Create Your Own AI Image Generator App on Android

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Create Your Own AI Image Generator App on Android

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Creating a Chat GPT AI Image Generator Application in Android using Open AI
  3. Creating a New Project in Android Studio
  4. Updating Colors and Changing Theme
  5. Creating UI: Toolbar and TextViews
  6. Creating UI: ProgressBar and RelativeLayouts
  7. Creating UI: ImageView and CardView
  8. Creating UI: TextInputLayout and TextInputEditText
  9. Adding Dependencies for Volley and Picasso Libraries
  10. Initializing Variables and Adding Click Listeners
  11. Sending API Request and Handling Response
  12. Adding Permissions and Running the Application


In this article, we will discuss how to Create a chat GPT AI image generator application in Android using Open AI. We will explore the step-by-step process of building this application, including creating a new project in Android Studio, updating colors and themes, designing the user interface, adding dependencies for libraries, initializing variables, sending API requests, handling responses, and running the application.

Creating a Chat GPT AI Image Generator Application in Android using Open AI

To create a chat GPT AI image generator application in Android, we need to follow a series of steps. Firstly, we will create a new project in Android Studio and set up the necessary dependencies. Then, we will update the colors and theme of our application. Next, we will design the user interface, including toolbar, text views, progress bar, relative layouts, image view, card view, text input layout, and text input edit text. After designing the UI, we will initialize variables and add click listeners for user interactions. Finally, we will send API requests to generate images Based on user queries and handle the responses.

Creating a New Project in Android Studio

Before we start building our chat GPT AI image generator application, we need to create a new project in Android Studio. To do this, open Android Studio and navigate to File > New > New Project. Choose the project name and select the language as Kotlin. Click on Finish to create the new project. Android Studio will take some time to set up the project.

Updating Colors and Changing Theme

Once the project is created, we need to update the colors and change the theme of our application. Navigate to res > values > colors.xml file and update the colors as desired. Similarly, change the theme from dark action bar to no action bar in the res > values > styles.xml file. These updates will give our application a visually appealing look.

Creating UI: Toolbar and TextViews

The user interface of our chat GPT AI image generator application starts with a toolbar and text views. We will replace the default text with our application name and subheading. Inside a relative layout, we will create a toolbar with a text view as the title. We will specify the background color, text color, text alignment, and other properties for the toolbar and text views. By creating and styling these elements, we will give our application a professional and user-friendly appearance.

Creating UI: ProgressBar and RelativeLayouts

The next step in designing the user interface is adding a progress bar and relative layouts. We will create a progress bar to indicate the loading process. Inside a relative layout, we will add a text view to display the query and another text view for the subheading. We will specify the layout properties, margins, paddings, text alignment, text color, and other attributes for these elements. These relative layouts will provide a structured view of our application and enhance the readability of the content.

Creating UI: ImageView and CardView

To display the generated images, we will add an image view and a card view in the user interface. Inside a relative layout, we will create an image view with specified width, Height, margins, and visibility. We will also create a card view to hold the text related to the image. By setting the background color, corner radius, and elevation of the card view, we will create a visually appealing container for our text. These elements will enrich the visual experience of the user while interacting with the images.

Creating UI: TextInputLayout and TextInputEditText

The user will input their queries in our chat GPT AI image generator application. To handle this, we will add a text input layout and a text input edit text. Inside the text input layout, we will specify the layout properties, margins, paddings, hint text, text color, etc. We will also create a drawable end icon for the text input layout, which will act as the send button. By combining these elements, we will create an intuitive and user-friendly input mechanism for the queries.

Adding Dependencies for Volley and Picasso Libraries

To make API requests and load images from URLs, we need to add dependencies for the Volley and Picasso libraries. In the app-level build.gradle file, we will add the necessary dependencies and click on sync to install them. These libraries will provide us with efficient networking and image loading capabilities, making our application more robust and user-friendly.

Initializing Variables and Adding Click Listeners

Before we can Interact with the elements in our application, we need to initialize variables and add click listeners. We will create variables for text views, image view, query edit text, loading progress bar, and relative layouts. These variables will help us manipulate and update the UI components dynamically. We will also add a click listener to the query edit text to handle the user input action.

Sending API Request and Handling Response

To generate images using the GPT AI model, we need to send API requests and handle the responses. We will create a method to get the API response by sending the user query to the server. Inside this method, we will initialize the necessary variables, create a POST request with the query and image size parameters, and add headers for authorization. We will handle the success response by displaying the generated image and handle the error response by showing a toast message. This API interaction will enable our application to generate and display images based on user queries.

Adding Permissions and Running the Application

To access the internet and make API requests in our application, we need to add the necessary permissions in the AndroidManifest.xml file. We will add the INTERNET permission and the ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE permission to enable network connectivity and data exchange. Once all the coding and configuration steps are completed, we can now run the application on a device or an emulator to see the output. By entering queries and clicking send, we can generate and display images using the open AI API.


  • Create a chat GPT AI image generator application in Android using Open AI
  • Design the user interface with toolbar, text views, image view, card view, progress bar, and text input layout
  • Send API requests and handle responses to generate and display images based on user queries
  • Add dependencies for Volley and Picasso libraries to enhance networking and image loading capabilities
  • Set up permissions for internet access and network state detection
  • Run the application to test and experience the image generation functionality
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