Exploring Open AI Gym: From World to Environment

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Exploring Open AI Gym: From World to Environment

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. The Concept of Environments in Game Development
    • 2.1 The World Type in Haskell
    • 2.2 The OpenAI Gym in Python
  3. Implementing Environments in Haskell
    • 3.1 Using Type Classes in Haskell
    • 3.2 Defining the Environment Type Class
    • 3.3 Implementing Functions for the Environment Type Class
    • 3.4 Creating a Run Function for Monads in Haskell
    • 3.5 Extending the Environment Type Class with Rendering
  4. A Comparison of OpenAI Gym and Haskell Environments
  5. Conclusion

The OpenAI Gym and Environments in Game Development

In the realm of game development, the concept of environments plays a crucial role. Environments store information about a game and provide methods to Interact with and manipulate that information. This article explores the similarities and differences between environments in Haskell and the OpenAI Gym framework in Python. We will dive into the implementation of environments using type classes in Haskell and compare it to the functionality offered by the OpenAI Gym.

The World Type in Haskell

In Haskell, the World type serves as a container for both Mutable and immutable information about a game. It represents the state of the game, including the GRID and the Current location of the player. Various functions are implemented to manipulate the World and perform actions such as drawing the game, changing the world Based on user input, and evolving the world naturally. By creating an initial World, the game begins.

The OpenAI Gym in Python

The OpenAI Gym is a widely used framework for teaching AI algorithms and machine learning techniques. It introduces the concept of an environment that closely resembles the World idea used in Haskell's gloss library. The OpenAI Gym's environment offers methods to Create and reset the environment, access observation information, perform actions, observe rewards, and render the environment. However, the lack of type Clarity in Python makes it challenging to understand the specifics of the environment's information.

Implementing Environments in Haskell

To recreate the environment concept in Haskell, we can leverage the power of type classes and monads. By defining a type class, we can associate types corresponding to the environment state, action, and observation with a class variable. Within the type class functions, we can manipulate these types to produce observations, describe available actions, and reset the environment.

The implementation of the step function allows us to progress the game by taking an action and producing a new observation, along with a reward and a boolean indicating if the game is completed. Additionally, a run function is introduced to execute actions in the environment's monad and convert them into IO actions.

To facilitate rendering the environment, a new type class can be derived from the base class, inheriting both the environment and IO constraints. The render function is then implemented within this subclass.

A Comparison of OpenAI Gym and Haskell Environments

While both OpenAI Gym and Haskell environments serve similar purposes, the Haskell implementation offers greater type clarity and flexibility. By utilizing type classes and monads, Haskell environments provide a more concise and structured approach to game development. The OpenAI Gym's environment, on the other HAND, allows for a broader range of functionalities directly supported by Python's dynamic nature.


Environments are vital components of game development, serving as repositories for game information and enabling interactions with that information. Haskell's approach to environments using type classes provides a clear and concise structure, offering better type clarity and flexibility. By understanding the similarities and differences between Haskell environments and the OpenAI Gym, developers can choose the suitable framework for their specific game development needs.


  • Haskell environments leverage type classes and monads to provide a structured approach
  • OpenAI Gym offers a broader range of functionalities but lacks type clarity
  • Understanding the concept of environments is crucial in game development


  1. What is an environment in game development?
    • An environment in game development is a component that stores information about the game and provides methods for manipulating and interacting with that information.
  2. What is the World type in Haskell?
    • The World type in Haskell represents the state of the game, including the grid and the player's current location, and provides functions to perform actions on the game.
  3. How does the OpenAI Gym compare to Haskell environments?
    • The OpenAI Gym is a popular framework in Python that introduces the concept of environments. While both serve similar purposes, Haskell environments offer greater type clarity and flexibility.
  4. How can Haskell environments be implemented?
    • Haskell environments can be implemented using type classes and monads. Type classes define the structure and behavior of an environment, while monads allow for sequencing of actions.
  5. What are the advantages of using Haskell environments?
    • Haskell environments provide a clear and concise structure for game development, with better type clarity and flexibility. They allow for easier debugging and testing of game logic.

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