Enhancing Authorization in ASP.NET Core with Custom JWT Claims

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Enhancing Authorization in ASP.NET Core with Custom JWT Claims

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Custom Claims vs. Database Fetching
  3. Implementing Custom Claims
    • Injecting the Permission Service
    • Fetching Permissions from the Database
    • Adding Permissions as Custom Claims
  4. Improvements and Considerations
    • Defining Constant for Custom Claim Name
    • Potential Challenges with Large Claims
    • Token Lifetime and Permission Changes
  5. Conclusion

Implementing Permission Authorization with Custom Claims in JSON Web Tokens

In this article, we will explore how to utilize custom claims in JSON web tokens to implement permission authorization. We will compare this approach to the previous method of fetching permissions from the database on every request and discuss the advantages and drawbacks of both methods.


Permission authorization is a crucial aspect of building secure and controlled APIs. It ensures that only authenticated users with the appropriate permissions can access certain resources or perform specific actions. While the previous method of fetching permissions from the database works, it can be a slow and resource-intensive process. In this article, we will explore an alternative approach using custom claims inside JSON web tokens to achieve permission authorization efficiently.

Custom Claims vs. Database Fetching

Before diving into the implementation details, let's first compare the custom claims approach with the database fetching method. The custom claims approach involves including the user's permissions as additional claims within the JSON web token. This allows us to calculate the permissions in memory without making database calls on every authorization request. On the other HAND, the database fetching method requires querying the database for permissions on each request, which can significantly slow down API responses.

Implementing Custom Claims

Injecting the Permission Service

To implement custom claims, we need to make some modifications to our existing code. First, we inject the permission service into the JSON web token provider. This service is responsible for fetching the permissions for the authenticated member.

Fetching Permissions from the Database

Next, we fetch the permissions for the member from the database within the generate method of the JSON web token provider. We await the permission service's getPermissionsAsync method, passing the member ID as an argument. This retrieves the permissions from the database and prepares them for inclusion as custom claims in the token.

Adding Permissions as Custom Claims

We add the fetched permissions as custom claims inside the JSON web token. By appending the permissions to the claims array, we ensure that they are included in the token payload. To facilitate this process, we define a constant class to hold the name of the custom claim for permissions, making it easier to reference and maintain.

Improvements and Considerations

While implementing permission authorization with custom claims brings efficiency gains, there are a few important considerations to keep in mind.

Defining Constant for Custom Claim Name

To maintain consistency and improve code readability, it's beneficial to define a constant for the custom claim name. By storing the claim name in a separate class, we can easily update it if needed and ensure consistency throughout our codebase.

Potential Challenges with Large Claims

Including a large number of permissions as claims in the JSON web token can increase its size significantly. As the token is sent with every request, it's essential to consider the impact on bandwidth costs. Careful consideration should be given to the number of permissions included to avoid unnecessary bloat in the token size.

Token Lifetime and Permission Changes

One potential challenge with using custom claims is handling changes in permissions over the lifetime of a token. If a user's permissions change while their token is still valid, the token will Continue to grant access Based on outdated permissions. Implementing a mechanism to revoke access tokens when permissions change is crucial to maintain security and integrity.


In this article, we explored how to implement permission authorization using custom claims in JSON web tokens. We compared this approach to the traditional method of fetching permissions from the database and discussed the pros and cons of each method. By utilizing custom claims, we can significantly improve the performance of authorization requests and reduce the dependency on database calls. However, it's important to consider factors like token size and handling permission changes to ensure an effective and secure implementation.

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