Exciting Design Techniques Explained | Nov 6, 2023

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Exciting Design Techniques Explained | Nov 6, 2023

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. The November Design Chat
  3. Updates on AOY (Game Name)
  4. Updates on ARCS (Game Name)
  5. Overview of the Base Game Components
  6. Highlights of the Miniatures Box
  7. Highlights of the Leaders and Lore Pack
  8. Insights into the Rulebook Design
  9. The Revised Map Design
  10. Future Plans for Official Scenarios and Expansions
  11. Conclusion


Welcome to the November Design Chat! In this chat, we'll be discussing the latest updates on two exciting games, AOY and ARCS. AOY is an expansion for the popular game, while ARCS is a new standalone game. We'll Delve into the components of the base game, as well as highlight the Miniatures Box and Leaders and Lore Pack. Additionally, we'll share insights into the design of the rulebook and discuss the revised map design. Finally, we'll touch on future plans for official scenarios and expansions. So, let's dive in and discover what these games have in store for us!

The November Design Chat

The November Design Chat is here, marking the start of a busy season for game designers. As the holidays approach, the team is preparing for various events and travel, but there's still plenty to discuss. In this chat, we'll cover updates on AOY and ARCS, as well as other exciting projects. But before we get into the specifics, let's acknowledge the November hustle and bustle.

Updates on AOY (Game Name)

AOY, short for its official game name, is the focus of much anticipation and excitement. The team is currently working on expanding the game, and it's set to launch on Backer Kit soon. The expansion will introduce four new factions, new components, and gold coins for added Flair. Test play Sessions have been promising, with the new factions showcasing unique tactical elements that add depth and complexity to the game. Additionally, explore new exploration-Based expansion content, enriching the gameplay experience. With the campaign just around the corner, players can look forward to discovering the wealth of new content AOY has to offer.

Updates on ARCS (Game Name)

ARCS is inching closer to completion, with the team finalizing various elements to ensure a top-notch gaming experience. The base game, along with the Miniatures Box and Leaders and Lore Pack, has undergone rigorous testing and refinement. Prototypes have been approved, and final campaign files are being readied for production. The factory will soon begin creating the most accurate prototype, allowing for any necessary adjustments before final production. With the end in sight, the team is excited to share this game with eager players in the near future.

Overview of the Base Game Components

The base game of AOY is Jam-packed with components that offer a visually stunning and immersive experience. Inside the box, players will find detailed play aids that provide an overview of the game's flow and actions. The comprehensive rulebook, spanning 24 pages, is thoughtfully laid out and features examples and reminders to guide players through the gameplay. The punch boards contain various pieces, including the iconic wooden ship tokens and resource tokens that perfectly fit on the player boards. Moreover, the base game includes a diverse array of cards, such as action cards, lore cards, market cards, and more. The colorful dice, initiative marker, and chapter marker round out the components, ensuring players have everything they need for an epic gaming session.

Highlights of the Miniatures Box

For players seeking a tactile experience, the Miniatures Box is a must-have addition to AOY. Inside this compact yet stuffed box, players will find intricately designed and beautifully detailed miniatures. The factory has gone to great lengths to Create stunning miniatures that truly bring the game to life. With a mix of washes and careful choice of colors, the result is a set of miniatures that captivate on the gaming table. Each faction's miniature is thoughtfully crafted to reflect their unique traits and abilities, making for an immersive gaming experience.

Highlights of the Leaders and Lore Pack

The Leaders and Lore Pack adds an extra layer of depth to AOY, offering players new leaders and lore cards. With eight new leaders and 14 lore cards, players will have even more strategic options and ways to Shape their gameplay experience. The leaders boast unique powers and drawbacks, adding an element of asymmetry to the game. These leaders, along with the lore cards, provide opportunities for players to draft asymmetric factions or enhance the campaign mode. From the stunning artwork to the carefully balanced gameplay, the Leaders and Lore Pack is an essential addition to AOY.

Insights into the Rulebook Design

The rulebook of AOY is a testament to excellent design and Clarity. The team has taken meticulous care to ensure that every rule is clearly explained and easily accessible to players. With a total of 24 pages, the rulebook provides comprehensive coverage of various game mechanics and examples. It features a user-friendly layout, complete with callouts and reminders to facilitate a smooth gaming experience. The careful Attention to Detail and intuitive design make the rulebook a valuable resource for both new and experienced players.

The Revised Map Design

The map of AOY has undergone a revision to improve legibility and visual appeal. The new design features brighter colors and enhanced texture elements, ensuring that the board is vibrant and visually striking. Additionally, the colors of the player pieces have been carefully selected to contrast with the board, making it easy for players to spot their pieces at a glance. With these updates, the revised map design offers a more immersive and enjoyable gameplay experience.

Future Plans for Official Scenarios and Expansions

The team has exciting plans for AOY, including the development of official scenarios and future expansions. Official scenarios will allow players to enjoy focused gameplay experiences, playing through individual acts or specific storylines. These scenarios will enable players to dive deeper into the world of AOY and explore different aspects of the game's rich lore. Furthermore, future expansions are on the horizon, promising new factions, components, and gameplay mechanics. As AOY continues to evolve, players can look forward to expanding their gaming experience and discovering new possibilities within the game.


In this November Design Chat, we've explored the updates and highlights of AOY and ARCS, provided an overview of the base game components, and discussed the revised map design. The impressive Miniatures Box and Leaders and Lore Pack have been showcased, offering players additional options and a heightened gaming experience. The insights into the rulebook design and the future plans for official scenarios and expansions provide a glimpse into the exciting future of these games. As players dive into these immersive worlds, they can expect rich gameplay experiences and endless possibilities. So grab your gaming group, set up the board, and embark on epic adventures with AOY and ARCS!

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