Discover the Latest AI Innovations: InstructGPT, Meta's AI Supercomputer, and more!

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Discover the Latest AI Innovations: InstructGPT, Meta's AI Supercomputer, and more!

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Meta Builds the World's Fastest AI Supercomputer
  3. OpenAI Introduces Less Toxic Text-Generating Models
  4. Applying Machine Learning to Improve Mental Health
  5. Proposed Regulation of Deepfakes in China
  6. IRS Implements Facial Recognition for Tax Access
  7. Google AI Tools Highlight Women in Science
  8. AI-Generated Strategies in Tetris


Welcome to this week's episode of the Sky Today Podcast! In this episode, we will provide summaries and discussions of some of the most interesting AI News from last week. Join us as we dive into topics such as Meta building the world's fastest AI supercomputer, OpenAI's less toxic text-generating models, the application of machine learning in improving mental health, China's proposal for increased regulation of deepfakes, the IRS implementing facial recognition for tax access, Google AI tools highlighting women in science, and an AI-generated strategy in Tetris.

Meta Builds the World's Fastest AI Supercomputer

Meta, the parent company of Facebook, recently announced their plans to build a research supercomputer (RSC) that aims to be the fastest in the world. By mid-2022, they plan to have a supercomputer capable of working with neural networks with trillions of parameters. This development is not surprising, considering the amount of computation required to process exabytes of data. Meta's RSC will utilize 16,000 NVIDIA A100 GPUs, providing significant computational power for computer vision and natural language processing tasks. While the specifics of the project are impressive, it is worth noting that other tech giants, such as Google, have invested heavily in compute infrastructure for AI research as well.


  • Meta's RSC will be an invaluable asset for AI research, pushing the boundaries of what is possible in computer vision and natural language processing.
  • The supercomputer's capabilities with neural networks will allow for more extensive and complex models, leading to breakthroughs in AI technology.


  • The sheer Scale of Meta's RSC may require significant energy consumption, potentially contributing to environmental concerns.
  • The concentration of such powerful AI infrastructure in the hands of a few tech giants may Raise questions about equity and accessibility in the AI research community.

OpenAI Introduces Less Toxic Text-Generating Models

OpenAI has rolled out a new variant of their text-Based language model, GPT-3, called Instruct GPT. This model addresses one of the inherent issues with GPT-3 – the generation of toxic or harmful content. Instruct GPT utilizes a different approach by incorporating instructions and Prompts to guide the model's generation process. By aligning the output with human feedback, Instruct GPT produces fewer untrue statements and follows instructions more accurately. While this breakthrough is promising in terms of mitigating toxic content generation, there may be some trade-offs in the diversity of output. Further research and development are necessary to strike the right balance between generating safe content and preserving creative diversity.


  • Instruct GPT provides a more responsible approach to text generation, reducing the risk of generating harmful or toxic content.
  • This model aligns with human feedback, allowing for greater control and guidance in generating desired text output.
  • Instruct GPT serves as a positive step towards increasing trust in AI-generated content.


  • The increased control and alignment with human feedback may result in a loss of diversity and creativity in the model's output.
  • Striking the right balance between avoiding harm and preserving creative freedom remains a challenging task that requires ongoing research and development.

Applying Machine Learning to Improve Mental Health

A collaborative research project between MIT and Harvard Medical School aims to leverage machine learning to enhance mental health monitoring and support. The project, led by Rosalind Picard from MIT and Paula Pedrelli from Harvard Medical School, focuses on the continuous monitoring of patients with major depression disorder. Participants wear wristbands that Collect electrodermal skin activity and other biometric data. Combined with app logs, machine learning techniques are employed to predict symptoms and provide insights into individuals' mental well-being. This research represents an exciting application of affective computing and offers potential for more effective mental health support.


  • Continuous monitoring and machine learning allow for a more comprehensive understanding of individuals' mental well-being.
  • This research has the potential to revolutionize mental health care by enabling early intervention and tailored treatment.
  • Leveraging technology to support mental health aligns with the growing need for accessible and effective mental health solutions.


  • As with any application of data-driven technologies in healthcare, concerns around privacy and data security must be addressed to ensure patient trust and safeguard sensitive information.
  • While machine learning can provide valuable insights, human judgment and expertise should still play a central role in mental health diagnosis and treatment.

Proposed Regulation of Deepfakes in China

The Cyberspace Administration of China (CAC) has proposed new regulations to govern deepfakes and other AI synthesis systems. The proposed regulations would cover various sectors, including text generation, audio editing, face generation, and image and video content editing. Deep synthesis service providers would be required to register their applications with the state and comply with filing procedures. This move by China reflects the country's proactive stance on regulating AI technologies. While efforts to address the dangers of deepfakes are commendable, finding the right balance between regulation and ensuring creative expression remains a challenge.


  • The proposed regulations aim to mitigate the risks associated with deepfakes and other AI synthesis systems, protecting individuals from potential misinformation and harm.
  • Requiring registration and compliance with procedures fosters accountability among deep synthesis service providers, promoting responsible AI usage.
  • China's focus on regulating AI technologies sets an example for other countries and encourages discussions around ethical and responsible AI practices.


  • Striking the right balance between regulation and creative expression can be challenging, potentially limiting the artistic or entertainment applications of AI synthesis systems.
  • The enforcement of these regulations may require substantial resources and efforts to ensure compliance, potentially leading to the marginalization of smaller innovators in this space.

IRS Implements Facial Recognition for Tax Access

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has introduced new measures for accessing tax data, requiring facial recognition scans or government identification documents for verification. Users no longer have the option to log in with a username and password. Instead, they must provide a selfie or Relevant identification documents to a verification company called While this introduces an extra layer of security, concerns about privacy and data protection arise. It remains to be seen how users will adapt to this new authentication process and how it will impact the accessibility and convenience of accessing tax information.


  • The implementation of facial recognition contributes to enhanced security measures, reducing the risks of unauthorized access to sensitive tax data.
  • This system provides an additional layer of protection against identity theft and fraudulent tax activities.
  • Improved authentication processes Align with Current trends in biometric security and may inspire confidence in users regarding the protection of their personal information.


  • Facial recognition technology raises concerns about privacy and the potential for misuse or unauthorized access to individuals' biometric data.
  • The shift from traditional username-password authentication to facial recognition may pose challenges for individuals who do not have access to reliable internet connections or compatible devices.

Google AI Tools Highlight Women in Science

Google's AI tools are making valuable contributions to the field of art and culture by highlighting the contributions of women in science. Curators at the Smithsonian museum can now utilize these tools to uncover and showcase the significant roles women have played in scientific advancements. By leveraging AI algorithms, curators can analyze metadata and images from the Smithsonian's vast archives, identifying the names of women scientists and grouping them accordingly. This helps shed light on the historical contributions of women in science and promotes a more inclusive narrative within the field.


  • Google's AI tools enable curators to uncover and recognize the contributions of women in science that may have been overlooked or historically underrepresented.
  • By enhancing access to information about women scientists, these tools contribute to a more accurate and inclusive depiction of scientific history.
  • Google's commitment to supporting art and culture through AI applications demonstrates the potential for technology to enrich our understanding of various fields.


  • The effectiveness of AI algorithms in identifying and attributing contributions accurately may be influenced by biases present in historical records or omissions of relevant information.
  • The reliance on algorithmic processes for content curation and narrative construction raises questions about the potential for reinforcing existing biases or creating new stereotypes.

AI-Generated Strategies in Tetris

One innovative application of AI involves training models to play Tetris with the aim of clearing four lines as frequently as possible. By employing search algorithms and lookahead strategies, AI algorithms have been developed to perform daring moves, such as waiting for the Tetris board to fill up before clearing four lines. These strategies result in high scores and provide an exciting demonstration of AI capabilities. While the AI's gameplay may differ from human strategies, it showcases the potential for AI algorithms to excel and surpass human performance in specific tasks.


  • AI-generated strategies in Tetris Show the potential for AI algorithms to outperform human capabilities in specific tasks, highlighting their problem-solving abilities.
  • Observing AI gameplay in Tetris can offer insights into Novel strategies and gameplay techniques that may benefit human players.
  • AI implementations in games like Tetris provide a platform for testing and validation, enabling further advancements in AI algorithms and methods.


  • The discrepancy between AI and human gameplay may raise concerns about fairness or accessibility if AI algorithms dominate competitive gaming environments.
  • The reliance on AI strategies could potentially diminish the human element and creativity typically associated with games like Tetris.


  • Meta aims to build the world's fastest AI supercomputer, which will lead to significant advancements in computer vision and natural language processing capabilities.
  • OpenAI introduces Instruct GPT, a variant of their text-based language model that reduces the generation of toxic content by aligning with human feedback and instructions.
  • A collaborative project between MIT and Harvard Medical School leverages machine learning to predict and monitor mental health symptoms, potentially revolutionizing mental health support.
  • Proposed regulations in China aim to govern deepfakes and AI synthesis systems, promoting responsible usage and protecting individuals from misinformation and harm.
  • The implementation of facial recognition by the IRS intends to enhance security measures for tax data access but raises concerns about privacy and data protection.
  • Google's AI tools help curators at the Smithsonian highlight the contributions of women in science, fostering a more inclusive narrative within the field.
  • AI-generated strategies in Tetris demonstrate the problem-solving abilities of AI algorithms and their potential to surpass human performance in specific tasks.


Q: How will Meta's AI supercomputer benefit AI research? A: Meta's AI supercomputer will provide significant compute power to advance research in computer vision and natural language processing. It enables the processing of large-scale and complex neural networks, allowing for breakthroughs in AI technology.

Q: How does Instruct GPT address the issue of toxic content generation? A: Instruct GPT reduces the generation of toxic content by aligning with human feedback and instructions. This approach provides greater control and guidance, resulting in fewer untrue statements and improved adherence to instructions.

Q: How can machine learning improve mental health support? A: Machine learning facilitates continuous monitoring and predictive capabilities in mental health research. It enables early intervention, personalized treatment, and a more comprehensive understanding of individuals' mental well-being.

Q: What are the implications of proposed deepfake regulations in China? A: The proposed regulations aim to mitigate risks associated with deepfakes and AI synthesis systems. While they protect individuals from potential harm, finding the right balance between regulation and creative expression remains a challenge.

Q: What are the potential implications of the IRS implementing facial recognition for tax access? A: Facial recognition enhances security measures for tax data access, reducing the risk of unauthorized entry. However, concerns about privacy and data protection arise, necessitating a careful evaluation of the system's implementation and user adaptability.

Q: How do Google's AI tools highlight the contributions of women in science? A: Google's AI tools analyze metadata and images from the Smithsonian's archives, enabling curators to uncover and showcase the significant roles women have played in scientific advancements, promoting a more inclusive narrative in the field.

Q: How can AI algorithms excel in games like Tetris? A: AI algorithms can outperform human capabilities in specific tasks by employing search algorithms and lookahead strategies. These algorithms enable novel gameplay techniques and problem-solving abilities, showcasing the potential of AI in gaming environments.

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