Create Your Own Bard with Google Bard API Using Python

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Create Your Own Bard with Google Bard API Using Python

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Obtaining the Google Bird API Key
  3. Installing the Bot API Library
  4. Importing the Required Libraries
  5. Accessing the Google Bird API
  6. Implementing the Chatbot Functionality
  7. Creating a Web Application using Streamlit
  8. Running the Application


In this tutorial, we will learn how to build a Google Bird clone using Python. We will also explore how to use the Google Bird API in Python to Create a web application that acts as a chatbot.

Obtaining the Google Bird API Key

To use the Google Bird API, we need to obtain an API key from the Google Bird Website. However, the API options are not directly visible on the website. In order to access the API key, we need to inspect the website and find the PSID key stored in our browser's applications. This PSID key is the API key for the Google Bird. Once we have obtained the API key, we can use it in our Python program.

Installing the Bot API Library

To Interact with the Google Bird API, we need to install the bot API library. We can do this by opening our command prompt and typing "pip install birdAPI". This library allows us to fetch data from the Google Bird and build a chatbot using the Google Bird API.

Importing the Required Libraries

Once we have installed the bot API library, we need to import it into our Python program. We also need to import the OS library to access the PSID key stored in our browser. We can import the necessary libraries using the following code:

from birdAPI import botAPI
import os

Accessing the Google Bird API

In order to access the Google Bird API, we need to use the API key that we obtained earlier. We can store the API key in a variable and pass it as an argument when making API calls. Here is an example of how to access the API:

API_key = 'your-API-key'
bird = botAPI(API_key)
response = bird.get_answer('What is Google?')

Implementing the Chatbot Functionality

To create a chatbot using the Google Bird API, we can define a function that takes user input and returns a response from the API. We can use the get_answer method of the botAPI class to get a response. Here is an example of how to implement the chatbot functionality:

def chatbot():
    user_input = input('Enter your prompt:')
    response = bird.get_answer(user_input)

Creating a Web Application using Streamlit

To convert our Google Bird chatbot into a web application, we can use a simple web framework called Streamlit. We need to import the streamlit library and create a user interface using the st functions. Here is an example of how to create a web application using Streamlit:

import streamlit as st

def main():
    st.title("Google Bird Clone")
    user_input = st.text_input("Enter your prompt:")
    response = bird.get_answer(user_input)

if __name__ == "__main__":

Running the Application

To run the web application, we can use the Streamlit command in the terminal. In the terminal, navigate to the directory where your Python file is located and run the following command:

streamlit run

This will launch the web application on your local server, and you can access it through the provided URL.


In this tutorial, we learned how to build a Google Bird clone using Python and use the Google Bird API to create a chatbot. We also explored how to convert the chatbot into a web application using the Streamlit framework.

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