Effortless Cookies Consent Mode Implementation for Google Tag Manager

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Effortless Cookies Consent Mode Implementation for Google Tag Manager

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Implementing Cookie Consent and Google Analytics
  3. Initial Setup
  4. Creating the Cookie Consent Pop-up
  5. Configuring Google Analytics
  6. Styling the Cookie Consent Banner
  7. Handling User Acceptance and Decline
  8. Setting and Retrieving Cookie Consent Values
  9. Sending Data to Google Analytics
  10. Testing and Troubleshooting
  11. Conclusion


In this article, we will discuss the implementation of cookie consent and Google Analytics on a one-page Website. We will cover the steps required to set up the cookie consent pop-up, connect it to Google Analytics using HTML and JavaScript, and ensure proper functioning. Additionally, we will explore the concept of consent mode in Google Analytics and how it can be utilized to respect user preferences for data collection.

Implementing Cookie Consent and Google Analytics

Initial Setup

To start implementing cookie consent and Google Analytics, we need to Gather the necessary resources. We will require the tracking code from the Google Analytics platform, which can be obtained from the project owner or a trusted source. Additionally, we need to include the necessary styles for the cookie consent pop-up. While it is advisable to compile these styles into an HTML file for better performance, in the case of a simple one-page website, it is not essential.

Creating the Cookie Consent Pop-up

The first step is to Create the cookie consent pop-up. This can be achieved using HTML and JavaScript. We can copy the required code from a reliable source, such as the Google Analytics platform. The pop-up should only be displayed to users who have not yet accepted cookies. To achieve this, we can add an event listener to the window load event. Within this event listener, we can check if the user has accepted cookies by inspecting the value of the cookie consent. If the value is empty, we display the cookie consent pop-up. On accepting or declining cookies, the appropriate action can be triggered.

Configuring Google Analytics

To ensure proper functioning of Google Analytics, the tracking code needs to be correctly set up. This involves replacing the placeholder code with the actual tracking code obtained from the Google Analytics platform. Additionally, we may need to modify the consent mode settings in Google Analytics. Consent mode allows for communication between Google Analytics and the consent Type specified by the user. By enabling consent mode, user activity and consent state are communicated to the Google server using specific cookies. We can configure different consent types and their corresponding actions within Google Analytics.

Styling the Cookie Consent Banner

To enhance the user experience, we can style the cookie consent banner according to our website's design and branding. This can be achieved using CSS styles. It is important to ensure that the banner is positioned correctly and aligned with other elements on the page. We can use flexbox or other CSS properties to achieve the desired layout. Additionally, we can add styling to the accept and decline buttons to make them visually appealing and easy to understand. It is important to align the buttons properly to maintain a professional and user-friendly appearance.

Handling User Acceptance and Decline

When a user interacts with the cookie consent pop-up, we need to handle their acceptance or decline of cookies. This can be done using JavaScript functions. On accepting cookies, we update the cookie consent value to indicate acceptance. Conversely, on declining, we update the value to indicate denial. Additionally, we can incorporate different types of cookies, such as required cookies or promotional cookies, Based on user preferences. This allows users to select specific types of cookies they wish to enable or disable.

Setting and Retrieving Cookie Consent Values

To ensure that the user's cookie consent preferences are maintained across pages, we need to set and retrieve the cookie consent values. This can be done using JavaScript functions that Interact with the browser's cookie storage. We can set the cookie consent value using the document.cookie property, and retrieve it when needed. It is important to handle the cookie consent value as a STRING and check for specific values (e.g., "true" or "false") to determine the user's consent status accurately.

Sending Data to Google Analytics

To enable data collection in Google Analytics, we need to ensure that the correct data is sent when the user has given consent. This involves utilizing the Google Analytics tracking code and configuring it to send the appropriate data based on the user's consent status. When consent is denied, the tags that fire should not store any cookies. Instead, they should communicate minimal information about the user's activity and consent state to Google Analytics using pings or signals. By default, consent mode sends consent state pings and communicates the default consent state and any updated states based on user actions.

Testing and Troubleshooting

Once the implementation is complete, it is crucial to thoroughly test the cookie consent functionality and Google Analytics integration. This includes checking if the cookie consent pop-up is displayed correctly, cookies are set and retrieved accurately, and data is being sent to Google Analytics only when the user has given consent. It is recommended to use debugging tools, such as browser developer tools, to inspect the cookies and monitor the data transmission. Additionally, it may be necessary to troubleshoot any issues that arise and make necessary adjustments to the code or configuration settings.


In conclusion, implementing cookie consent and Google Analytics on a one-page website requires careful consideration of user preferences and data collection regulations. By following the steps outlined in this article, You can ensure that your website complies with privacy guidelines and respects user consent. Proper configuration of cookie consent pop-ups and Google Analytics settings, along with thorough testing, will ensure a seamless user experience while maintaining data privacy and security.


  • Learn how to implement cookie consent and Google Analytics on a one-page website.
  • Understand the steps involved in setting up the cookie consent pop-up and connecting it to Google Analytics.
  • Configure Google Analytics consent mode to respect user preferences for data collection.
  • Style the cookie consent banner to match your website's design and branding.
  • Handle user acceptance and decline of cookies with JavaScript functions.
  • Set and retrieve cookie consent values to maintain user preferences across pages.
  • Send data to Google Analytics only when the user has given consent.
  • Test and troubleshoot the implementation to ensure proper functionality.
  • Ensure compliance with privacy guidelines and data protection regulations.
  • Enhance user experience while respecting data privacy and security.


Q: How can I implement cookie consent and Google Analytics on my one-page website?

A: To implement cookie consent and Google Analytics, you need to create a cookie consent pop-up using HTML and JavaScript. Connect the pop-up to Google Analytics by replacing placeholder code with the actual tracking code. Style the cookie consent banner and handle user acceptance and decline of cookies. Set and retrieve cookie consent values using JavaScript functions and ensure data is sent to Google Analytics only with user consent. Thoroughly test the implementation and troubleshoot any issues that arise.

Q: Is it necessary to implement cookie consent on my website?

A: Yes, it is essential to implement cookie consent on your website to comply with privacy regulations and respect user preferences. By obtaining user consent for cookies, you ensure transparency and give users control over their data. Implementing cookie consent also helps build trust with users and avoids potential legal issues.

Q: What is consent mode in Google Analytics?

A: Consent mode in Google Analytics is a feature that allows for communication between Google Analytics and the consent type specified by the user. It ensures that user consent state is preserved across pages and enables analytics tracking in alignment with user preferences. Consent mode uses pings or signals to communicate consent state and user activity to Google Analytics while minimizing data storage and protecting user privacy.

Q: How can I style the cookie consent banner to match my website?

A: To style the cookie consent banner, you can use CSS styles to customize its appearance. Adjust the banner's position, background color, font size, button styles, and text to match your website's design and branding. You can use flexbox or other CSS properties to Align the elements within the banner and ensure a visually appealing and consistent look throughout your website.

Q: How can I ensure that data is only sent to Google Analytics with user consent?

A: To ensure data is only sent to Google Analytics with user consent, you need to check the user's cookie consent status before triggering the data transmission. If the user has not accepted cookies, avoid sending any data to Google Analytics. Implement logic that triggers the data transmission only when the user has given consent. Additionally, make sure to configure Google Analytics settings to respect the user's consent state and update it accordingly based on user actions.

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