • Display prompts and completions in a user-friendly way
  • Customize the styling of the web app
  • Upload the web app online for others to use


Q: What is OpenAI's Text Completion API? A: OpenAI's Text Completion API is a powerful tool that allows developers to generate text completions based on a given prompt. It leverages the language model capabilities of OpenAI to provide high-quality and diverse completions.

Q: Can I customize the parameters for text completion? A: Yes, the Text Completion API allows you to configure parameters such as the model, prompt, tokens, and temperature. These parameters affect the behavior of the text generation and enable you to fine-tune the output.

Q: How can I handle the responses from the API? A: Once you receive the response from the Text Completion API, you can parse the JSON data and extract the completion text. By using JavaScript DOM manipulation, you can dynamically add the prompt and completion to your web app.

Q: Can I style the prompt and completion elements in the web app? A: Absolutely! By applying CSS styles to the prompt and completion elements, you can customize their appearance. Experiment with different fonts, colors, and layouts to create a visually appealing interface.

Q: Can I upload my web app online? A: Yes, once your web app is ready, you can upload it to a web server or hosting service to make it accessible online. This allows others to use your app and provide feedback.

Q: Is there a limit to the length of text completions? A: Yes, the Text Completion API has a maximum token limit for completions. If your completion exceeds this limit, you may need to adjust the length or consider using stream responses to handle longer texts.

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